Mob ransacks school over minor's molestation

New Delhi, Dec 6 (IANS): Angry over the alleged molestation of a four-year-old girl in a private school, hundreds of people, including the victim's parents, on Thursday ransacked the school in west Delhi, police said.

The incident occurred in Ranhola when residents gathered outside the school seeking action against the culprit. They went on to damage its property such as boards, furniture and window panes.

Police used batons to disperse the mob, Deputy Commissioner of Police Seju Kuruvilla said.

"The victim's mother had complained to the police that her daughter was inappropriately touched by another student, a four-year-old, or perhaps by someone else inside the school," he added.

The victim was found bleeding from her private parts, the mother said.

The parents alleged that when they went to the school on Thursday, the principal did not listen to their grievances and instead pushed them out of the building, leading to the mob fury.


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