Mangaluru: Naandi Rangayana drama festival from May 24

Media Release

Mangaluru, May 23: Naandi Natakotsava, a performance of three dramas performed by the students of Indian Theatre Education Centre of Mysuru Rangayana for the year 2023-24, will be held at Sahodaya Hall, St Aloysius College, Mangaluru from May 24 to 26 at 7.00 pm daily.

Organized by the Arehole Foundation, this drama festival will be held in collaboration with St Aloysius deemed University Centre for Theatre Studies, department of Kannada and Culture, Kalabhi (R) Mangaluru.

On May 24 Haisnam Tomba Ranga Patya, directed by Vriksharaja; on May 25 Keertinath Kurtukoti, directed by Manjunath Badigera, Aa Money, and on May 26 William Shakespear written, The Business of Venice, directed by Amit Reddy.

Ram Nath, head of Rangayana and honorary president of Arehole Foundation and Harikrishna Punaruru said that there is free entry to all these plays.




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