Bantwal : Victory for Aysha - She can Attend classes Wearing Scarf

Bantwal : Victory for Aysha - She can Attend classes Wearing Scarf

Mangalore, Sept 4 (DHNS) : Aysha Ashmin, who made headlines protesting against the college's refusal to allow her to wear scarf, has succeeded in partially in her efforts. 
Sri Venkatramana Swamy (SVS) College in Bantwal, near here, has agreed to allow her to attend classes wearing headscarf. But for how long it will allow her to wear the headscarf of her choice is still not clear.

At a meeting convened by Mangalore University Vice-Chancellor Prof K M Kaveriappa at the University Syndicate Hall on Thursday, the college management agreed to allow her to wear the headscarf but disclosed that it would introduce dress code inside the campus. It only said that girl could use dupatta of the salwar kameez as headscarf.

Prof Kaveriappa told Deccan Herald that Aysha can attend classes wearing the headscarf. Also, headscarf will be  optional, Kaveriappa said. Aysha was not allowed to attend classes since August 7. She had to skip the internal exams which began on August 17.

SVS College Principal Dr Seetharama Mayya, correspondent Ganesh Prabhu, Bantwal MLA B Ramanath Rai, Mangalore MLA U T Khader, Mangalore University Syndicate member P V Mohan and registrar Prof Chinnappa Gowda were present at the meeting.

When contacted, Aysha Ashmin told Deccan Herald that she is happy to get justice at last. "I am happy with the decision and extremely thankful to the college management. I am willing to go to SVS College again wearing headscarf. But my parents and relatives are unhappy with my decision," she said, adding that she may try to join some other college.

SVS College correspondent Ganesh Prabhu told Deccan Herald that the institute will introduce a dress code in the campus.  Accordingly, girls will have to wear salwar kameez, while boys will have to wear trousers and shirt. Those girls who want to wear a headscarf can use the dupatta as one.

Further, Prabhu said that Aysha Ashmin can attend classes if she adheres to dress code, which will be introduced soon. However, she has already decided not to continue education in SVS College, he said, adding that girls will not be allowed to wear shawl of any other colour once the dress code was introduced.


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  • Firoz Kuwait, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 06 2009

    I Appreciate Mr.Zaheer Kuwait for your good comments. Thanks to Daijiworld.

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAM

    Sun, Sep 06 2009

    Special thanks to SVS college management & all concerned who worked for the modest Dress code... It is a victory for all those parents who wants to see their children dressed in a more modest way.... More revealing dresses either by girls or boys is not good to the society....

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  • Capt.Cornelio, Mumbai

    Sun, Sep 06 2009

    If few people think its a victory a big NO.It is a sign of arogance on part of the student.we need to humble in life if we have to acheive something to become great.It was sad on the part of community/religion to encourge such incidents.

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  • sonu, udupi

    Sun, Sep 06 2009

    Good to know that the issue has been solved. But, Why are we talking about the dress and other things. We send children to school to get good education. Uniform system is best to avoid all these problems where all the children are inspirte of caste, creed and religion are the same. Now it is teachers and parents turn to guide their students and childrent to be a good civilian.

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  • thameem ullal, Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 05 2009

    Congtats...ayisha .good luck for your future.All the best , thanks daiji appreciated ,You guys followed the the report until the justice.

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  • Abdul Niyaz Ullal, dubai

    Sat, Sep 05 2009

    Hats off to svs college and its principal dr sitharama mayya at last they have solved the issue

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  • Naushad rasheed , mangalore,riyadh

    Sat, Sep 05 2009

    first of all congrates ayesha, u showed that there is justice if u fight in a legal way

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  • Abdulrub, Gangolli/Saudi Jubail

    Sat, Sep 05 2009

    Dr Seetharama Mayya any way we all are happy about your co-operation allah will blesss you.

