By Prof Austin Pais
Mangaluru, Sep 3: Employment is all about getting a job or searching for a job. Employability: is about having an effective mix of skills, attributes and attitudes in order to be employed and function successfully in required roles. Outcome Based Education means how to bridge the gap between Employability and Employment. Some of the most sought-after employability skills are:
- Communication/teamwork skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Responsibility
Exhibiting such skills (in addition to basic employment skills) proves that you would be a valuable asset to an organization not just in position you are being considered for, but in many other spots as well. In other words, because you have these soft skills, it is probable that you are able to fill more than one role within a company.

Perhaps the most important employability skill or characteristic is being a lifelong learner. While the run-of-the-mill worker may be stuck in the same job for years on end because they are unwilling (or unable) to learn higher-level skills, lifelong learners are not just able to quickly learn new skills and information – they actively work to do so.
Hypothesis: Every admitted student is capable.
Normally engineering courses cost about 8 lac for 4 years. After finishing the course, there is no guarantee of getting good job. After the course, getting a job with salary of Rs 20,000 pm is also of not satisfactory as compared to money spent for the course.
Today even science degree or arts degree students get Rs 20,000 in many clerical government jobs or digital online jobs. First 2 years the fundamental subjects related to the discipline with outcome based education method, are to be taught. Next two years the students should have the option of selecting only industry oriented skilled courses with hands on experience by industrial experts under Industry Institutions Interaction basis with placement oriented way.

For higher studies, aspiring students, more research focus should be given. For entrepreneurs, special focus should be given similarly. This is the need of the hour today.
Outcome: Admitted student is placed with decent job or packed for higher studies or developed as an entrepreneur.
(Prof Austin Pais is Assistant Professor in E&C Department, Yenepoya Institute of Technology CEO & Founder of Trainident)