2009 : Collective Efforts of Triumvirate Brings Harmony in Mangalore

Mangalore : 2009 - Collective Efforts of Triumvirate Brings Harmony
by Florine Roche - Daijiworld Media Network

Mangalore, Dec 31 : The year 2009 began with a bang for Mangaloreans what with the pub attack bringing ignominy and national discredit to this coastal land of enterprising and intelligent people.   With the ghost of 26/11 lurking around with its ugly head the pub attack created a fear psychosis among the people largely because of the prevailing perception that the police force was hand in glove with the perpetrators of this heinous crime.  Credit goes to the top brass of the police force and the district administration for bringing back normalcy to the district against all odds and fortunately for the people of Mangalore the year passed off without any major incident despite efforts by anti social elements to fish in troubled waters. IGP Gopal Hosur, Superintendent of Police Dr A Subrahmanyeshwar Rao and District Commissioner V Ponnuraj worked in tandem to restore the much needed peace and sobriety to Dakshina Kannada district. They spoke to Daijiworld about the measures undertaken by them to ensure peace and harmony in the district. 

Gopal Hosur - Inspector General of Police (Western Range)

The confidence building measure began with the change of guard in the police force with. Gopal Hosur taking over as Dy. Inspector General of Police (Western Range) in February 2009 in the backdrop of the pub attack, who subsequently became Inspector General of Police in May 2009.  Known as a no-nonsense officer with credentials to match, Gopal Hosur has been able to bring some semblance of normalcy to this communally volatile district soon after taking over.  

 “The biggest challenge for the police force was to win the trust, love and respect of the community and the people.  The man on the road should feel safe to move around freely and we initiated some stringent measures in this direction”, Hosur pointed out.  

The first measure initiated was to identify the culprits and mischievous elements and also those who provide patronage and moral and material support to this mischievous lot, which he says his department has been able to achieve successfully.  The other step was building up a team of officers to ensure that the police deal with situations fearlessly.  A good team has been built and data collection of offenders/culprits is collected to keep a tab on them.  He also initiated steps to win the support of well-meaning citizens and opinion makers to segregate violent elements responsible for fermenting trouble.  The biggest challenge Hosur and his team faced was maintaining communal peace. He says “it was challenging because every day we had instances which had potential of disturbance of law and order”.   Goapl Hosur is also of the opinion that the people of this district have realized the futility of recurring disturbances as they affect every section of the society. 

Of course he admits that the moral policing is still very much active but is lying dormant at the moment.  “Whenever such instances have come to our notice we have interfered as our main objective has been to prevent violence. We have succeeded to a great extent in taming them. Our department has maintained constant communication with leaders of all levels of all communities to curb such activities.  We have succeeded in preventing major crimes by keeping a watch on the movements of anti-social elements” Hosur stated.   

Hosur agreed that the morale of the police force was at its lowest ebb when he took over as all the communities were trying to project the police as the villains.   The police had received a lot of flak after the attacks on places of worship and the subsequent incidents and pub attack of last year.  Accusing fingers were also pointed out at the police following the murder of Rasheed Malbari’s lawyer Naushad Kashmiji.  “It was the biggest challenge as some vested interests were making vile allegations.  I told the police not to bother about allegations as long as you don’t do wrong and assured them the department would stand by them whey they are right. This gave them enough confidence”, he explained. 

Underworld activities in the district have also been reduced in the last one year since Hosur took over and he wants to take this fight against them to the logical end. 

For the coming year the department is going to focus more on law violators. He also promised that policing in this area will witness a sea-change in the coming days and expressed hope that the citizens would be benefited to a great extent. 

He however gives all the credit to the ordinary policeman on the road, who he says, has been responsible for bringing normalcy to the district.  

Dr A Subramanyeshwara Rao, Superintendent of Police

Dr Subramanyeshwara Rao took over as SP in March 2009. He admits  2009 was like a kind of roller coaster ride as Mangalore was in turmoil with chaos ruling the roost.  According to him the local police force had taken up the challenge and never allowed things to go out of hand despite provocations.  

“As a society Mangalore was undergoing some kind of turmoil for reasons that cannot be specified.  Intolerance had crept in which is unnatural to Mangalore known to be historically tolerant.  Somehow our department tried to do the best to neutralize the evil elements and sustain the tempo of maintaining peace”, he asserts. 