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  • Anand, Dubai

    Sat, Sep 05 2009

    Because of this decision, the students of the College from now on will have to adhere to a uniform. Although justice has been done to Ayesha, it is not fair to impose uniforms to other students. Until now, students were keen to jump from high school to College in the hope of more freedom. Now it will make no difference.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Sep 05 2009

    Its not a victory for any community as mentioned by some readers. Its victory of ones right to practice and faith. Duppata is more than enough to cover the head and face and if it comes with dress code its the best. Nobody should use the color of their choice but the color of the college dress code. The justice is done and lets not blow it out of proportion and create vengence in others mind. Cool. India is not a theocratic state but a secular democratic state.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Sep 05 2009

    Its not a victory for any community as mentioned by some readers. Its victory of one right to practice and faith. Duppata is more than enough to cover the head and face and if it comes with dress code its the best. Nobody should use the color of their choice but the color of the college dress code. The justice is done and lets not blow it out of proportion and create vengence in others mind. Cool. India is not a theocratic state but a secular democratic state.

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  • Bulsam, Mamgalore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Salwar Kameez with Dupatta covering head & face is more than enough to attend any college. One need not make themself look totally different from others around them. Islam has told the believers to comply with the environment around him/her with minimum conflict but without violating the Islamic code.

    Salwar Kameez with Dupatta covering the face & head definately complies with minimum Islamic code. Hindu/Muslim extremists should avoid their idiology in the educational institutions. All the educational institutions are meant for learning to become a civilised human being & not to display their personal religion in their extreme form. Concentrate on studies & become a great personality & a humble human being, Jai ho!

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  • Aslam Ali, Udupi UAE

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    This is the Victory of whole Muslim Community. Ayesha you are Great.

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  • zaheer, kuwait

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    congtats ,ayisha .good luck for u r future.may god bless u

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  • AH Moolur, Sharjah

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Great news!!! Thanks Daiji. This is not only Ayesha''s victory, rather the entire muslim community girls. Well done Ayesha for being the commander of this battle for the community, this will be the history and the victory you have provided to the community will never be forgotten. Jai hind.

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  • shaan, bangloe/Dubai

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    where is Fight there is Justice..

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  • jp kudroli, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    It is really a goood news that Ayesha has started to go to college, it is not a must what she is wearing and even parents please when your daugther is ready to go to college with dress code given by the concerned authorities please encourage her to make up her mind to study and become a good student as she already lost so many classes and she might be with tense of covering the portion which she missed during her absence. So this is the time every one of her friends and parents has to support her to come up with new mood to continue her study and get passed with the good marks. As all we mangaloreans are really good with heart we all live with full of peace ,dont allow some body because of some silly reason to spoil our peace full life. We all prey with God to keep mangalore as peacefull city for all religions

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  • jay kishesh, udipi

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Its a great victory for the college.. now they will introduce dress codes so no other ayeshas can play politics in any colleges...or educational institutions...Its a defeat for Ayeshas supporters in the name of religion.. and i am sure no coleege will tolerate religion of any sorts to meddle in their educational systems..i mean any religion.....

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  • irfan, irfan mangalore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Indian constitution guarantees certain fundamental rights to its citizens and these guarantees are not even dreamed of in Western countries constitution. Indian constitution by far the most rightworthy. In recent years these rights have been denied in western countires to its Muslim women and girls. Here Mr Nayak has again reitrated these rights. Muslim women have the fundamental rights to wear burka or head scarf. I personally prefer this pracice and it is most honourable and I appreciate Muslim women to uphold this tradition for the good of society. Jai ho and be allah bless you all.

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  • Nihar, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Now I am thinking that finally problem solved peacefully. Ayesha already faced lot of problems. For last one month she is not attending the college, this is biggest problem for her, not only that she also lost her mental peace. Any way for some extent problem is solved.

    I am requesting all the peace loving of people of Mangalore especially SVS students pls support Ayesh to coninue her education. Dont make politics in the college, don''t think about others dress, just concentrate on study. This is very important. Dear SVS students, Ayesh also same like u, she is also coming to college to study. So, let her to continue her education.

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    Fri, Sep 04 2009


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  • Somya, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Very well said mr Anil. thanx for ur positive thinking. if everyone thinking like this then no problems in our country. hats of u anil for ur gud comment. god bless u

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  • Ayesha Haneen, Mangalore/ Riyadh

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Thanks to the College Management, V.Chancellor, Mr. Ramanath Rai and Mr. U.T. Khader. We Karavali people must settle any such incident in a peaceful and healthy manner. We should not interefere communal elements to destroy our peace in the district. The whole episode was due to lack of relegious knowledge among the Management and teachers, and mis communcations. Now Ayesha has to concentrate on her studies and one day I wish she will become a top official of our District.

