Bengaluru: Textiles merchant's murder – Daughter and her lover arrested

Daijiworld Media Network - Bengaluru (SP)

Bengaluru, Aug 20: Relating to the murder of a textiles merchant at Rajajinagar here on Sunday, August 20, the police have taken into custody the merchant's daughter's lover into custody and questioned the daughter.

Jayakumar Jain (43), owner of Dileep Apparels at Rajajinagar fifth block here, was murdered and then torched, the police have claimed. His 15-year-old daughter and her lover, identified as Praveen (18) from Rajajinagar have been arrested. Jain and his wife, Poojadevi, who saw their daughter roaming around with Praveen to shopping malls, having fun and getting engaged in prolonged telephonic conversations, had scolded and advised her to mend her ways, it is said. The parents, it is said, also snatched away the cellphone of their daughter. Angered by this, the girl planned to kill her father with the help of her lover, it is said.

Jayakumar Jain (left) and Praveen

Jayakumar Jain from Puducherry used to live in fifth block, Rajajinagar here, with wife Poojadevi, daughter, and a 12-year-old son. Poojadevi and her son had left on August 17 to take part in a family function at Puducherry, leaving Jayakumar and daughter behind.

Praveen, it is said, is a first year BCom degree course student. He frequented his girl friend's house. The daughter, who was angry over objections raised to her relationship by her parents, planned to eliminate her father by taking advantage of the absence of her mother and brother. During the police questioning, the girl initially said she had visited a relative's house for breakfast in the morning and on her return, saw her father having been engulfed in flames. But the police, who grew suspicious after noticing a burn injury on her forehead, questioned her and her lover and got to know the full story. Praveen is under arrest while the girl is undergoing treatment at the hospital, it is said.

Before leaving home to see off her mother and brother, the girl reportedly had offered milk mixed with sleeping pills to her father. When returning from the railway station, she called her friend to reach her home. As soon as he reached her house, both of them stabbed Jayakumar Jain, who was in slumber, indiscriminately. They then ragged his body to the toilet, changed their clothes and washed them in the washing machine. They also tried to wipe off the blood stains on walls and bed sheets. In the morning, they brought petrol from a petrol bunk in two bottles, sprinkled the same on the body of Jain and ignited fire. Legs of both the people suffered some burn injuries as their feet were soaked in petrol. Thereafter, the girl went to the terrace, and raised an alarm about fire tragedy. The neighbours then called the fire brigade. The firemen informed the police after dousing fire.

The two tried to blame electrical short circuit for the fire. Praveen had brought a knife from his house and the girl used the knife found in her house for attacking Jain. City (north) deputy police commissioner Shashikumar, said that the family of Praveen is respected and his parents are decent people. They were not aware about the deeds of their son. Praveen is now being questioned further, he added.


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  • Rajan, Bengaluru

    Wed, Dec 25 2024

    What is the daugher's name? Why is it not revealed?

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  • K Poojary, Muscat, Mangaluru

    Wed, Aug 21 2019

    The cunning girl and her lover (villion of truth) both must be hanged in public in broad daylight for their crime!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flora Dsouza, kalmady/Jerimeri-Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Cant believe at all!!! A 15 years old daughter became so cruel towards her own father!! From where all they get such plans. No parents will allow their children at this young age to behave like this, they have full right to correct them. To bring up children how much parents put their efforts, sacrifice but where these children understand. This is very bad incident. Both should be punished. May the Soul of Mr.Jaikumar rest in peace.

    DisAgree Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Katapadi/Bangaluru

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Bad incident and tough to believe indeed.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nancy, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Repeating my yesterday's comment- Couples- who don't have kids for any reason, don't feel sad or curse God for not blessing you with kid. After reading this incident, you all should just enjoy your life and leave rest on God.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [70] Reply Report Abuse

  • precilla crasta, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Well said.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shashi Shetty, Santhoor

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Yeah.. you are right. moreover, how can any parents trust their kids ? really scary .

