Church Attack: Cabinet Approval to Withdraw Cases Against Christians Soon

Church Attack: Cabinet Approval to Withdraw Cases Against Christians Soon

Daijiworld Media Network

Mangalore, Jul 17: Ronald Colaco, chairman of International Federation of Karnataka Christian Association (IFKCA) led a delegation of Association members along with other Christian leaders like Valerian Fernandes, Felix D'Souza, Clifford Mascarenhas and IFKCA state convener Denis D'Silva to meet the state home minister R Ashok recently.

The delegation wanted to know the progress made by the state government in withdrawing the cases filed against Christian youth following the church attacks two years back. This is the second IFKCA delegation led by Colaco to meet the home minister, following the earlier delegation of February 15, 2011, urging the minister to withdraw these cases.

The home minister apprised the delegation that the government has already taken a decision to withdraw the cases and a cabinet approval for the same is on the anvil. He also told the delegation that he has directed the police stations concerned to send details of the cases to the DGP and IGP of state to enable them to take necessary action. The home minister also instructed his special officer Kempe Gowda to keep a track of file movements of the cases pertaining to the youth as per the procedure, from respective local police stations to the SP/commissioner’s office to DGP, IGP to home secretary and finally the approval of the cabinet.

The members met special officer Kempe Gowda who got in touch with the police commissioner of Mangalore within no time and informed him about the directive of the home minister to report immediately to him and inform him about the progress made in sending the files immediately to the office of DGP and IGP to speed up the process.
The delegation also met higher education minister and former home minister Dr V S Acharya and requested him to ensure cabinet approval to release the youth. Colaco explained to the minister and the officials concerned about the hardships faced by the youth due to the pending cases against them. He told the minister that the action of the youth was nothing but an emotional outburst following the attack on churches. He also explained that the youth were finding it difficult to pursue higher education, obtain passport to go abroad for a better career or to take up employment even at local levels, due to pending criminal cases against them.
They also met additional secretary to the government and private secretary of the chief minister Dayashankar, who nominated one of his officials to keep a track on the developments at every stage and report back to him about the progress made every three days.

With a view to get early relief to the unfortunate youth against whom cases have been registered, IFKCA chairman Ronald Colaco has appointed IFKCA state convener Denis D'Silva, Michael Baptist, Joseph Lobo and K Stanly as committee members to take necessary follow up action. These members are now trying to ensure that the files pertaining to these youth get moving at every stage to avoid undue delay so that they can dispense justice and get them early relief.
State convenor of IFKCA Denis D'Silva says that unless the case is pursued with due urgency the efforts of IFKCA would become futile and therefore they have been following the case with renewed vigour.


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  • john, manipal

    Tue, Jul 26 2011

    karmam phalam. how many have been arrested for attacking women nuns and breaking church statues....they can all escape mans wrath but NONE can escape GODS punishment. maybe next birth?

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  • R D'Mello, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 19 2011

    Hi Ramesh

    Kindly, don't put words in my mouth! If you have not understood my previous post, I encourage you to read it again.

    My comment was not about the law. Law will take its course! My comments were regarding to one KRPrabhu.

    Keep in mind that in my previous post, I have not blamed any community. I feel happy to see the efforts of Mr. Colaco and Mr. Bhat in reducing discord. Infact, you are the one who is mentioning about "ungratefulness" and like KRPrabhu and being intolerant and pointing fingers!

    End of Story! Have a nice day.

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  • Ramesh, udupi

    Tue, Jul 19 2011

    KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore is explaining the known fact for freinds why u all frustrating!..sure, law takes little time since ours is a complicated democracy system to handle any case with accuracy!!
    R D'Mello, Mangalore..when u are talking abt equally, if u think 'EQUALLY THE CITIZENS OF THE LAND' u should also know to respect rule of land...which u some are ungratefull!!! u defame rest in the name of religion!!!

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  • vallyvagga, mysore CITY

    Tue, Jul 19 2011

    Good news to the entire Christian community of Karnataka.
    I think everyone should learn leadership from Mr. Ronald Colaco.

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  • R D'Mello, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 18 2011

    Hi KRPrabhu

    Yes, when Mr. Colaco met Mr. Bhat, it was for a common good, given the amount of discord. Both men are sensible and may want to see society where civilized people live. You are talking like a fanatic and the only thing that would make a person like you happy is when Christians are persecuted. Have some sense of humanity man! If you think bad, only you will be affected by it, nobody else. May God give you wisdom.


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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore, cowards like you come at midnight and does mischiefs, no guts to come in broad light. On judgement day everything come into light who instigated? who is hiding and who is roaming scot free? BJP days are numbered,those who attacked and those instigted both will be caught. Justice will be done. No chance to bribe God.

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  • Vinod, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    State cabinet is busy with introducing bhagwatgeetha in the school!. Be prepare for another deligation in next month

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  • A.S.Mathew , U.S.A.

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    It is far too late finally
    this headache and rotten chapter
    can be erased within the next
    two weeks.

    A few dedicated people under the
    leadership of Mr. Ronald Colaco
    worked too hard to reach the
    final day in solving this problem.
    God bless them all for their
    selfless efforts to bring a solution to this problem and it
    will open a new chapter with greater peace in Karnataka.

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  • vishal managalore, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    Well done Mr Colaco and are doing a great Job for christian community. Adv. Harry D'souza, Mulki, Dahisar you said it right.. what is the diocesan authority doing?? where are the PRO'S or Spokes persons? Other day when Mr Lancy from Arva was arrested and jailed with false allegations church authorities did not go to his rescue( I think they were not aware of such thing has happened) its IFKCA who came to his rescue.. now again. great Job IFKCA.. carry on your work.

