Media Release
Bengaluru, Mar 26: Skoch Group awarded ‘Rainy Filters’ by Farmland Rainwater Harvesting Systems (FLRWHS), the Skoch Order of Merit for qualifying amongst top 100 SMEs in India at Constitution Club of India in New Delhi recently.
The award was received by Michael S Baptist and Monisha Sonia Baptist, directors of Farmland, which was honoured by M Ramachandran, former secretary, Urban Development of India, government of India and Rohan Kochhar, Skoch Group.
And also conferred was the highest independent honour by endowing Skoch Award – Achiever Silver for the innovation of ‘Rainy Filters’. It was received by its directors Michael S Baptist and Manoj Samuel Baptist from Jaswant Singh, skill minister, government of Rajasthan, Sameer Kochhar, chairman, Skoch group and Dr M Ramachandran.

Skoch Group is a think tank dealing with socio-economic issues with a focus on inclusive growth since 1997. They are able to bring an Indian felt-needs context to strategies and engage with Fortune-500 companies, state owned enterprises, Government to SMEs and community-based organisations with equal ease. Skoch Group has instituted India’s highest independent civilian honours in the field of governance, finance, technology, economics and social sector. Farmland Rainwater Harvesting Systems (FLRWHS) carries out research and development in designing efficient rainwater harvesting systems. The company is the innovator of Rainy Filters which has set a new benchmark in rainwater harvesting field and holds patent for the same. FLRWHS was established in 2002 and is exclusively working on developing solutions towards rain water harvesting (RWH). The firm's activities include research and development, plan and design, technical consultancy, geomorphic mapping of soil strata, manufacturing, marketing, and installations of rainwater harvesting systems.
Backed with over 15 years of field experience in both roof top and surface water recharge, incorporating the state of the art green technology, FLRWHS is renowned for its green initiative in conserving natural resources and demonstrates the same by implementing their in-house developed technologies. Their prime focus is on water and energy conservation and other environment friendly applications, and in implementing a comprehensive rain water capture and storage at field level using a proven technology.
FLRWHS is an environment friendly organization which has pioneered the concept of Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting, for the very first time in India, by way of eliminating sedimentation Tank and closed Valve filters replacing the system with uniquely Patented operation which segregates sediments, dirt particles and clean water individually. . This technique avoids periodic maintenance and the use of consumables.Totally indigenous technology with respect to open ended dual intensity, self-cleaning, auto flush out, wall mounted filters operates on gravity, based on the working principle of cohesion and centrifugal force.
In the areas of installation of this RWH system supply of tanker water has reduced by more than 70 percent.
The innovation provides twin benefits. It aids water recharge in dry and arid regions by addressing water requirements of a large section of society and also helps in avoiding new bore wells, need for tanker water and energy for water extraction. These help in obtaining a net positive carbon footprint and local community adaptation to water stress. The scalability of the innovation and its co-benefits has wider applicability in the context of climate change.
The qualitative aspect of ground water has changed to a certain extent by way of contamination of fluorides and heavy metals making it unfit for both human, livestock and agricultural operations. With scientific and modern rainwater harvesting technology envisaged, the efficient recharging of ground water has improved the water situation both in quantity and quality terms. With Installation of `Rainy’ filters every year able to Conserve Millions of Litres of water. This has helped to conserve precious groundwater source and also pumping cost to draw the water from distance places and also tanker water.