Mangalore: Police Make Arrest in Newspaper Office Attacks More to Follow

Mangalore: Police Make Arrest in Newspaper Office Attacks; More to Follow

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN)
Mangalore, Mar 17:
“One person from the group of offenders who attacked the two newspaper offices in the city, has been arrested by the police”, informed Dr A S Rao, superintendent of police, on Wednesday March 17. 
Dr Rao said that the arrested man is Ubedulla, resident of Valachil, and there are clues about the others persons involved in the crime, and this will be disclosed after investigation. He added that there are more arrests to be made in this case. 

“The attack on newspaper offices is a serious crime and offenders will be punished with strict legal action”, said Gopal B Hosur, inspector general of police, adding that the attackers used petrol bombs which could have resulted in major loss of property as well as lives. 
“We will conduct a thorough investigation in this case before disclosing the whereabouts of the offenders”, said Hosur, in reply to a question from the journalists.
“Their intention was to disturb communal harmony in the society and to disrupt the law and order system of the district”, he said.
On Tuesday March 2, offices of the ‘Kannada Prabha’ and ‘Jaya Kirana’ were attacked by a group of miscreants using petrol bombs and other tools. Office furniture—interiors, computers and other equipment—was damaged in the incident.

  • Udupi: Office of Kannada Prabha Daily Attacked – One Police Constable Injured
  • Curfew Extended in Shimoga, Hassan, Mangalore Peaceful
  • Cases Booked Against Kannada and Urdu Dailies : CM
  • Mangalore: Miscreants Attack ‘Kannada Prabha’, ‘Jaya Kirana’ Offices
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  • Article in Karnataka daily is distorted, says Taslima
  • Curfew Clamped in Shimoga after Two Killed in Communal Flare up 

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    Comment on this article

    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Tue, Mar 23 2010

      M. Bhat, Mumbai.....go back through archives and do some chinthan manthan about your own comments. Then you will find whose views are perverted...!!??? You need not worry about my brain which is intact and not corrupted like yours.

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    • M.Bhat, Mumbai

      Mon, Mar 22 2010

      Charles D'Mello, Pangala 

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    • Gurudath, M'lore/Mumbai

      Sat, Mar 20 2010

      I think the right thing was to allow the courts to decide whether the article was offensive. No one has any roght to take law into ones hand. They should be handed out exemplary punishment.

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    • Rupesh Poojary, Mangalore

      Sat, Mar 20 2010

      Well done Mangalore Police, Keep it up...

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    • kiran, mangalore

      Sat, Mar 20 2010

      M.Bhat, Mumbai..ur 100% right..we need more truth from you.

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Fri, Mar 19 2010

      M.Bhat, Mumbai...."They come out of rat holes Friday only".....You come out of the cave once in blue moon to spit out the communal venom..? People like you are more dangerous to the society than the terrorists...!

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    • Raj, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Well done Mangalore police. This person is just a pawn, the masterminds who brainwashed the poor fellow should be brought to justice. The are the real culprits.

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    • Roshan, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, Buddiests are all included and part that defines minorities in India. Nagesh Mamu, how dare you question Bhagat Singh's patriotism? They are much more sincere than your Advani, who praises Jinnah, just to ensure safe return from pakistan.

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    • Srikanth Shenoy, Mangalore(bolar)/ Spain

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Hi friends ... i think you people need a break now.. please appriciate the efforts taken by the police department of mangalore in finding out the criminals who were behind this. It is really bad to see people like you just fighting over each others comments. Please know this and keep this in your minds always. this is INDIA and this is how the culture has evolved no one can change this niether u nor me. even your efforts in doing this will go in vain. see that u are not wrong anywhere and just jingle with the music

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    • ayub malpe, mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Mr.Nagesha nayak and Mr.Ubaidulla are two faces of same coin..!YOu people are sick in your thinkings.And you are the thorns of our loving India..!! JAi HInd..!

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    • Ramesh s, mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Nagesh do u know what stone age era means ha ha u wrirte in english , that too on internet and call it sto0ne age , yep if we follow BJP we will definetly go back to stone age bacoz all these internet , english is foriegsn isnit? and whatever the BrItish built is still standing strong eevn today eevn though they looted us they gave us our education otherwise we u would be speaking only in Kannada or tulu or konkann, railways, see the disaster happening in railways now , see the buildings built by our politicians Cong, bJp etc all fall in the process of making & innocents kiiled . BY THE WAY UR COMMENT IS WAY OF THE MARK HERE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT DAMAGING PROPERTY NOT STONE AGE

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    • lawrence , mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Hey NAGESH NAYAK , Kindly stop your blame games . if you are so interested to take India to the nxt level of civilization plz 1st stop your communal comments . a religion doesnt give rise to terroism , it is people like you who disturb the society in the 1st place which makes others also to take wrong measures .people like you are dividing the country in the name of religion . if there are so many religions in India it is just bcoz the ancestors have invaded India and ruled it . so every religion has equal rights in this country .