Introduction of FIR Help Desk, a novel method of registering complaint, not prevalent in anywhere in Karnataka, was the first step in this direction. The department had also introduced three different modes of receiving complaints where people were not required to travel all the way to the police station to report minor incidents.  Online registrations of complaint, complaint through Intra-Voice Response System (IVRS) and through SMS were the three measures that have helped restore the confidence and trust of the people.  

24-member commando team was set up which is capable of responding within few minutes to any eventuality.  Dial 100 is equipped with 4 lines to make it easy and convenient for the public.  Rakshak vehicles have been introduced that can respond to any needs within 5 to 7 minutes of the reporting.  All these measures according to Rao had positive impact on the people and also on the police force.   

“Under severe media bashing the police force was a dejected lot especially after the pub attack. It was a challenging and testing period and we had to work on the law and order front, keep the morale of the police force high.  We tried to be as visibly impartial visibly as we could as visibility was required to restore the confidence of the people in the police force”, he pointed out.  

With the police riding high on the morale factor Rao has now decided to improve the living conditions of the police force which is in real shambles.  Shortage of force and heavy work load on the existing staff is also another worrying factor for the officials.  Improving their welfare conditions, especially with regard to housing is the major need and he has initiated necessary action in this regard.  

He sounds a word of prudence when he says “One cannot expect police to be Sathyaharishandras as they come from the same cross section of the society.  Unless the society improves and gets back to its old self we cannot expect wonders even though we are trying our best whatever little we can”. 

Finally he says 2009 has been a year of experimentation and the fruits of this experiment will bear fruit in the year 2010.  He expects Mangalore will settle down to its old charm by becoming more tolerant and friendly.  Otherwise it will be a year of fire fighting, he cautions.   

Velusamy Ponnuraj – District Commissioner

Known for his upright decisions and bold drive against illegal constructions V Ponnuraj taking over as District Commissioner in the beginning of the year 2009 was the best to happen to Mangalore which was reel under communal disharmony.  The pub attack in the same month he took over the charge was the major challenge that came on his way.  

He feels the strong message sent by the administration to all the communities and to the public at large was responsible for brining the much needed harmony in the district.  “It was a complete team work and no one can claim individual credit for whatever little we have been able to achieve. With people harboring apprehensions and doubts at every step we succeeded in giving them some hope when they needed it the most”.

However, he gives credits to the people of the district as he feels they were fed up with continuous conflicts and violence that had become commonplace in the district and wanted a violent-free atmosphere. With the earlier church attacks bringing national infamy, people started realizing the futile efforts of the strife.  Public criticism also made the communities realize the adverse impact of such friction which, he feels has played a pivotal role in bringing normalcy to the district.  

He foresees a good year ahead in 2010 as he feels self realization by the public is the greatest antidote against any antisocial act and expects peace and prosperity would prevail to bring back Mangalore to its old glory.   

Ponnuraj won accolades for his drive against illegally built bungalows on the Uchila beach near Ullal Someshwara initiated by the district administration. Despite intensive efforts to nullify this initiative by the high and the mighty including using political pressure he did not succumb and went ahead with his demolition drive. 

However he admits working under duress from diverse quarters but says he stood by his convictions.  “I had stated at the time of taking over the charge that my role would be that of a facilitator and catalyst and I have done nothing wrong that required going back on my own actions”.  

IT is true their collective team effort will bear fruits in the year 2010.  With realization dawning on the people one can expect a peaceful Mangalore in the year ahead.  With men like these at the helm of affairs it can be rest assured Mangalore is in safe hands.


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  • Shahab, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 04 2010

    Honest officers who are doing are their jobs sincerely should be whole hearted support by public . Then only they can perform their duty more easily .

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Jan 03 2010

    May God guide those officers to bring peace to the society. Peace is a creative force and the creators are called the " children of God" in the beatitudes of Jesus. The devil enjoy fight and bloodshed in the families and society, but God's will for us to be happy, caring and loving. Let us all work for peace everywhere in the new year, and tell the politicians firmly to keep their radical and venomous mouth to shut up.

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  • Dr. Jacinta D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 02 2010

    Happy New Year! Heartiest Congratulations to all the three upright and committed gentlemen - Mr. Gopal Hosur, Dr. A.S. Rao and Mr. V. Ponnuraj for restoring peace and harmony in Mangalore. Thank you very much for your selfless service. People can move about freely and with tremendous confidence. I pray that the Almighty shower choicest blessings on you and your families. May we continue to live in peace and fellowship and build bridges in our society.

