Udupi: Samanvaya distributes blankets, umbrellas to senior citizens

Media Release

Udupi, Jun 17: A unique programme called ‘Old Roots and New Branches’ was organized by the Samanvaya Inter-Religious Dialogue Committee of Thottam on Sunday June 16. Under this programme, umbrellas and blankets were distributed to about 180 needy senior citizens of all faiths of the locality. The guests on the Dais were, the honorary president Fr Denis D’Sa, the president of the Samanvaya Inter-Religious Committee Ramesh Thingalaya, the chief guest and the speaker of the day Prof Hilda Rodrigues, Rev Edwin Joseph, pastor, CSI Ebenezer Church, Malpe, the vice presidents of the committee Nakwa Yhya, Agnel Fernandes, Gladson, the PRO of the committee Vinod, two senior most citizens of the day Lalitha Acharthy and Nelson Anchan, secretary Leslie Arouza and others were present on the occasion.

In his opening remarks, Fr Denis D’Sa said that the purpose behind this programme is to promote and foster unity and harmony among people of all faiths. He said that it is heartening to see around 300 senior citizens of all faiths coming under one roof not just to benefit from the programme but to express their solidarity and cooperation to the initiative taken by the inter-religious committee in promoting peace and unity around the vicinity. He also gave some tips to the senior citizens as to how to spend the retired or rest of their lives. He said that laughter is the best medicine for all the illnesses. He said that in spite of all the challenges of life be it regarding health or relationship with family members or any other they should be positive towards life. He told the senior citizens that they are the old roots which can sustain the tree called Family through their experience, wisdom and values. They form a strong support to the younger members of the family in shaping their personality. He invited the seniors to win over the young the children by their pleasant and appreciative talks, by their prayers and good wishes to them. He also told them not to brood over the health issues all the time because that will demotivate the others and themselves. Rather they should come out of their houses and interact with the people from the neighbourhood, talk positive things about life, join some associations like senior citizen’s club, go for walk, read some newspapers and watch TV serials etc. Control over food, health diet and regular health check-up are the keys to maintain good health. He also told them that they have to adjust with the signs of the time and not to quote all the time their good old story to the youngsters and grandchildren. He wished them good health.

Prof Hilda Rodrigues, the resource person speaking from her experience said that they should be grateful to God for the long life and fairly good health. “Every day is a bonus from God and therefore we must express our gratitude to God every day in our places of worship or at home. We must accept the reality of our old age and always have a positive frame of mind. As far as possible enjoy the rest of the days of your life by wearing a smile all the time, eating the food offered by the family, going for a walk, picnic etc,” she said. She also said that instead of transferring all their money and belongings to their children, they should prudently retain something for themselves which would avoid fights and ill feeling in the family. Addressing the women present, she said that they should not neglect their health and healthcare. They must go for regular health check-ups which would avoid a lot of health complications.

The sponsors were felicitated for their generosity. An umbrella and a blanket each was distributed to about 180 senior citizens from all walks of life and faiths.

The president of the committee Ramesh Thingalaya welcomed the gathering. The secretary Leslie Arouza, proposed the vote of thanks. Prasad compered the programme.






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  • Hilda D Silva, Kallianpur/Loretto

    Wed, Jun 19 2024

    It was such a great Program and get together.Really really appreciate Fr.Denis D Sa and the Committee members.If there are more such meets definitely we can eradicate all misunderstandings and divisions.Thank you Father,Lesli Aroza and the committee members for giving me a chance to attend such unique program. Thank you Father for being a model exhibiting great quality of humanism

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