Udupi: NH Authorities Urged to Undertake Repairs of Pot-Holed NH 17

Udupi: NH Authorities Urged to Undertake Repairs of Pot-Holed NH 17

News & Pics: Hemanath Padubidri
Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (RD/SB)

Udupi, Jul 6: At the onset of monsoon in the coastal district innumerable potholes form along National Highway (NH) 17. The annual repairs to NH 17 from Kundapur to Mangalore get washed away especially during monsoon owing to heavy traffic and poor quality of materials used in repairs.

The motoring on potholed highway poses danger to speeding trailers, long distance passenger buses and cause havoc on motorists. The public also stage protest by road-blockade to draw the attention of NH authorities over the deplorable state of roads most months of a year.

Meanwhile, although the larger stretch of NH 17 has innumerable potholes this monsoon, it seems the NH authorities and district
administration have not woken up to undertake the urgent repairs.  There are instances; a few drivers who are regularly plying their vehicles on NH 17 covered the potholes with gravel themselves on a short stretch of NH 17.

Several culverts along NH 17 are in deplorable condition, while some of the barriers on bridges that are damaged owing to major accidents are not restored, despite many months have elapsed.

Eventhough, the NH development works were sanctioned in 2003, full-scale works are yet to begin. Meanwhile, the NH authorities are still undertaking survey at various stretch of roads, amidst protests against broadening NH 17 and laying of bypass road at a few stretch of NH 17.  Taking into account all these, the development works still remains unfulfilled.

Public are apprehensive that if this trend prevails longer, the state of coastal NH 17 will worsen. The concerned authorities are urged to take early measures to undertake urgent repairs for the smoother traffic on NH 17.


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  • alison, mangalore

    Wed, Jul 07 2010

    Dear sisters and brothers, why there is no such problems in GCC,USA,UK etc... intelligent people came to know my point.

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  • Shiva Prasad, Karkala

    Thu, Jul 08 2010

    When the roads are worse than ever, some  are making it too political. For each and everything, they make it a habit to blame BJP & its people, without knowing the ground reason. It is the bureaucrats who worsen the road condition. For NH roads, if you have to blame someone, it is Central Ministry (whoever in position).

    More over, we have highly influential Mr. Oscar Fernandis in the Central Ministry, who has been of little help..

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  • Sandesh Shetty, Udupi

    Thu, Jul 08 2010

    Mr. Ostin Pinto,ou forgot we are talking about the road belonging to the Central list. Why dont you urge   Mr. Oscar Fernandes or Moily to improve and repair the roads ?

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  • GKasagri, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Wonderful ! If you urge the NH to fill the potholes all they do is come with powdered rock grey in color and fill the holes temporarily which will flow away with the water. The situation then worsens !!

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  • Mohammed, Dubai/ Udupi

    Tue, Jul 06 2010


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  • Ramesh, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Mr.Ostin Pinto,
    Why can't you include Oscar, Moily's name for your list since NH belongs to sleeping Central Govt.

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  • Canute, Dubai/Kundapur

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    This will continue unless the authorities stop awarding the contracts to unprofessional road construction companies. They will not utilize even 25% of the sanctioned amount.

    Government should award these contracts to ethical company like LNT, CCC or other reputed companies.

    Because of corruption, bribing and bad politics this will never happen and our NH will remain in this condition for ever.

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  • Rahat, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    BJP, call for a bundh...take poor people into ransom..pot hole will be fixed..Jai Ho !!

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  • Yogeesha Kumar, Padubidri/Dubai

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Dear Ostin Pinto, Muscat /Sasthan it is nothing to do with state govt. Central Gove is sleeping in this issue.
    Mr Vishushetty , Nandikoor /Kuwait wel said my friend. Yellara mane dose tuthe …when it comes to them then they will open their mouth other wise all will play hide and seek. All politicians and political party is same just they play with publics emotion. Thanks to daiji and Hemanath

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  • Chetan.S, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Is this a highway road ? even playground are much better .

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  • Koni Prakash Naik, Kundapur - Oman

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    This time of the year the people from Kundapur to Mangalore should invite the Central and State Transport Ministers to take up a pada yatra or Auto yatra on the NH17. Then only they will realize the magnanimity of the problem. It is shame on them to call these roads as National Highways. Looking at these pictures and the conditions of the roads, will any tourist or investor come to coastal areas for investment or tourism? We should burry those contractors in those potholes, if possible.

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  • Arun CK, Mangalore-Dubai

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Mr Ostin Pinto Muscat
    How come you forgot your dear or Mr Oscar Fernandis in the center ?.. For your kind information this is National Highway not state highway. What are they doing there other than impressing Sonia Gandhi ?

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmannu

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Entire India is connected with Express Highways except Karnataka. Why is this government so parenthetic and disgusting?
    Whose pocket does the money go?

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  • jeevan ferrao, kenjar,bajpe/U.A.E

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    the dumps on roads leads to unsafe condition of driver or vehicle which i mean that leads to accident. so far to say that drive safely doesnt mean anything unless the road is safe enough to drive. so to be safe driving the road should be safe especially at night its much difficult to drive a vehicle as the roads r unsafe because of dumps. so i kindly request the authority people to save lifes as well as reduce the accidents by making sure the roads are enough safe to travel. live and let live.

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  • jeevan ferrao, kenjar,bajpe/U.A.E

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    the dumps on roads leads to unsafe condition of driver or vehicle which i mean that leads to accident. so far to say that drive safely doesnt mean anything unless the road is safe enough to drive. so to be safe driving the road should be safe especially at night its much difficult to drive a vehicle as the roads r unsafe because of dumps. so i kindly request the authority people to save lifes as well as reduce the accidents by making sure the roads are enough safe to travel. live and let live.

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  • Ostin Pinto, Muscat /Sasthan

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Mr.Yediyoorappa, and his team mates Mr.Raghupati Bhatt, Haladi Srinivas Shetty and the silent killer Mr. Home minister Mr.Acharya, can you hear us ? Do something for the common man & your native place, instead fighting each other for ministries.

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  • vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Theare are lot of people in pictures of Bundh which is a usleless excercise but only a few on the meaningful,public interest morcha.Where is the Monkey Army that voted the MP,MLA and the state government.

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  • Jawar D'Souza, M'lore/Doha

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    If our Highway's are in such a state what will be the state of other road's. I dont think money has to be spent on these type of road's, everybody is a crook, bribing the offcials and getting their bill's passed. Every year will be the same. I think we should give contracts to some foreign companies with ISO lable. Our contracter's are thieves.

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  • Ashok, Udupi

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Dear NH Authority

    Please repair the pot hole immediately after it created. otherwise due to that hole entire road (100 mtr both side) will go bad since all the vehicles apply the break!!!!!

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  • Vishushetty , Nandikoor /Kuwait

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Good roads give big contribution towards the growth of a country .Why people are bothered about road margin do going to do agriculture in that 20Mtr area  ..!!!! .Lanco acquired agricultural land in Nandikoor at that time businessman’s in Padubidri supported them in the name of development now why they oppose road extension its also development work ..

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