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  • Francis, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 02 2010

    Hi Nagesh Nayak, Bangalore, see the tremendous response pours in from readers irrespective of caste and religions for these 'Three Gems' of Mangalore for their loyalty, sincerity and hardwork and not for the political leaders as mentioned by you. By this example, you need to learn a lot to comment henceforth. Jai Ho Mangalore, Jai Ho Trimurti.

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  • M K Prabhu, Mundkur/Bangalore

    Sat, Jan 02 2010

    Sitting in Bangalore and watching the happenings all over Karnataka, I have enough reason to feel proud of the fact that we are far better in South Kanara!(Mangalore-Udupi Belt) It looks like an Oasis in the desert! Thanks to Daiji World for providing stories about happening of the area with appropriate Photographs!

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    Sat, Jan 02 2010

    God bless these "3 Persons" who strive hard for the welfare and well-being of "Mangalore n Mangaloreans!!!' Hats off to you Sirs, for ur unceasing efforts! Keep going ...

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  • Krishna Nagraj, Mangalore

    Fri, Jan 01 2010

    You are right Mr.Hariprasad why some people like Nagesh give credit to these politicians? doesn't matter which ever party they belong to, it means here that there is no respect for these real Gentlemans... all the credit is given to the people who don't deserve.

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  • Hariprasad Hegde, Mangalore/Udupi

    Fri, Jan 01 2010

    I have lot of respect for these 3 personals who are thinking good of mangalore and for better future of mangalore...

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  • Hariprasad Hegde, Mangalore/Udupi

    Fri, Jan 01 2010

    some people over here in their comments are giving credit to politician, for what?

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  • Patrick, Mangalore

    Fri, Jan 01 2010


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  • Vishal Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    In maintaining the law and order have a iron fist, in treating the citizens, have a human heart and in responding to a crisis, have a knowledgeable team. Any district administration if maintains these 3 attributes, it will shine. We salute these officers' good job. As a case study people should visit Dubai and live here for 3 months. You will see what is social security, what is communal harmony and what is development. Mangalore has all the attibutes of Dubai. But only the strong adminstration is the need of the hour. I wish, Mangalore one day become a trading hub with lots of duty free zones so that people will prosper all around. I Love India, I Love Mangalore. Like Bangalore is remembered as IT hub, let us forget the pub and make Mangalore as Trading hub.

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  • Sauhan , Karnad Mulki / Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Ramesh, all comunal riots are political motivated and only for power. now its clear who is behind it!! -

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  • vashal, mangaore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    With greatfull hearts we thank and respect you sir.And say Happy new year to you.

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  • Shihab, KSA

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    I hole heartedly appreciate the team, special salute Dr. Rao for his impartial work. Still Mangalore is far from normal harmony life, we expect more from our Dist team in coming day so that all community of DK can live without fear. again I salute Dr. Rao. God bless you sir

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  • manish pinto, mangalore/ksa

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Yes,it is true that the three officers done excellent job to bringing peace in mangalore.Some Hindu,Muslim and Christian fundamentalist spoiled the peace of mangalore. Dont show one finger to others left four fingers pointing you.

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    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    These three Moorthies to be credited for their contribution in keeping peaceful -2009 in DK Dist.Same time District in charge minister also contibuted his part.Mr Palemar is non partisan gentleman.If politicians leaves alone police department,it's well and good to maintain LAW & ORDER.

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  • Ranjith D'Souza, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    I congratulate these three men and hundreds of people working behind the scene. However, it is too early to say everything is going great. We still have anti-Indian elements lurking around, ready to give logistic support to attacks on India. We still have 'moral police' taking law in to their own hands. We still have aggressive religious groups trying to offend other religions and sparking conflicts in our society. We have a long way to go before we can see a peaceful, secular mangalore. Jai Hind.

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  • Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Hats off to all three of you Officers, Mr. Gopal Hosur, Mr. V. Ponnuraj & also Dr. Rao. You three, collectively have done a great job to our city & district. Well 2009, did not begin with a pleasant note, we know. But with your collective efforts to bring our city back to what we called it as " OUR MANGALORE " is marvelous. We are proud of you and we wish to say : HATS OFF TO YOU SIRS..!!!"

