Bangalore: City-based Kanara Entrepreneurs Launched in Style

Bangalore: City-based Kanara Entrepreneurs Launched in Style

Report and pics: Edward D’Souza
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Sep 22: Kanara Entrepreneurs (KE) launch programme was held on Sunday September 20, at Bangalore’s posh Le -Meridien hotel at 6:30 pm.

T V Mohandas Pai, director, Human Resources and member of Infosys Technologies Board, was the chief guest. P Jayarama Bhat, managing director, Karnataka Bank Ltd, was the guest of honour. The Archbishop of Bangalore, Bernard Moras, presided over the function. Ivan Fernandes, president of KE - Global, who was the special invitee, was also present.

A galaxy of successful entrepreneurs and leading businessmen as well as top professional executives attended the inaugural programme of KE, along with a delegation of key personalities in Kanara Entrepreneurs Ltd(KEL), Dubai, who flew in exclusively for this function.

President of KE, Charles Gomes, extended a warm welcome to the dignitaries on the dais and all invitees to the programme. A brief introduction of the KE was presented to the audience.

The programme commenced with lighting of the lamp.

Ivan Fernandes, chairman of KE – Global, who was instrumental in formation of KE, delivered his speech that was very inspirational for the entrepreneurs, duly laying stress on the need for innovation and launching of new products, which would capitalize on the business growth, rather than running businesses on price advantage alone.

Jayaram Bhat, the guest of honour, addressed the gathering, stressing on banking with honesty. He emphasized on utilizing the bank funds only for the purposes for which they were  intended.

Mohandas Pai, the chief guest, delivered the key note address. He ignited the minds and set the guidelines for successful entrepreneurship. He highlighted the necessity of imbibing ethical business practices with humility and compassion. To be successful in business, one has to sacrifice, have unique products / service, develop a team of talents, share the profit, and contribute to the welfare of the society, he explained.

Archbishop Bernard Moras, in his speech, expressed the need to reach out to the poor, feed the hungry, empower the weaker section and be the voice of the voiceless.

A state-of-the-art laser show was presented, as the Official KE logo was unveiled. A unique flash presentation was the highlight of the launch event.

At the end, president-elect Robinson D’souza, proposed the vote of thanks to all. Aaron Watson, who represented India in the Inernational speech Contest, held recently in USA., compered the programme.


Kanara Entrepreneurs was founded by 14 successful entrepreneurs on December 10, 2008, who are currently the lead members of the Association. They hail from the Kanara region.

KE, affiliated to Kanara Entrepreneurs–Global (KE–Global), is the second chapter after Kanara Entrepreneurs Ltd (KEL), Dubai, to have been started to foster, support and nurture entrepreneurship among people in the Kanara region, representing coastal and other parts of Karnataka. It comprises of successful, young and budding entrepreneurs, senior corporate executives and professionals willing to share their expertise, ideas and strengths with others for benefit of society.

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  • vishwa, mangalore\usa

    Wed, Sep 23 2009

    Is this all canara community organisation or only cristian community organisation? Just to my knowledge. Also it would have been better if the names of the 14 entreprunor was given. Any way all the best.

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  • Royston Prabhu, IXE/KSA

    Tue, Sep 22 2009

    Congratulations Ivan and the entire team of KE. Hope the organisation will help youngsters with a business vision to gain more from your guidance and advise.

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  • Anil, Halealve

    Tue, Sep 22 2009

    Wow. This i sjust great. I dint know we had so succussful enterpreuners from Kanara region. Great.

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