Delphine D Monteiro (90), wife of the late David Monteiro, mother of Denis, Mercine, Gracy, Fredrick, Claudy, William, mother-in-law of Juliana, Lee Bell, Gabriel, Veera, Irine, grandmother of Clement, Priya, Clerance, Clevita, Preethesh, Martin, Linda, Paul, the late Shalom, Clevina, Cleevan, Wilona, Viona, great grandmother of Avery, Cleon and Cleshon, passed away on Sunday, July 21, 2024.

Funeral cortege leaves residence at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, July 23 for Infant Jesus Church, Modankap, Bantwal, followed by Mass at 4:00 pm.

Contact : Claudy - 98214 41677