Udupi: Black Deepavali Night at Yermal Temple - Silver Crown Stolen

by Inchara Digitals
Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (SP)

Udupi, Oct 26: The ancient Lakshmi Janardhana Temple located at Yermal in the taluk on national highway was targeted by robbers on the night of Tuesday October 25. The priests who opened the doors today morning for the morning puja found that the lock of the front door of the temple was broken, and silver valuables worth over one lac rupees had been taken away by the intruders. It is guessed that the theft took place between midnight and early morning today, as puja and other rituals were conducted at the temple till late night on Tuesday.

The above temple is over 800 years old, and is frequented by devotees spread all over the district. A silver crown of the presiding deity of the temple, a silver waistband, and other silverware being used for puja have gone missing from the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. As the gold jewellery belonging the temple were kept in the safe locker of the temple before the priests locked the temple door, the thieves could not lay their hands on them.

A case was registered in Padubidri police station in this connection. The policemen arrived at the temple premises along with sniffer dogs and finger print experts. Investigation has been taken up.


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  • Ash, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 01 2011

    How which religion originated I do not know. Only thing I know is-"For God so loved this world that He gave His Only Begotten son that who so ever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."
    I'm very grateful that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sake and become my sacrificial lamb.
    Today, I'm righteous not by my works but by the blood of Jesus. This fact that God loves me so much makes me love others as well.
    Praise be to God :)

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    This particular forum bas become a battle of words between Lydia Lobo and other hardliners. I liked the way Lydia is fighting out ill founded theories. She has a point to prove and her statement has substance. Keep it up Lydia.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph. F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Dear Mr. Harsha Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi, When God made adam and eve did he made brown? White? Red black? Neither I do not know.Do you know of which colour their body was? Try if a pregnant women body colour is black, tell her to drink at least one to one and half leter of Milk daily till she delivers a baby then see the colour of the baby.

    As per christianinty there are denominations not sects.
    The denomination which you quoted is not penta-cosa.
    The correct word is pentecosts or pentecostals.

    I quote your words prophet.. moses himself..seen only word of god. Unquote. Jesus is the word of God the word of God is eternal. Hence Jesus was/is existed eternally. Read John 1:1-10
    As a human Jesus says John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. Jesus was existed before the foundation of the world refer John 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. Continued..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Mr. Malhotra,

    Just the following phrase would have been suffice for me :

    'first of all whatever do from our heart will be accepted by god'

    Size of the offering is decided by us people - in God's view we all are equal.

    Happy Diwali !

    DisAgree [7] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Mr. Bhat,

    Let us accept your argument - Aryan Theory is wrong. I take it at face value - I have not browsed the URL suggested by you.

    Do you agree that Jainism, Buddhism, Veerashaivism drifted away from Hinduism for one common reason ?

    DisAgree [10] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Oct 27 2011


    Lets assume 1st century AD as year 0. Now we are in the 2000 year (21st century).

    Buddha lived during 500 years before 1st century, Mahaveera lived between 599-527 BCE. If Aryans came to India during 1500 BCE, why not they brought (Modern) Hinduism to India ?

    We know Jainism and Buddhism grew over caste indifference which existed at their time as I said, Aryans introduced.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • anamika, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    God might be laughing at all of you the way you are discussing the issue of worship in different style by various communities. God never looks at your costumes or your body or way of your practice. He looks at what you have in your heart and what the deeds you do. So don't indulge in war of words. spread love on each other.Either you Hindu,Muslim or Christian.. all are from Adam and eve. Since we are from same father and mother, why the children have to fight??

    DisAgree [8] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • mohan, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    May be it is in temple poojari's own house!!! it happens sometime??

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  • gregory, pangla

    Thu, Oct 27 2011


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  • M.Bhat, Dubai

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Dear Lydia. Aryan Invasion is a false theory & proved wrong.Pls go through the below site


    DisAgree [3] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Oct 27 2011


    Here is a small cut-paste from the literature you suggested.

    Modern Hinduism grew out of the Vedas, the oldest of which is the Rigveda, dated to 1700–1100 BCE.[24]

    Buddha went a step further and claimed that the existence of a Self/soul or God was unnecessary.[28]Buddhism peaked during the reign of Asoka the Great of the Mauryan Empire, who unified the Indian subcontinent in the 3rd century BCE

    Aren't these claims contradicting ? Buddha was a Kshatriya in Sakyas kingdom. He got enlightened in 528 BCE. Can you tell me which was earlier - Buddha's claim or Rigveda 1700-1100 BCE ?