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  • Nelson, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    I totally agree with Louis D'souza. People like KRPrabhu are the main culprits responsible for everything by misguiding all poor uneducated people of their community and commenting here as if all of us were unconcious during the incident.

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  • Nazeer, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    Good news to the entire Christian community of Karnataka. I think everyone should learn leadership from Mr. Colaco.
    I wish Mr. Colaco should be nominated to Vidhana parishad and be the social affairs minister.

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  • vincy, shamboor/bangkok

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    Its a shame on the BJP government that took all these 2 years but not yet passed a ressolution to withdraw the cases.Shame because many of them are educated from church schools.They failed to withdraw cases on this issue even though the people arrested were innocent and without any previous crime record. I feel that our brothers learned a good lesson for the future. I would like to request KRPrabhu to provide more light on the content of meeting of Kalladka Bhat and Ronald.

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  • Vanessa, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    It's not an easy task to personally approach and follow up this matter with with the Home Minister, other Ministers and Govt. Officials. Mr Ronald Colaco, has repeatedly followed up this matter of withdrawal of cases against Christian youth and I am sure that the Cabinet will approve it within a couple of weeks. People at the Helm of affairs know that Mr Colaco is genuine & selfless and so have great regards for him. At the request of IFKCA under the leadership of Mr Ronald Colaco,the present Govt. has already allotted a substantial amount of money in the Budget for the welfare of Christian Community. Mr Colaco is a great asset to our community. May God bless him.

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  • Roshan,

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    God bless you Mr. colaco and team of IFKCA, you ppl really blessed and sent by god to do this job.I think KR prabhu is one of the attackers, so it feels bitter for him.

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  • Adv. Harry D'souza, Mulki, Dahisar

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    If the statues are atacked and broken we can make new one. If the life of human is destroyed can we make new one of the same.

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  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    @Louis D'souza,Udupi/Kuwait
    Those people who instigated christian youths to take law into their hands are hiding in Kuwait,Pune and elsewhere and shedding crocodile tears.Ronald Colaco alone is struggling to set right the wrong doings and find out a solution.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore, I feel you were one of the culprits who attacked churches, broke statues? So you are doing mischiefs in Mangalore and hiding in Banglore. Police instead of catching the culprits where trying to nab the protesters as if nothing has happened?? May God forgive you.

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  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    @Peter Periera,Pune
    Not a single person defended church attack.Those who showed their anger in the street next day tried to attack police personnel and pelted stone on them & police had to use excessive force to curb such lawlessness.Do you the seriousness of pelting stone/attacking police force by civilians?This is the crux of the complex nature of case framed against agitators.Understand that Ronald Colaco is the only person who took the matter so seriously with the government for withdrawal of the case.This is the background of his recent visit of Prabhakar Bhat at Kalladka.Don't sribble something nonsense without knowing the correct facts.Have some patience.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    According to Karnataka Govt., defending worship places from the animals is a crime. Next time, when these uncivilised animals dare to enter holy places, welcome them with garlands. Thanks Mr. Ronald and team.

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    Looks like Church attack is fine for these state govt. Protest against the attack without harming anyone is a crime!! Salute to Acharya Brain!!

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  • Adv. Harry D'souza, Mulki, Dahisar

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    Carreer is more important to youths today. All these things happens in catholic society because there is no democracy in the church managememnt. The church management believes in dictatorship. All the top positions of the church are occupied by the priests. They think they are more competant than laity people. If the priests are only given job of priests and rest of the management is handed over to persons like Colaco, our youths will not indulge such activities.

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  • Alan DMellow, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    First of all, I do not understand why there should be case against innocent people who have done no harm to anyone. Can someone explain this?

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sun, Jul 17 2011

    God bless Colaco, I hope Govt will take action as soon as possible to withdraw cases against inocent Christian youths, while culprits are let off scot free.

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  • Ina DSouza, Thottam/Bahrain

    Sat, Jul 16 2011

    Our youth are the strong foundation of our faith. God will bless them. Let us be united in helping them. Some of them may need their education completed and others need employment to start fresh with their future. Let us pray for them in our Sunday liturgy intensions that they will soon start a new beginning. For God nothing is impossible. He takes care of us all. May God bless us all.

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  • chittaranjan, managalore

    Sat, Jul 16 2011

    Good work now take back all Baj Rang Dal, RSS. SFS And All criminals case also take back. till date all of them opp. for Acharya and Ashok.

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    Sat, Jul 16 2011

    Why "AAMAY NADIGE"in withdrawing cases against Christian youths of Church Attacks?They defended and agitated against their place of worship and they were in the receiving end!How fast Reddy's cases were with drawn by Govt of Karnataka!!So in this regard Govt has to take immediate step as cabinet approval has been done.Any good follow up by community leaders and that should be appreciated.

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  • Ganesh, Mangaladevi, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 16 2011

    Good News, To late slow movement from Govt. but still we don't. know when file will reach to cabinet.
    I think this is only we can see in india. one more minister for to see file movement. ?

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nantur/Chicago

    Sat, Jul 16 2011

    Well done Ronald Colaco and team. I salute your hard efforts in releasing these innocent youth. Once these youngsters come out of the system, they need higher education and also jobs. Hope that our institutions will take care of this under the leadership of Ronald Colaco. These youngsters need heroic welcome from our community for their bravery and sacrifice. May God less you all.

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