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  • Vishal Shetty, Mangaolore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    It is good that my city has shown its true values. Let us not divide ourselves. Let the life go on.

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  • Satish Rao, Mulky

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    This girl wanted cheap publicity. Now she can join politics.

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  • Anil, Bangalore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    It might be a legal/procedural victory for Ayesha and all those who feel that the move to stop her attending the classes on the grounds of wearing a scarf was wrong. But I am afraid she may have to face the cold treatment of her teachers and peers which can extremely traumatising in an institution that has been constantly accused of intolerance.

    My wish is that she also gets an institutional and social acceptance too. Nevertheless, what Ayesha has achieved is a huge acceptance of democratic values and rule of law.

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  • jacintha, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Fair enough. SVS Management has shown wisdom and ability for negotiation well. I hope all of us learn to move a little from our rigid stand, yet make our point in a healthy way. Kudos to SVS and Ayesha with family, and all those who actively resolved this issue.

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  • Ahmed, Bantwal / Dubai

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    Sister, Just complete this year and choose any other college for next year. I am sure that, the SVS management will hurt you in some other issues. Congatulation for your victory and AllMighty Allah will bless you

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  • seetha, bantwal

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    wel done. finally Aysha got the justice. but, it is not safe for her to , attend classes in the same institution.

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  • irfan, irfan mangalore

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    it is good........daiji

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  • naveen, udupi

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    really its very unfortunate this incident led so much problem in the district .In school and college all students are same they should not divide in the name of religion so parents should not support like this incident as Ayshas parent done it.

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  • Antony Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney Australia

    Fri, Sep 04 2009

    I don`t think it`s a victory to Aysha Ashmin as the headline of your news item claims, yes, it`s partially so, as you say, but not fully, for - the college has indicated that she can use only the dupatta of her salvar kameez as the head scarf, of the dress code, yet to be introduced by the them, which sounds fair enough and reasonable. But again, while Aysha is happy to go along with that, her parents are reluctant to do so, and therefore, I don`t think it`s a victory to them. So, once again, if she and her parents are not willing to strictly abide by the rules and the uniform regulations of the College, they would have to go somewhere else to pursue the education and in my personal opinion they would be better off to do so!

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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Sep 03 2009

    The colour of the scarp was not in debate..Miss Aysha wanted to cover her head with a scarp. Congratulations Aysha, atlast the college authorities who were blinded by communal descisions have opened their eyes !!!???? One must not forget covering the head by a lady was there in all religions and nowadays only a few are following...!!!! If one wants to follow, then we have to support and shall not discourage..!!??

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  • fathima, mangalore

    Thu, Sep 03 2009

    Scarf or burqa is back in many Islamic nations due to increased activities of banned muslim brotherhood. All those top university brass that were present at the meeting unaware of the dangerous precedence of Ayasha heading back with Scarf will put pressure on other progressive muslim girls in collage to wear scarf. We educated know that millions of women in Islamic world struggling to come out of this burqa and France is openly advocating the ban on Burqa. Hence decent men and women got to do their part to prevent this oppressive painful burqa system being carried over to the next generation. The fact is all those who vigorously advocate for burqa are men having fundamentalist views there by obstructing the women to get their basic human right to live as human.

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  • imran, Bangalore

    Thu, Sep 03 2009

    Hats off to SVS college and its principal Dr Sitharama Mayya.At last they have solved the issue.

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  • george borromeo, angelore, mangalore

    Thu, Sep 03 2009

    Dress code is a better solution, specially Salwar Kamiz for girls definitely will solve the problem of Muslim Girls.

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  • abdul , mangalore

    Thu, Sep 03 2009

    dear sir thanks you a lot Dr Seetharama Mayya any way we all are happy about your co-operation allah will blesss you and your family "Allahu Akbar Valillahil hamd " thanks and regards

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