NSUI condemns governor's conduct at Mangalore University convocation ceremony

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru

Mangaluru, Jun 16: The convocation ceremony at Mangalore University has consistently been conducted with high standards for many years. This year's event was no exception, featuring a well-organized programme. However the NSUI student unin members have expressed displeasure over the governor's conduct at the event citing that this occured despite the latter knowing the entire schedule in advance.

"Once on stage, the governor and his officials created significant confusion, which has caused considerable disappointment. The conferral of honorary doctorates was done collectively, affecting research students and others. The governor's behavior towards the university's vice-chancellors is also unbecoming of a person in his position," alleged district president of NSUI, Suhan Alva.

In summary, what was supposed to be an exemplary award ceremony was disrupted due to the unnecessary interference of the governor and his officials, he added.




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  • Ravindra, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 17 2024

    This NSUI is good for nothing only they preach violence. They should never be taken seriously they are all anti nationals

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