    I also wish to know the year of Aryan invasion.

    Its a genuine question - not quizzing you.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/ Mumbai

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Guys you will have to appreciate one thing. We Christians constitute less than 2% of the entire population but still we fight within our own and support the other 85% not because we are weak but we all want a strong India. Let us unite and kick out all our CHOR’S and untidily say MERA BHARAT MAHAN!!!!!!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sheldon, Valencia Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Hi Lydia i have no clue where do you get ur history from bcoz in reality hinduism existed way beyond aryans ie 5500–2600 BCE were as aryans came to india in 1500 BC lord Shiva Rudra Pashupati Brahma believes existed before arival of aryans pls refresh your knowledge and stop educating people on lies FYA go to this site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism
    Hope you can clear your doubts

    and lidia y do u have to comment on other religion you know i remember a sentence from the Bible
    'Why do you see the speck that is in your Nieghbours eye, but don't consider the log in Yours'

    DisAgree [3] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harsha Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Mr.Lydia Lobo, Kadri..good question of yours..for all of your questions only one answer..

    God created universe..given sky/earth/moon/sun/wind/fire/tree/animals....why than all 'holy books' written only on this earth??? is it due to scarcity of publishing houses abode???

    as per your religion..(sect penta-cosa)adam and eve is first human being on this earth...than why so much differentiate among human being.. some are reddish/some are brownish/some looks like chinese/some are negroes...

    If it's due to climatic changes..why than obama from kenya region still black.. after so many years staying in america... who is than 'adam and eve' of polar bear which is staying in ' antartica' and which you will find in 'aghuambe ghat'???

    first of all whatever do from our heart will be accepted by god...even offerings to god...which we still not seen by any human beings as well as any prophet.. moses himself..seen only word of god..!!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Mr. Harsh Malhotra,

    I abide by your comment, word-by-word. Now, please enlighten me with the reason for adorning a deity with expensive ornate making it a target of thieves. Does God desire expensive gifts or is He satisfied by simple puja like Shabari did to Shri Ram ? What is the motive of a rich man offering such gifts ?

    I don't mean 'My worship is different from you' or am taunting your practice - I am seeking to discuss.

    DisAgree [33] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Soumya, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Silvester Lewis, Manipal/Dubai

    I will completely go by your words and leave Lidia Lobo to comment cause now im 100% sure she has no clue on what she is talking...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pradyumna, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 27 2011

    Dear Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    We keep the wound open to get it cured. Try to keep your emotions inside. Follow your culture, respect other's culture.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harsha Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Thu, Oct 27 2011


    According to Hinduism God is spirit, God is absolute Consciousness (prajnanam brahma), God is supreme soul (Paramatma) who controls both material and spiritual worlds. God doesn’t have any form at all and yet He is inherent in all the forms. God doesn’t get angry according to Hinduism if you respect any thing in this world. He is NOT jealous God. In fact God will bless us if we respect his creations. This is the reason ahimsa/non-violence (loving and caring of any created things) is core belief of Hinduism. There is no specific name for God and this is the reason Hindu scriptures use various sacred names to define him according to great qualities of God. Sometimes God is called as ONE (ekam) in many scriptures.

    The Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism are simply different "faces" or manifestations and/or incarnations (Avatars) of the One. Another word that is used in Sanskrit to describe this oneness is 'purnam', which means complete or full. Thus God by very definition is complete and full. We can worship God in spirit or in any of his manifestations or in both. Both methods are valid in Hinduism. But according to Hinduism, since “God is everywhere and everything is in God”, using idols for concentration to meditate/worship him is NOT sin. Since God is everywhere so he is in idols too. Since God knows all, he knows that we are praying to him only. This is the reason why Hinduism says to respect everything in this world. Nobody escape from 'SIN'!!!!!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011


    India got invaded by various warriors, Aryans were one of them. At the time of their arrival, India had several little kingdoms, unbelievably rich with precious metals. Your may have heard a poem in Kannada 'Belli-Ratnagalannu balla-dinda aledu maarida'. When Aryans invaded such kingdoms they needed peoples support. At that time, people were least cared for - king was happy with wealth, more than one wife and concubines to add. People worshiped religious symbols like sun, moon, etc. The Aryans, who were specialized in Veda, transformed the very tribal culture with a deity of that Agni, Varun, Indra, so on. Do you know they have two calendars ? One for the upper caste and other for lower ? Lower caste, even today did not take the audacity of specializing in Vedic scriptures ? They must take repose in the one who is authorized to study it ? May it be for an auspicious timing, carrying out a Homa/Puja ? Hats off to Basaveshwara, who himself was a Purohit in Bijjala Kingdom, gave this freedom to people without no caste difference thus was born Veerashaivism (Lingayats). Of-course, Arya Samaj, Rakakrishna Mission, etc. date much back than this.

