Zimbabwe President congratulates Ramaphosa on reelection as South African President

Harare, June 15 (IANS): Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has congratulated Cyril Ramaphosa on his reelection as the President of South Africa.

In his congratulatory message on Friday, Mnangagwa reaffirmed his commitment to working closely with Ramaphosa to further strengthen and deepen strong ties that exist between Zimbabwe and South Africa, glued together by shared history, culture, and family ties, Xinhua News Agency reported.

Mnangagwa further underscored his commitment to continue working with Ramaphosa at the regional and multilateral levels to bolster regional integration, as well as to seek enduring solutions to global challenges.

"On behalf of the government and the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe, and, indeed, on my own behalf, it is my honor and privilege to extend to you, our sincere and heartfelt congratulations following your reelection as the President of South Africa," Mnangagwa said.

Ramaphosa, leader of South Africa's ruling African National Congress, was reelected by the National Assembly on Friday as the nation's president for the next five years.



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