    DisAgree Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dan M, Dubai / Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Our Lady on youth and hell.

    Message to Enoch.

    February 24, 2019

    Hell is full of souls that broke the Sixth Commandment

    My Beloved Children, the Peace of my Son be with all of you and my Love and Motherly Protection, always accompany you.

    The struggle between the forces of good and the hosts of evil has already begun in your world. Be alert and vigilant so that you can repel the attacks and incendiary darts of the forces of evil; pray my faithful children for the youth of the whole world, because it is the most vulnerable and the least resistant to my adversary. Modernism and technology are driving millions of young souls to their doom; the sins of the flesh are stealing the soul of youth.

    Ignorance of the Divine Decalogue is causing many a daily break, especially the Sixth Commandment of the Law of God that says: You will not fornicate, or adulterate, or consent, or commit any impure act. Little children, this Commandment of the Law of God is one of the most broken by the men and women of today; its breaking is causing many souls to be lost. Hell is full of souls for breaking this Commandment.
    I want more prayer and less technology in your homes; help me with this, parents of my family, because my Heart of the Mother of humanity, is in pain because of the loss of so many young people who today lie in the depths of hell, for the lack of love, dialogue, prayer and above all for the lack of God in so many homes. I count on you parents, come on my little shepherds; evangelize with the Divine Precepts to your children and devote more time to prayer, so that the Love of God may be reborn in you, in your children and homes!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Wed, Aug 21 2019

    Nancy mumbai,Dont say that .Not all children are like this criminals. Exceptions have everywhere.Having children is a blessing ,which is not always given to some ,.That may have its own reasons.But this is a ultra criminal daughter who got wild for snatching off her phone.Many cases say that taking off their phones has lead to dangerous situations,like here..What this girl did is not to mention in words.she should be punished.Own father to kill with help of lover ,both are teens is absolute horrible.Now she can see how her future will be prison I am sure.she took her father away from her life,fro brother at a small age.and mother .shame to family,hersellf whole family.May his soul rest in peace.Heartfelt sympathy to the family.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Janani, Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Age for criminal responsiblity should be lowered in India, in most of the countries it is 10-12 years.. Boy is arrested and the girl is just getting "questioned".. if a person is sound enough to plot a murder then should be old enough to face criminal trail.. Such violent people are threat to the society, hence should be kept away from society irrespective of age..

    DisAgree Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jhanavi, mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    We literally call 15 year kid ... now its changed.. parents have to be very careful while upbringing children. Now a days kids get addicted to drugs, alchohol and do whatever they want... just imagine the girls mentality .. how could she kill her own father... whats happening to this world.. we parents have to question our self as to are we trying to give our kids the luxury thinking our kids require it and they will be happy ....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manju, Kasaragodu

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    What a horrific incident. People don't care about anybody. They just want their wishes to be fulfilled. Many a times I feel I am not a good person, but when I see incidents like this I thank God that I am a far better human being. Really a sad story of the father. Now let both the young lovers spend their lives in jail.

    DisAgree Agree [73] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Kirem

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Why you should think and feel that you are not a good person...? You develop positivity in yourself... The things that makes you to feel so.. Keep trying to avoid them and with the positive power and self control and discipline you will be the best person always... Be positive.. God bless

    DisAgree Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dan M, Dubai / Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Our Lady on sexual abuses.

    July 14, 2019

    Message to Enoch.

    Pray with my Holy Rosary for all the sexually abused minors in the world

    "My Beloved Little Children, may the Peace of my Lord inundate your hearts and my Motherly Love and Protection, accompany you always.

    Little children, child abuse is on the rise, my children are being sexually abused, from their most tender age. Many heartless parents, stepfathers and family members are the ones who abuse in greater number; the spirit of impurity of sexual abuse of minors is destroying the innocence and the dreams of my infants, leaving traumas for life in them.

