Mangaluru: Cong govt oppressing BJP leaders, its representatives - Sathish Kumpala

Pics: Spoorthi Ullal

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru

Mangaluru, May 24: District BJP president Sathish Kumpala said, “The Congress government has indulged in oppressing BJP leaders and their representatives during their one-year tenure.”

Addressing the media on Friday, May 24, he stated, “In the last year of Congress rule, law and order in the state has completely failed. The Congress government is oppressing Hindus and BJP representatives by filing false cases, imposing the Goonda Act, and expelling them without cause."

"The Congress government in the state is misusing the police department. Previously, the police filed cases against MLAs Dr Bharath Y Shetty and Vedavyas Kamath when they supported students and parents during a recent protest. Police have even entered Harish Poonja’s residence without giving him notice.

“Our representatives are being harassed unnecessarily in the name of illegal mining, in which Shashiraj was not involved. Harish Poonja spoke in favour of Shashiraj, who was not involved in the illegal mining case,” said Sathish Kumpala.





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