From the editor’s desk :-
Dear Do..Re..Me..Fa.. browzers,
Hearty welcome to this 25th episode of Do..Re..Me..Fa.., a sweet musical column of world’s renowned web portal
About two years back when I ventured into this music column, I never expected that a simple walk in the Konkani music world would turn into a marathon mission. The heavenly blessings, your great support & encouragement made it possible to celebrate the Column’s Silver Jubilee today and with your unstinted support now I’m looking forward for the Golden one.
With great enthusiasm I was hunting for a fitting star to decorate this special Silver Jubilee Chord and present it to you as a Silver Jubilee gift. Finally I found a super star. Yes, dear music lovers it is my unique privilege and honour to present to you today, a sweet chord, a legend of Konkani music, the undisputed Goa’s Melody King & a great lover of Konkani who worked tirelessly to bridge-the-gap between Goans & Mangaloreans. He is none other than the internationally renowned (late) Sri Rosario Alfred Fernandes, fondly known as “Alfred Rose”.
The lyrics of one of his great compositions goes like this : “Naim havn Goinkar, naim havn Manglurkar, bagor hanv ek kharo Konkangar!” (I am neither a Goan nor a Mangalorean but I am a true Konkan). A great spirit of Konkani isn’t it? He was a man of broad mentality. Throughout his music career he never presented himself as a Goan artiste rather he was always proud to present himself as a Konkani artiste. It’s a great honour for Mangaloreans that he has performed many musical concerts with great Mangalorean stars like Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus, (late) Jerome D’Souza, Henry D’Souza & so on. If I am not mistaken, excluding another great Konkani music legend H. Briton, Alfred Rose is the only Goan musician who presented his songs for Konkani dramas performed by Mangaloreans specially in Bombay.
After his mission on earth Alfred Rose passed away last year on October 21st. A Konkani candle has been blown out by the wind for eternity. Now he has joined the choirs of Angels in heaven to sing the praises & glory of God. As we commemorate his first death anniversary let us emulate his exemplary life and remain united in our dear ‘maaibhaas Konkani’.
I am sure you will enjoy listening to this 25th sweet musical chord. We shall meet again, next month, same column, same portal. Until then, bye!
Yours in Do..Re..Me..Fa..,
Gerry D’Mello, Bendur.

The very mention of the name of Sri Alfred Rose flashes in one’s mind the familiar figure of the Konkani music legend, the Goan singer with a Panama hat on his head and a music baton in his hand, performing the opening songs of “tiatrs” and non-stop Konkani musical nights in Bombay a few decades ago! The renowned (late) Sri Alfred Rose is the international superstar who was instrumental in elevating the Konkani stage and music to the international level with his superb performances at every centre of Goan emigration in U.K., France, Germany, East Africa, Arabian Gulf etc….
Alfred Rose & his family :-
Rosario Alfred Fernandes was born on 5th August 1932 at Calvin, Aldona, Goa. His parents were Ambrose Fernandes and Dolarosa Fernandes. Ambrose, the father of Alfred was affectionately called by the Karachi Jesuit Fathers as A.M.B.Rose from where Alfred lateron in 1950 coined his stage name of “Alfred Rose”. His real name at birth was Rosario Alfred Fernandes. At