    A sexually abused minor turns tomorrow into another abuser, or sexual impure: homosexual, lesbian, or prostitute. The abused minors lose their self-esteem, their confidence and grow with hatred, resentment and vengeance, against the person or the people who abused them. A sexually abused minor falls into depression, into doubt, fear, anxiety, into isolation and identity crisis, which can take him to (commit) suicide. The trauma from sexual abuse is only healed with forgiveness and with the prayer of inner healing. The adults who have been sexually abused in their childhood must take refuge in my Immaculate Heart and must consecrate themselves to It, so that they can find peace and healing. My Holy Rosary in the Sorrowful Mysteries and the Rosary of the Most Precious Blood and Wounds of my Son, are powerful remedies to free the wounded and battered heart of my abused minors.

    Little children, pray with my Holy Rosary for all the sexually abused minors in the world; seek my Holy Intercession for them, so that they may forgive, forgive themselves, and thus heal themselves from their trauma. Little children, who have been abused, ask Me to heal you interiorly; pray my Rosary of Inner Healing, with the Luminous Mysteries and ask for the healing of the trauma of sexual abuse, which is in the child within you. If you do it with faith and perseverance, you will attain healing. Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, my abused children, and you will find in it, refuge, peace and consolation, for your tormented heart.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dan M, Dubai / Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019


    Given by Our Lady to Enoch.
    July 14, 2019

    OH Mary Help of Christians, in your Heart my Beloved Mother, I place my tormented heart. Give me the Grace, My Mother, to forgive those who hurt me in my childhood adolescence and youth. (Names of people to forgive) Deliver me from myself and help me forgive myself, so that I may receive the Grace of your Inner Healing. Amen.

    Prayer of Consecration to the Virgin

    Oh my Lady! Oh my Mother! I offer myself entirely to You. And in proof of my filial affection, I consecrate to thee on this day, my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my heart; in a word my whole being. Since I am all yours Oh Mother of goodness, keep me and defend me as your belonging and possession. Amen.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Samuel Sadanand, Balmata/ Kuwait

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    ಪ್ರಾಯ ದೋಷ

    DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Cant digest the news. A 15 year old girl with such harsh mentality. How could such small young people muster courage to think of committing murder??? Where is the world going?? The use of social media, mobile phones has damaged the mindset of youngsters. Even we have kids. Really worried about future generations. God please save people, and let peace & justice prevail everywhere.

    DisAgree Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    loving & eloping with da lover will b banned by yeddy, chaddi & chaiwala soon

    DisAgree [74] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishna, Udupi

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    u mean mohaka thare ramya and Raphel cant love?????

    P Appu will be happy then...

    DisAgree [16] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ravi,, Udyavara

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    1st you can't control your family properly...then you blame state, country, world, etc because of own failure ... you will be called VERY IMPOTENT

    DisAgree [10] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    chaiwala's polices r da biggest failure. he couldn't control his own family. ask him man.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    @ravi, if u have females in your house u can check my potency. simply don't scrub w/o knowing

    DisAgree [22] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Samir, Sibarur, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    David, I think your mindset is also corrupt and vicious. You really need an introspection of yourself. Clean up your mind fast, otherwise with this kind of thinking, I have no doubt that you will harm yourself !

    DisAgree [6] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sudhakar, Kallianpur

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    David Pais,

    See the "DISAGREE"

    Just shouting I am the true believer of my faith is not enough.... I should follow that....

    DisAgree [11] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rolf, Dubai

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Don't judge on Disagree.
    when asked before election who will win many agreed for congress.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    sudhakar, i know how 2 increase da agree & disagree. manipulated by 1-2 bhaktas. u can enjoy. i enjoyed when da bhaktas with knowledge voted 2 chiwala 4 da 2nd term blindly. i don't write blindly. c da truth and enjoy. not da false.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prashant Karkera, Hejamady/Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 20 2019

    Such statements come from pessimists only ....

    DisAgree [10] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

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