    Please keep up the good work and hope things will fall in place. We wish you three, all the very best in the New Year 2010. May your sincere efforts to bring peace n harmony in town may continue with our support as citizens as well.

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  • kumar, kudla / dubai

    Thu, Dec 31 2009


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  • Mustak Shaikh, North Canara/Bangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Good job.. keep it up..Hope all communal violance culprits would be punished with accurate charges.

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  • manish, mangalore/ksa

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Undoutedly the three officers done wonderful job in bringing peace in mangalore.But some readers blaming RS,BD,BJP why If they dont want to peace they can do anything because they have power.Dont talk foolish.Some people and midea wanted to chew the same thing which is no taste. If some people support BJP what happend what that is crime.Everybody have right to choose and support express their comments.

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  • Francis, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Dear Radesh, Vamanjoor/Dubai, you have really managed to confuse readers the way at which you have written your comments. This article promulgates collective efforts of triumvirate brings harmony, whereas you are connecting this issue to Pakistan, Bajran Dal, BJP etc. Further you say that you do not belong to any politically party. What do you want to say. Please clarify.

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  • T.S.Hegde,Dubai,

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    HRP gang of three,with vision of Harmony,Reality and Progress.You are proved to the world we can plan,act and do like any other democratic country in the world.You understood the 'Theory of Constraints'and made the administration process to work with all focus and hard work to bring the ultimate improvement cycle for the community you work for.HRP,gang of three,with harmony ,reality and progress mantra made a history in the Managlore City's development saga and the role model for the Indian Administration,and the future generation.God bless you all and give strength to carry forward your noble mission to its logical end.

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  • Pradeep, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Dear Radesh, first of all I didnt understand what message you are trying to convey. Secondly, this forum calls for appreciation and / or critics about these 3 brave men. I think you are in the wrong forum and belong to Paki's who are uneducated !!

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  • Hanik, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a go. If honest police officers have the will to do their duties without prejudice, automatically their sub-ordinates will be on their toes. I am strongly of the opinion that there should be a ‘Police Commission’ in the line of ‘Election Commission’ and the politicians should not have any say in the performance, appointment, promotion or transfer of the police force.

    I am sure the whole atmosphere of the police force will have a radical change in short period. The Commission will see that they are better paid, provided with good housing, their children will have dignified life and foremost their working condition will be more humane & less stressed up.

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  • Radesh, Vamanjoor / Dubai

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    In Pakistan during "MOHARAM" holy procession many people died & injured, was it done by Bajrang Dal or BJP ?????. I'm not belonging to any political party who has not voted till now from my college life & will not.

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  • Henry Misquith, MANGALORE/BAHRAIN

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Such a beautiful country is being managed in such a disastrous manner..every day 1000's of crimes getting reported and much more than that unreported.. hard to say what will happen to our country in coming days. Politicians, police, govt & everybody in power wants to eat this country from inside. And obviously from outside countries like China.. we can't control ourself from inside, what will do outside???

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  • Mushtaq, Riyadh

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Despite these officers great work, peace is yet a nightmare to mangaloreans.

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  • Antony T. D Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    NATO, USA and its entire advanced military, air force still could not secure peace in the Afghanistan while our highly intellectual, efficient, sincere, committed, dedicated, honest TRIO ripped off the talibanization at the bud level and curtailed and prevailed over the terror strikes, criminals, underground mafias most efficiently and significantly and restored lost peace among all of us.

    One of the reason of their success should be their acting like disciplined soldiers, straightforward and act boldly, beyond politics. Everyone must learn from the TRIO’s objectively to be successful themselves. Thanks Daijiworld for brining out such a good article and Best Wisehs to The Best Trio.

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  • abdul , UAE

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    my friend nagesh u r wrong.mangaloreans got these three persons as god's gift for the peacefull days

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    We always appreciate these these 3 officer's. Keep it up dears, we are still hungry equal freedom secure & Peace for all religion.

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    These officers are men of integrity.They have shown how peace can be restored in trouble torn karavali. But some changes are necessary at the local police stations, where some police are fixed to the place for years. We hope that the coming year will be better.

