New Delhi, Apr 15 (IANS): The Union Cabinet on Monday gave ex-post facto approval to two Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between India and Bolivia in the fields of medicine and homeopathy and geology and mineral resources.
The MoUs were signed in Bolivia in March, said an official statement.
The agreement in the Field of Traditional Systems of Medicine and Homeoopathy will provide a framework for cooperation and will be mutually beneficial between the two countries for the promotion of traditional systems of medicine and homeopathy, it said.
"It will lead to promotion and propagation of traditional systems of medicine and homeopathy in Bolivia, and will boost the importance of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeoopathy) systems of medicine in Bolivia.
"The MoU will further facilitate the exchange of experts for training for the practitioners and scientists undertaking collaborative research, which will lead to new innovations in drug development and practice in Traditional Systems of Medicine," the statement said.
The ex-post facto approval to the MoU in the field of geology and mineral resources will provide an institutional mechanism between the two countries, it said.
"The MoU provides for the exchange of information on resources, laws and policy, organization of seminars to exchange views on development strategies, encouragement of transfer of technologies between the two countries, promotion of value addition, which will enable taking up of activities like documentation and dissemination."