    DisAgree [32] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011


    I am glad that you understood what I am saying - when God is happy with flowers/Hannu-Kai, why offer gold, diamond, silver ? Economical status ? How Reddy gained that status ?

    When Yeddy offered certain amount from Karnataka treasury to Tamilnadu temple, all said - 'why you bother ? He reserved grant (in the budget of-course) to your religion too' ! Now, ponder - why do yo think Yeddy gave the donation ?

    DisAgree [18] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/ Mumbai

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Hey Lidya Lobo, The Indian Constitution allows all Indians to follow any religion of their choice and worship absolutely anything. Let him worship a monkey, donkey, rat or even his wife. It is his prerogative
    Does this affect you? Neither does it affect mine. So just CHILL……..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • miranda melwyn, gantalkatte/ kuwait

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    forgot all tentions and collect all chiller(coins)and give the bus condector... i sure he will b happy.bcoz god is great he dnt need any money or gold or silver.he is the only who giving us.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Some Catholics are idol worshippers & other Christian denominations are not worshiping idols. Very few Catholics are standing before Mother Mary statue & pray which is not at all essential. Jesus said if you ask me for anything in my name I will do it. John 14:14. God is not an idol, a thing, a material, or an image. Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
    John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    Do any non-Christians noticed in the church where the adoration prayers & worship offered by the faithful! Most of the Catholics are praying, worshipping, kneel down, bow down & adoring the Holy Tabernacle/The Holy Communion/Holy sacrament.

    God should reside in your heart not in Fatima, Rome, Varanasi, Mathura, Mecca & Madina. God is almighty, unlimited in power. He can enter into his creation. The faithful can pray & worship in any languages not limited to any language Sanskrit, Arabic or English. God knows all languages. God is not a stone, a thing, an Idol, a book or an image. At any cost He will preserve the Word. Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

    The face of heavenly Jesus Revelation to John 1:16 And his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

    DisAgree [39] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Silvester Lewis, Manipal/Dubai

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydia you have totally lost the track down the line. So your argument is just a cry in the desert. No one should comment on others religious sentiments. So people ignore her comments in this particular news.

    I saw the thief ed the offering box and spill all the coins, i think they are 25 paise which government has banned. Smart thief. I think they took the jewellery and notes.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • vasant raj, udupi/Abudhabi

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    I agree with all comments made by Lydia Loba, Kadri. I Like it..I like it..I like it.. You are just rocking.

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  • Soumya, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydia Lobo Kadri,

    I am shocked to know that you are aware why Amithabh and Reddy have made offering to God!! I hope they dint call you up did they?

    Well i do not need an explanation from you as to what you offer to God cause I can understand what you are from your views. Who are you to decide my economic stability? Of course I have made offerings to temples in the form of gold.. gold, flowers or just a leaf its ones state of mind as to what he wants to offer to his belief.

    You being a lady a mother may be a sister have to go above all these kinds of discrimination what will you teach your kids if you are only like this? I am sorry that people like you are there in society who are the main reason for a different Mangalore these days.. the core of creating differences is Mentality like yours..

    To be telling the truth I have statues of Jesus and Mother Mary with me and never felt any difference?!!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011


    Show me one place where I said 'Do not worship Idol' ? I am not of your caliber to think that what I say will materialize. My pointing out was offering precious gifts to deities (which transforms as a bribe) and the devotee hopes that his business will run uninterrupted because of the offering. Reddy has proved and Jagannath temple has refused to return it (though nobody demanded) - the act and worth came to light only after he was arrested.

    I don't see any reason for you to be offended by my opinion which we all express here - not dictate.

    DisAgree [29] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Udaya Kumar Kayyar, M'lore / Dubai

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Well said Dear Sowmya !!!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    We do not have to learn from you what we have to do and what we are not supposed to do. If you dont like Idol worship its your wish nobody is questioning it and so the same you have no right to question the belief of other people. Just practice your religion and be happy. just because your english is good and you have enuf time dnt write anything and everything and hurt the sentiments of people. GOD BLESS YOU

    DisAgree [11] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Soumya, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydia Lobo ,
    First thing is I do not know why any one is offering gold or any form of jewelery to a deity. I am shocked that you know the intention behind Amitabh and Reddy's gifts to god!! I hope they dint call you :) Flower or precious jewelery its ones personal will to offer anything to god. Who are you to decide my economic status? I have offered gold to temples.

    further I dont need your explanation if you offer anything to your diety or not.. cause i can understand what you are by your words. to be frank I myself have idols of Jesus and mother mary with me but its people like you who spoil a society bring difference between religion and people..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Dear All,
    Why are you pointing each other’s religion. Everyone has their own belief. Just comment on the incident. Robbery is wrong. And need to take action.

