Udupi: Gurukula School holds parents-teachers meetings

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (TP)

Udupi, Jun 17: The first parents-teachers meeting of the academic year 2024-25 was held at Gurukula School Vakwadi, Koteshwar, on June 15.

Sunil Patrick, principal in his introductory note explained the educational work plans and school activities and the three factors that influence the development of children, and gave various examples of how the children change step by step. He stated about, where, how and how much should parents talk, “Respect the feelings of your children, always speak respectfully about the teachers in front of your children and understand the situation. Let the parents be aware that the child spends more time with his parents than at school," he said. 

Anupama S Shetty, joint executive of Bandya Educational Trust, in the presidential note said, “While raising children, we make many mistakes which should be corrected first. We all are emotional beings so let us respect everyone’s feelings.”

Sujatha Kiran Shetty, associate teacher, preceded the programme. Sumalatha, associate teacher, welcomed the gathering. Mamatha K V, associate teacher proposed the vote of thanks.

All teachers and parents were present in the meeting.




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