UAE: SMMKC – a Forum for Mangaloreans in Sharjah, Launched

UAE: SMMKC – a Forum for Mangaloreans in Sharjah, Launched

By Dinesh Correa
Pics:Jovin Dsouza
Daijiworld Media Network – UAE (SP)

Sharjah, Feb 26: Mangalorean Catholics residing in Sharjah came together to celebrate their unity in the form of a newly constituted Mangalorean Konkani association, which is affiliated to the parish of St Michael’s Church, Sharjah.  A simple inaugural ceremony of ‘Mangalorean Konkani Community’ (SMMKC) was held at the main hall of St Michael’s Church, witnessed by a full hall crowd. To add flavour of entertainment to the event, sixth show of Pradeep Barboza Paladka’s comedy ‘Sangon Mugdana’, was presented.

The inaugural ceremony was held on Thursday, February 24, at 8 pm. The event began with the recital of prayer hymn by the parish Konkani choir led by Lancy Carlo. Fr Annie Xavier, parish priest of Sharjah parish, accompanied by Fr Franky and Fr Francis Rosario, were present on stage. Other dignitaries and SMMKC core committee members, who were present at the dais were: Alfred D’Souza, a Mangalorean businessman who has contributed greatly towards the Sharjah Mangaloreans, especially as the sole sponsor of Monthifest celebrations in the Church for the past six consecutive years; Mark Denis D’Souza, well-known community leader and an ardent Konkani supporter; Charles Aranha, a Mangalorean businessman and Konkani enthusiast; Joachim Menezes, another Mangalorean leader and entrepreneur. Lawrence D’Souza, Lancy Carlo, Clara D’Cunha, and Louis D’Souza too were present on the stage along with Uttam Menezes, main coordinator of SMMKC, who delivered his welcome address and introduced spiritual director, advisors and core committee members. Uttam also mentioned the association of Peter Paul D’Souza and Franky Lobo, who were not present, with this organization.

The function was inaugurated by lighting of the traditional lamp by some of the dignitaries. In his address, Sharjah parish priest, Fr Annie Xavier, congratulated Sharjah Mangalorean Konkans for their unity that has taken the shape of SMMKC, and called upon all Mangalorean parishioners to be a part of this noble association and carry on with this exuberance for long. 

Sixth show of Pradeep Barboza Paladka’s critically acclaimed comedy ‘Sangon Mugdana’, was staged by ‘Sangon Mugdana Kalakaar’. The play was thoroughly enjoyed by the full hall spectators. Writer and director of the play, who has also written and directed various Konkani and Tulu plays, was felicitated by SMMKC for his unique contribution towards theatre. He was extended felicitation by presenting shawl, fruits, flowers and memento. Other artistes and technical team members too were called on stage and presented with mementos. Maxim and Anitha Menezes, Salvador and Jacintha D’Souza, too were honoured for their active support towards the formation of SMMKC.

Before the start of the stage event, a few Konkani songs were presented live by Arun Carlo, Vincent Fernandes and group, Ramiero, Sheila Carlo, Godwin Dsouza, Melwin D’Souza and Uttam Menezes. The entire event concluded at 12.20am. Louis D’Souza proposed vote of thanks. Dinesh Correa compered the event.


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  • Jhon, Dubai

    Wed, Mar 02 2011

    Pinthama, looking your comments we can make out your celebrity.
    Listen! A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and it sprang up quickly, since it had no depth of soil. And when the sun rose, it was scorched and since it had no root, it withered away. Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain. Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.

    “You may indeed look, but not perceive,
    and may indeed listen, but not understand
    so that you may not turn again and be forgiven.” ’

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  • Prakash Dsouza, Kinnigoli, UAE

    Tue, Mar 01 2011

    V.M PINTO you are great. you are the biggest fan of Konkani drama. Please note this Drama had a sell out crowd (3500)in Moodbidri and Kinnigoli (1500)it was appreciated by 15 parish priests who witnessed it. We sponsored it in Kinnigoli for a noble cause and all the artists flew to india on their own cost. The gerneated fund was distributed to the poor.Now stop commenting and if possible support the artists.

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  • Sneha Fernandes, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    Congratulations SMMKC on the grand success of the event. Drama was superb. Pradeep you are really a jewel for Konkani literature. Appreciate your work very much as it always brings a smile on my face. All the actors have done a superb job amidst their daily busy routine. It was a good effort which succeeded. Keep up your spirits and continue doing this for Konkani lovers in future too.

    Sneha Fernandes

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  • Baptist R Machado, Sharjah, UAE

    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    Dear Friends,

    Please let us all stop criticizing and arguing about a program which has already finished. Instead let us try to put in some extra efforts / suggestions in the future events to make them more successful! Who in UAE has the time to sit and write dramas when they have their own priorities and then stage them for the public? If someone writes and shows his talent, there are lot of people to criticize him rather than appreciating the hard work that the person has put in!

    We are all Mangaloreans and lets unite together and support our konkani literature and the people who are showing their talents for konkani! Pradeep you are great - keep going man!

