Credibility of institution rests on those who run them: SC

New Delhi, Dec 7 (IANS): The Supreme Court on Thursday said the credibility of an institution is maintained by the people who run them and this cannot be hostage to media reports.

"The credibility of the institutions is best maintained by the people who man it. You maintain your own standards, credibility of the institution will be maintained," said a bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, rejecting a mentioning for an urgent hearing of a PIL referring to a media report that former Chief Justice Deepak Misra was remote controlled.

Apparently annoyed at the lawyer mentioning the PIL for an urgent hearing, CJI Gogoi said: "What is the urgency? You file. We will decide what to do. Credibility of the institution is maintained by those who man it and it is not determined by newspaper reports."


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