Shivpuri (Madhya Pradesh), Feb 3 (IANS): In Madhya Pradesh's Shivpuri district, the police on Saturday summoned a rooster along with its owner after the cock pecked at a girl's cheek causing bleeding. However, the matter was sorted out with mutual understanding, police said.
According to police officer Rachna Rana, who is deputed at Physical Road police station, five-year-old Ritika was playing outside her home when a rooster -- who belongs to her neighbour Pappu Jatav -- pecked at her cheek.
"Soon after girl's parents came to know that she was injured, they went to the police station demanding action against the rooster's owner," said Rana.
But the drama took an interesting turn when the police summoned Pappu along with his rooster.
"As police summoned Pappu and the rooster, his wife also reached there and urged the police to put her in jail but return the cock," said sources.
She also promised a 'house-arrest' of the chicken. "I promise it will not roam on the road now onwards," she said.
"As both sides agreed to compromise, we did not take any action," said Rana.