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  • V.M. Pinto, Dubai

    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    My opinion is not digests to those who took as negative. As an audience I wish to get good from what I paid. When I read all comments our community is still lives in same Obirai era (bhainth asle manke). There is a change in Language, Culture & humans. But we are still the same. I pity upon our Konkani,(Bhas ti kashi Gas) because only in Konkani an actor, singer, musician, writer, lyrist can shine without proper training, knowledge or a talent.
    I criticize the play, not a person. This play I watch in Dubai & Abu Dhabi, still staged without any improvement. We need a Quality not a quantity for record the break.
    If anyone critics, people are ready to oppose. That’s why in Konkani `Fula Jelle & Mundas’ are over the limit. An artist growth is to obtain the mistake and come out in new things. If not, it’s up to him to take or lives.

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  • Sarita Miranda, MAngalore

    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    Hey Pradeep, Congratulations, you are doing a great job, keep it up. God Bless

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  • Rakesh Pinto, Ajekar/Dubai

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Sunil congratulations.You are the best drama critic. Thanks for appreciating atleast 2 actors. All the best and god bless you.

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  • Maxy Dsouza, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Dear Sunil,
    Thank you for your advice. can i have your contact number please so that we can set up a meeting. I am sure that you where not there in the crowd rather your where just preparing your comments to put on next day.God bless you

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  • sunil, dubai

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Drama was good. But director should accept the faults if there are any, instead of instigating others to write the comments to defend them. This will not help you to grow. Every human bieng makes a mistake, and those who learn will succeed.

    My advice is Pradeep and Deepak should bring thier heads down, they should learn hown to become humble first, and then come to the stage. Then only Konkani will grow, stage will shine. You both have good talent, but need to be role models first. On Thursday, if Ramcy and Santosh were not there, drama would have been a big failure. I wish all of you all the best.

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  • maxy, karkala

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Hallo mr pinto next time pls come and organize as you like, I ask u one quation what you have done to do good worksfor smmkc, i think u paid only 15 dh or 30 dh ticket

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  • Alwyn Dcosta, Angelore

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    ಹ ಹ್ಹ ಹ್ಹ ಹ್ಹ .ಬೆಸ್ಟೆ೦ಚ್ ಮುಸ್ಕಾರ್ ಪಾ೦ರ್ಕುನ್ ಕಾ೦ಣ್ಗೆನಾಕ ಪಿ೦ತಾಮ.ತುಕಾ ನಾಟಕ್ ಬರೊ ಲಾಗನಾತ್ಲ್ಯಾರ್ ಅಕೇರ್ ಮಣಾಸರ್ ಕಾಲೆ೦ ಕರ್ತಾಲೊಯ್? ಘರಾ ವೆತಾನ ಕಾ೦ಯ್ ಬಾ೦ದುನ್ ದಿತಾತ್ ಮಣೊನ್ ಬಸ್ಲ್ಲೊಯ್ಗಿ. ಹೆ೦ ಕಾರ್ಯೆ೦ ಕೊ೦ಕ್ಣಿ ಮನ್ಶಾನಿ೦ ಕೊ೦ಕ್ಣೆ ಖಾತಿರ್ ಕೆಲ್ಲೆ೦.ತುಜಾ ತಸಲ್ಯಾ ದುಸ್ಮಾನಾ೦ಕ್ ನ೦ಯ್.ತೆ೦ ಪುರಾ ಅಸೊ೦ದಿ ಎದೊಳ್ ಮಣಾಸರ್ ಕಿತ್ಲೆ ನಾಟಕ್ ಪಳಯ್ಲ್ಯಯ್,ಚಾ.ಪ್ರಾ ಚೆ ನಾ೦ವ್ ಕಳಿತ್ ಆಸ್ಲ್ಯಾ ಫ಼ರಾ ಜ಼ಾ೦ಟೊ ಮಣ್ ಚಿ೦ತಿನಾಕ ತಾಚೆ ತರಿ ನಾಟಕ್ ಪುರ್ತೆ೦ ಪಳೆ. ಕು೦ಡೊ ಕೆಲ್ಯಾಕ್ ಉ೦ಡ್ಯಾಚಿ ರುಚ್ ಕಶಿ ಕಳಾತ್. ಸುದ್ರಾಜೆ ಪಿ೦ತಾಮ……

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  • Vincent Monteiro, Sharjah, UAE

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Dear Pradeep and Team, please dont get upset with few negative comments. By now everyone in UAE as well as Mangalore knows that Pradeep is a young and talented writer & actor all his dramas have clean comedy. In this world people are busy doing their own things during their free time but you are sparing your free time to serve konkani literature by writing the dramas. It is a great talent God has given you so continue it and dont stop writing! There is no medicine for jealousy in this world!

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    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Pradeep Barboza Paladka, you are a shining Star of PALADKA. We salute your drama writing, directing and acting skills. As a result "SANGON MUGDHANA" had 6 shows already. 4 IN UAE, 1 IN MOODBIDRI, 1 IN KINNIGOLI. Keep writing Pradeep and our support is with you always.