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  • kumar, Udupi/Bangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    It is unfortunate that media is highlighting old things again and again. Nobody is interested in condition of either Shiradi ghat or the railway apathy of DK. There was some news that shiradi ghat will be concreted but as of now nobody is concerned about it including media

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  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Dy.Inspector General Gopal Hosur,Superintendent of Police Dr.A.Subramanyeshwara Rao and District Commissioner Velusamy Ponnuraj, I really apprecite all the hard and honest work you have done for the nation. A good Police officer is one who maintains honesty in all dealings, both in his work life and his personal life. Police Officers hold an important position of trust in our communities. The job of Police Officer is one of the most respected and honored jobs in the nation.

    Becoming a Police Officer is quite a challenging job. The public puts a certain amount of faith and trust in the Police Officer. They want the officer to uphold the trust. They want to know an Officer is serving all citizens fairly without prejudice, favoritism on special treatment of some people over others. All three of Police officers done wonderful duty around Mangalore.

    We Mangaloreans are  proud to have such a honest and hard working Police Officers. A special gift to show someone that you appreciate their hard work. May God Bless you all.

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    I join scores of people in saying Kodos to Mr.Poonaraj, Mr. Gopal Hasur and Dr. A.S. Rao. In the picture I see Mr. Gopal Hasur raising his hat but I would say HATS OFF TO YOU MR. GOPAL HASUR on the wonderful job you are doing along with Mr. Poonaraj and Dr. Rao. It is not an easy task to bring the situation to normalcy and it is only you sincere effort and dedication to duty that has helped you to bring about peace among people and ensured that all live in harmony. My hearty congrats to you and may your breed increase. Respectfully submitted by Joe Gonsalves

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  • Thomas Valder, Bahrain

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Thanks Florine Roche - Daijiworld for briefing the readers about three great gentlemen who shoulder the responsibility to maintain peace & harmony in Mangalore. May God give them the strength & vision to adhere to their oath & discharge their duties without bowing to the pressure of selfish politicians who are keen to create disharmony among different communities in Mangalore for their selfish motives. I wish 'Daiji' team, all its readers & each & every beloved Mangaloreans a very peaceful New Year 2010.

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  • Harish Balalya, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    I agree With brother Nagesh Nayak, Nice Comment, Keep it up

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  • Devika, mlore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    well happy new year, time is the factor to play a very important role when it happens in globalisation time will play its role. so goes everything still admiration is always there for a good deed.

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  • iqbal krishnapura (crystal), mukka

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    its a great job done by thes guys.

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  • Reheman, Dubai/Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Good comment Mr. Nagesh Mam. How come you missed the name of the great Renukacharya !!!!!

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  • Latif Mapal, Uppinagadi Jed

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    We are very fortunate to have these Three Supermen headle the Police and Administration departments. really appreciable  work.... keep it up

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  • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    BIG THANK YOU ALL WHO HAVE DONE GOOD JOB IN M'LORE. Do not forget if you do good from your heart whatever may be the cause in life GOD WILL BLESS YOU & YOUR FLY. We really happy to see 2009 year was good in Mlore without much communal disturbances. Still there is lot to be done then only M'lore as well as Karnataka prosper. God bless Mlore, Karnataka. Wish you all A Very Happy New Year 2009. God be with you in your services.JAI HO PEACE in Mlore.

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  • nazeer k.c road, kcroad

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    excellent job by this 3 officers we pray god's blessing for these officers...

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  • Shubha, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Thanks daijiworld for highlighting the efforts of these officers to restore normalcy in Mlore. The only credit for this achievement that can be given to the politicians is that they allowed these three upright officers to continue in Mlore and we hope they are allowed to continue here, till Mlore regains her lost glory....

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  • Francis, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Sad to say that our present political leaders in Karnataka and Moral Police (RS and RSS) have brought shame and disgrace to peaceful Mangalore due to recent pub attack case and attacks on Christians and Muslims. Thank God that all the three officers – Shri. Gopal Hosur, SP A. Subramanyeshwara Rao and DC Velusamy Ponnuraj are from Hindu community and not from either Christian or Muslim community. Otherwise our dear friend Nagesh Nayak would not have hesitated to comment on them and maligned their names. Jai Ho

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  • dasmond, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Constitutional authorities should discharge their constitutional reposibilities without fear or favor.The attack on churches and the pub attacks were obvious signs of the breakdown of the constitutional authority whether by design or by default?