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    • Frank, Udupi

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Nagesh nayaK, bangalore,yes are right.we can see how your PROTECT BHARATH MATA BY GIVING THEIR LIFE OR TAKING THEIR LIFE..? (EG - PUB ATTACk ECT ECT.. REM...?

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    • M.Bhat, Mumbai

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Congrats, well done mangalore police. Now go after the real culprits who instigated these people to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere in Mangalore. You will find them out of rat holes on friday only.

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    • poojary, kinnigoli

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Really excellent comment Mr. Prabhakar karkala. ur 100% true

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    • Ashsouza, AUH

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      What do you want to prove?? is your problems are solved after attacking these offices , what do u gain ?? “Punishment” its the mistake of those half educated people who misguided you .eg Nagesh Nayak there is no much difference b/w u people and terrorist community , agenda are same only diff is they are trying to destroy India and u - society ,Peace, Freedom etc . For this you no need to protect any matha .so far you people have done lot for your society & Bharath matha!!!! Simple saying - one spoiled fruit will spoil entire basket of fruits .

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    • Ummer Kunhi, Perinje/Dubai

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      well comments by Shri.P. B.A Swamiji GAYA,&Mr.Prabhakar Karkala.thank U,both.

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    • Sri poojya Brhmananda Akhilananda Swamiji, Gaya

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Every human being is bound to taste the result of his deeds sooner or later. When we distance ourself from our Dharam ( religion) our karam ( actions) gets tainted. Those news paper offices are attacked and destroyed due to their " papa karam" ( bad actions). here bad actions means, they hurt the sentiments of one particular community to increase the circulation of their publication. Achieving selfish motive for personal gain through "Papa Karama" is against the law set by the creator. So they got the befitted punishment. In the second case, The person is caught due to his "Papa karma" and is about to receive his punishment. Destruction is a "Papa Karma" and can not be justified for a good cause. If these people thinks that by destruction they can heal the feeling of the affected, then this also the way of attaining satisfaction through bad deeds( papa Karma) and against the law of universe. Every good or bad karama eventually result in either in good or bad ending. So Those who are commenting here assess yourself that how far your actions are aligning with your " Dharam and Karam".. Sathyam Shivam Sundaram

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    • prabhakar , karkal

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      If a Danish journalist depicts the Prophet of the Muslims , Muslims all
      over the world rise in anger, there is violence, a booty on the head of
      the Journalist - Muslims are not criticized for being communal and
      If MF Hussain draws paintings depicting Hindu Gods and Goddesses
      in sexual positions (which relations are not borne out by ancient
      texts at all ) and Hindus merely protest , they are called communal,
      intolerant and taught lessons in secularism by one and all.
      if some one wrote sathyadarshini and some Hindu organization attacked church in the name of conversion..
      The problem apparently is not HINDU, A MUSLIM, CRISTIAN, it is with
      humanity , because we are not violent, we accept what ever is dished
      out to us , we do not have the patients to say that this is wrong , we seek
      acceptance from outsiders rather than from our conscience. We act before we think.
      We worship the same Gods and Goddesses but don't stand up for them when the time come. we should have organization to do right thing and to guide right path …but here what happened it is under control of politics. And organization is dancing according to the beets of politician. It may BJP/Congress/JD/BSP all are same If crime is done by any religion and it found true then he need to pay for that…that time we should not show any simpati to them… jai hind

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    • Arun, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Just b'coz his name was mentioned he is having lot of supporters and commenting that he is innocent and blaming Mangalore police. If it was a hindu all these guys would have appreciated the police Dept.

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    • Sudhir, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Mohd Hanif, He is innocent like you & you are 100% right like you people feel insecure in BJP govt because you cant do everything free which you used to do during Congress ruling.

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    • Rakshu, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      Wow, what a changes in comments. when any Hindu community protests, they are called Goonda, terrorist and so on. But now, check the comments "he is innnocent". Come on Yaar be Practical, he had made a sin, he is a criminal, he should be punished.
      BJP is a useless govt. it is not for a poor people.
      All the criminals should be punished, irrespective of their religion. I really hate this politician.

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    • nagesh nayaK, bangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010


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    • UMMER KUNHI, Perinje/Dubai

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      congrats DK police,who ever disturb our mother land's communual harmony,no matter what religion they are! punish them to the that next time they/others should think more&more before taking law into their own hand.jai ho SP saab.

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    • Mohd. Hanif, UAE

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Innocent guy, minority people are insecure under BJP Govt.