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  • Louis Fernandes, Dubai, UAE

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    I totally agree with Mr Mark Denis D'Souza's comments, very well said. This was not a competition but in fact was just an entertaining drama which was hosted by SMMKC. The Director and the Actors have tried their best to show their talents to the audience but instead of appreciating their efforts Mr VM Pinto and SVK Pinto have openly criticized them by giving marks like they do in exams. This is purely not criticism but is jealousy. Our own Mangalorean people are not supporting their fellow members. Pradeep is already well known for his comedy and he will not stop writing or acting for getting negative comments. How many Konkani dramas you have you both watched in Dubai so far? What have you done so much for the Konkani literature? If you are a true Mangalorean and have love for Konkani language and culture you please contact Mr Prabdeep Barboza and give your suggestions to him directly so that he can take your views into consideration in his future dramas.. Monshani pot bhorn jevn zalya uprant saladak meeth une zala mun sangche sarke nai!

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  • Mark Denis D'souza, Niddodi/Sharjah-U.A.E.

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Dear V.M.Pinto,thank you for your comments,we welcome constructive criticism and comments,we believe in learning and teaching philosophy,we have staged the play for unite Mangaloreans live in Emirates of Sharjah and not for competition,please not that we have not requested you as judge to give marks,my suggestion to you please meet the writer/director of the drama and please advise him so that he will deliver/perform better in future on your direction.
    Mark Denis D'souza

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  • Mark Denis D'souza, Niddodi/Sharjah-U.A.E.

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Dear V.M.Pinto,thank you for your comments,we welcome constructive criticism and comments,we belive in learning and teaching philosopy,we have staged the play for unite Mangaloreans live in Emirates of Sharjah and not for compition,please not that we have not requested you as judge to give marks,my suggestion to you please meet the writer/director of the drama and please advise him so that he will deliver/perform better in future on your direction.
    Mark Denis D'souza

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    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    congratulations to smmkc members.

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    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Why you want to know someone’s full name?? What you can with that?? It is his wish. What is the problem in mentioning Initials?

    Secondly everyone has the right to comment in his own style. Each one is having different taste. May be he did not like the drama, How you are saying that everyone enjoyed drama?? Did you ask/question each person there?? In photographs of the audience only in few photographs audience are smiling which means whoever is smiling they liked whoever is not smiling they did not liked drama?? Why to simply appreciate if it was not up to mark. If someone is hardworking then their own/personal benefits, person who commented also hard worked to pay that entry fee & disappointed. Bad comments are always gives the good lesson. So let everyone express their own thoughts.

    Please next time please think 100 times don’t just write anything & don’t force someone to change their feelings.

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  • Reema D'Mello, Dubai, UAE

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Dear Mr. V M Pinto,

    First of all please mention your full name that has been kept by your parents and not just the initials!

    Secondly I totally disagree with your comments about the drama. Ask any audience who was present, it was in fact a super hit drama and everyone has enjoyed it except you! Look at the photographs of the audience and the smiles on their face that itself says everything! Don’t try to criticize the Director and the Actors as they all have done a great job! Try to appreciate the hard work they have put in since such a long time to make it successful, it is not a joke! They have all sacrificed their valuable family life to do the practice and don’t ever say that they need more practice! Don’t expect more than their valuable time!

    It is easy for you to just sit for 2 hours and watch the drama and then criticize the hard work done by these young talented Konkani artists! Try to encourage them as they are all supporting our Konkani language. Next time please think twice before criticizing anyone!

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  • Canute D'Souza, Shirva /Sharjah

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Congratulations to the SMMKC, what a great drama. Each actors have done great job.Keep it up !!

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  • Dilip Correa & Fly, Pernal/Muscat

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Great Brother!!!! Happy to see you on the stage. Keep it up, you are a courageous public speaker. All the best.

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  • Mark Denis Dsouza, Niddodi/Sharjah-U.A.E.

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dear Mangalorean residence in Emirates of Sharjah,time has come to unite and stage has been formed as SMMKC,come forward and join hands to share and care each other as one family in this land of opertunity,I wish all Mangaloreans good luck in SMMKC to learn and to teach with good spirit.Thanks every one who participated,contributed to the event.
    Mark Denis Dsouza.

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  • V.M. Pinto, Dubai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Drama was not up to the mark, need more practice. Full bunch of unnecessary character’s made mess in between. Dialogs are not clear (may be sound is poor in back). There is no clear storyline. Out of 10/3 mark as of my view.

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  • Deepak Dsilva, Paladka/Dubai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Congratulations SMMKC and all the best for the future.

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  • Ronny Goveas, Sharjah/Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    yes... it was outstanding. very well organised by SMMKC and supported by everyone in a different way.and all the best for future let the love ,spirit grow and keep all of us in nest.congrats to SMMKC once again.

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  • Simon D'Souza, Sharjah, Kateel

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    What a superb drama! I thoroughly enjoyed watching each and every scene. Each comedy actors have done full justice to their respective roles especially Pradeep and Santosh were outstanding! Though I was too hungry till the full program got over the drama kept my stomach full as I laughed to my heart!

    Congratulations to the organizaers of SMMKC for providing us with such good entertainment on a weekend.

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