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  • Vijay, Bangalore

    Thu, Dec 31 2009

    Thanks to all these gentlemen. God bless them.

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  • dawood, kaup

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Excellent duty by these three officers.keep it up.

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  • Jenny, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    I agree with Mr. Shahnawaz Kuttikatte what a comment superb dude....keep it up. Actually always i read your comments they are seriously worth reading and people like Naagi maamu oops i mean Nagesh Nayak deserve it. come on Mr. Nagesh Nayak wake up dont beat round the same  bush......know the world...jaago mohanpyaare....there many more politicians, DC's , commissioners who are worth to be praised and honoured not the people who play with money and power.. especially the politicians whom you mentioned...

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  • Sudhir, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    We need peace in Mangalore in 2010. Thanks to all 3 gentlemen, keep it up. Thee are many devils  who supports terror, make them sit quietly and make them Indians first.

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  • Imran, Kaikamba

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    The Result from responsible three officers and their followers that made activated Police system in DK, Thank you Sir.

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  • ramesh, udupi

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Well said Nagesh. i know some of them will not agree this. but shame on them because if any attack happened they will blame BJP saying BJP is behind these attacks. But if there is peace they will not support BJP. This clearly shows who were behind those attacks to bring bad name to BJP govt. JAI HO

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  • Abdul Hameed, Dubai/Krishnapura

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    We mangaloreans are proud that we are lovers of peace,credit goes to Mr.V.s.Acharya home minister for using all the ways to pressure minorities into trouble by using police force, Salute to our D.C.Mr.ponnuraj, lists of attacks on minorities essntial to be released, so that each citizens of Mangalore should know what the Police force did in 2009, with best hope atleast 2010 will not be repeated as 2009.May the Almighty provide good behaviours to Police force, which is to be repaired fully.

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    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Nagesh nayak, Shri.Yediyurappa, Shri.V.S.acharya, can't transfer a police Officer without consulting the Reddy brothers!!!, then how they can maintain the law & order in the state?.

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  • Ashu, Kundapura/UAE

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Hatts of to Mr.Velusamy Ponnuraj – (District Commissioner).

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  • Hamid KSA, Mangalore - KSA

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Nayak, I don’t agree your opinion, BJP Pro Sanga parivar coin so much garbage for power, now power in their hand, so now no essential for any twaddle. Mangalorean always peace lovers so all credit goes to manglore citizen as well as this three officers, my salute to you sir

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  • Ivan Frank, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    We are very fortunate to have these Three Supermen heading the Police and Administration departments. I hope the politicians do not transfer them for a few more years. I wish tem all the best for the year 2010

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Mr Nagesh Nayak, the credit goes goes to the able and noble bureaucrats and these politicians you mentioned are opportunists and chelas of sangh parivar and they cant make any independent decissions. They are keen to see communual violence and attacks on other communities. What they want is political mileage in misinformation and malicious propaganda. Ponnuraj is a superb DC and he has Gods and people's blessings.

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  • Michael, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Dear Friends we should be thankfull to Lord , Because of his grace and mercy on us and on the above officials Regards Michael

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  • Shammi M`nglore, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Dear Nagesh credit also goes to Banjrangdal, Ramasene and RSS not only to politicians!!!!!!

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  • Chtistopher DSouza, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Dear Sirs, we understand it is a tough job. We wish you all the best. We hope Year 2010 will bring back peace in Mangalore. HAPPY NEW YEAR 

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Credit will go to Shri.Yediyurappa,Shri.V.S.acharya & shri.krishna palemar alongwith Shri.Naleen Kumar Kateel for development & peaceful Mangalore during 2009. Due pub attack awareness for not to drink,dance,smoke etc. has spread among youth specially ladies. JAI HO.

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  • Wasim, Kaup

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Excellent job by this 3 officer’s. Keep it up. We are proud to have office like them. Hope our politician will not transfer them early. Hats off to them

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  • Gangadhar, Surathkal

    Wed, Dec 30 2009

    Gopal Hosur, SP A Subramanyeshwara Rao and DC Velusamy Ponnuraj has done wonderful job in bringing Peace in Mangalore. We the people of Mangalore lucky to have such good, unbiased person as Administration person. People of mangalore expect more work from our beloved DC

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Title: 2009 : Collective Efforts of Triumvirate Brings Harmony in Mangalore

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