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    • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Attack on Newspaper office is a crime. Newspaper is a link between people and outside world. Attackers should be punished. But there was a big mistake from Kannada Prabha also. There was no need to translate Taslima's very old story about Burka.And translation was very bad and some MASALA was added.

      But Muslims who don't have good sensible leader in Shimoga took dangerous step instead of peace rally.They threw stones and attacked hindu's shops,fought with police with Swords.Police who were in small number had to shoot.Next day,Hindu group did more damage than Muslims.Big shops,cars were burnt.Hindus counted their loses,and Muslims counted their loses.People started calculating who lost more.BUT NO ONE THOUGHT..SHIMOGA LOST EVERYTHING.ITS PRESTIGE,IMAGE,HUMANITY. Just because of one ordinary and bad translation by a stupid writer.

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    • Suraj Rajput, Maveenakatte/Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Aalemabubhai better we can send them to pakistan in our own expenses. mushabeet tal gayee humeshke liye. main problem will be last time mahatma gandhi sat on fast may be this time one more kal ka chokra.. rahul gandhi..i guess..

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    • Nitin, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Now let the people decide who are the real "GOONS" and "GOONDAS".Don't always target on one organization/Community. Who knows this person has got any organization....!

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    • Hamid, Mangalore - KSA

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      See the difference.   A notorious criminal Prasad Attavar, taking into jail without handcuff with royal walking style and this poor guy surrounded by strong police personnel with handcuff, looks so fearful.

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    • NT - Thumbay, Ullal

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Dear Harish Balalya,

      Thank you for your modernism of new name to RSS. (Popular Communal Org). you are 100% correct to choose a name to RSS.

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      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      can Dr A.S.RAO find out where is the petrol bomb maker/manufactures in dakshina kannada or udupi,may be this bombs used for multi purpose,can any police officers dare to enter like this CHAKRAVYUHA ?

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    • prashanth, mangalore/bahrain

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Well said now lot of people getting back fire bcoz the guy is from minority...even they supporting bhai wow...

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    • G M Afeef, Dubai

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      It is everyone's responsibility to condemn the act who break the law. If we condemn the act of Bajarangdal's Shriram sena's act then we should also condemn if any muslim youth also do the same act. If Muslim youths are involved in the incident of attacking the Newspapers office then they should also punished. I congratulat the DK police for arresting the culprits.

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    • Rajesh, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Mangalore Police Good Work. Punish him to maximum.

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    • Navin Avil, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      In the country you stay if similar case occurs do you still dare to do or encourage your chadis to do it. or do u even dare to write or comment anything siting in that country. my dear u will never even can express your in the country you live in. because there the system get respected well, but when its in India you have all your liberty to do what ever you wish and ready to take law in your hand. I am sure one day you guys will think twice even in india before taking the law in your own hands. Punish them to the maximum. also, find out the source of money flow that comes to these criminal pockets. Then everyone will respect the law and order of our country.

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    • yousuf, Qatif KSA

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Mr. Harish Balalya...dont think too much...That is the problem we Indians have ....thinking ,,,thinking only thinking ... NO FACTS !!!

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      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      We can not find any body who can run the justice department with 100%.So every where coruption.only inocent people punished. NO PEACE.

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    • Frank, udupi

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      poor innocent guy..

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      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      weldone mangalore police , keep it up

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    • prabhu, dubai

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      tanna bennu tanage kanutideya ?...

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    • Aalemabu Sdvani, Joduraaste/Bailur

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      send Ubedulla to andaman (kala pani) like britishers used to do so to send unwanted elements to australia.. jai ho.. hum nahin sudharenge..

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    • Ibrahim, Al khobar

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Dear Sir,

      Firtst find the reason, why they attacked, did you arrest who tried disturb communal harmony in the society and to disrupt the law and order system of the district” NO, why You people did not take any interest to arrest to them becouse Your are not to punish the people actually do. You always catching the innocent people. Make changes you policy and be secularly. which is impossible for you...

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    • Harish Balalya, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Welldone Mangalore Police, Keep it up, I think he is a member of Popular Communal organisation.

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    • shahnawaz kukkikattte, dubai/udupi

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      "Their intention was to disturb communual harmony in the society and disturb law and order situation in the district". What a ill concieved motive. Send them to jail and extradite them after serving jail term. Enemies of peace and civilization. Unfit to live amongst us. Jungli people. Trouble mongers have no place in the society. Police should go deep into the case and arrest the mastermind behind such plans. Their photos need to be published. No remorse. Good work by the police.

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    • mohammed ali, udupi/riyadh

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      now finally innocent will be punished thsts all!!! this is manglore police.....

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      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Any individual/org which tries to disturb peace of the society should be punished.In this regard DK polices's effort of bringing the culpurit to the book is appriciated.Good work! Keep it up!

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    • Prabhakar , karkal

      Wed, Mar 17 2010

      Well done DK Police.

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