New Delhi, Apr 17 (IANS): The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on Friday said that it has revised the international termination charge from the fixed 30 paise per minute to a forebearance regime within a prescribed range of 35-65 paise per minute.
International termination charge (ITC) is the charge payable by an Indian International Long-Distance Operator (ILDO), who carries the call from outside the country, to the access provider in the country in whose network the call terminates.
"The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India today issued The Telecommunications Interconnection Usage Charges (Sixteenth Amendment) Regulations, 2020" which revise the present regime of fixed International Temination Charges (ITC) at Re 0.30 per minute to forbearance regime within a prescribed range of Re 0.35 per minute to Re 0.65 per minute," a TRAI statement said.
The development comes after TRAI issued a consultation on the international call termination charge in November last year.
The previous regime had come into effect on February 1, 2018, which revised the termination charge for international incoming call to 30 paise.