New Delhi, March 4 (IANS) The government was Friday directed by Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman K. Rahman Khan to make a statement on the evacuation of Indian citizens from Libya in view of the concern expressed by members about delays.
The deputy chairman said the government should make a statement by Monday. However, several members, including those from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), demanded an early reply.
The deputy chairman said all members were concerned about the situation and the government should make a statement before the house rises for the day.
Raising the issue during the zero hour, Tiruchi Siva of DMK said that several other countries such as China and Philippines had evacuated all their citizens from Libya but the Indian government had so far evacuated only about 7,000 Indians from the strife-torn country.
"Why (there is) slow progress from Indian side," he said.
An estimated 18,000 Indians were in Libya when the protests began against the Muammar Gaddafi regime in Libya last month.