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sheldon, Valencia Magalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Hi Lydia
    I just wanted u to get ur History right the hindu gods existed far before St Thomas, Moghuls & aryans invaded India It was right from the time of Indus Valley Civilization and hindu religion is one of the oldest known religions to the world so its not the sun moon rain it is Indra (the king of gods, the god of thunder and lightning he also rules the world of Swarga), Varuna (the god of the oceans), Agni (the god of fire), Kubera (the treasurer of the gods), Surya (the sun god), Vayu (the god of wind), and Soma (the moon god) so it was not the elements worshipped please get ur facts right Lydia

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Loretto/Mumbai/Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    I am sure these burglars have the blessings of their favorite deities to whom he/they might have offered a part of the ransacked booty to avoid incurring the wrath of this particular deity, otherwise they dare not do it. I am reminded of a similar recent incident where a robber gave back all the robbed booty confessing that he fell into ill luck after robbing the temple and the temple on its part withdrew the police case considering that he has repented and asked forgiveness from the deity concerned!!

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • austin, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydia Loba Kadri, not worshipping the images is your personal belief. do not impost it on others. Your comments are totally unwanted here and grossly diverting the issue. What you are trying to tell is that my belief is better than others. If there is one bad person on this earth there are ten good person also. do not hurt these people by your insane comments. Readers please disregard her comments not worth responding

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011


    We worship idols because we adopted some customs like garlands, Kariyamani, sari that were local when Christianity arrived to India. However, idolatry has been to a limited extent.

    Had there been no St. Thomas, the Moguls or Aryans arrived into India, people of India even today could have been worshipers of stone, tree, river, sun, moon, stars or natural phenomenon like rain, storm & thunder out of fear.

    It will take quite some time before people realize that God resides in the other suffering man whom we must first help, else, our offering is futile.

    DisAgree [115] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    D'Souza - Mangalore/Dubai,

    If you keep a wound open, flees come, invade, cause you further infection. Whom do you blame ? Yourself or the flees ?

    DisAgree [97] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sheldon Pinto, Valencia Magalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Hi Lydia Lobo

    Dont agree with your comments we also worship an idol an image which was made by man though it is real so is the idol made for any Lords of hindus donation is nothing but charity that u give out of what u earn every religion has it islam has Zakat we have offerings Hindus have pooja or Dakshinay 

    Jjust yesterday St Theresa statue was stoned in Bendore and today a temple. People pls keep Your calm

    DisAgree [6] Agree [86] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Sreenath, Udupi,

    I have no hold over the land a Church is having hence to who they donate it does not come to my part to ponder on. If I am in a position of donating a piece of land, I prefer the recipient to be the landless people than a church.

    But the thieves surely have an authority on the movable articles on a deity and you seem to be justifying the theft.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • PRASHANTH, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydia Lobo - Y u offer a prayer for Statue??????? ... y ur church took lot of fund????

    DisAgree [11] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    This incident is shocking and puzzling as the robbery of 1 lach only. but Reddy 15000 crore rupees robbery.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • jk, mangalore, capitanio

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Good question! I had the same thought when the Kaaba was flooded and damaged years ago and people had to repair it again. Why wasn't it protected? So what i can conclude is that gods dont reside here, people just place thier belief in this places and consider these places as pure, holy etc. So its the same in every religion. hope your question is answered..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shreenath, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lidiya Lobo Kadri
    Is your Opinion same on the matter of wealth with the Churches of undevide Karnataka. Because Many Churches got Accors of land and Jesus dont want this much land. Can they donate this land to who are all living in Jopda patti. would you advise to your churches to donate land.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ganesh, Mangaladevi, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Don't. worry they will feel sick very soon. and they come and return what they stolen.
    This not corrupt and looted money, this is hard working money.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    This is not a big deal to identify who the culprits are, the people who are in and around the temple have done this.

    A similar incident happened at neibhour temple and gold ornamanets were stolen belonging to a goddess during the yathra time and the culprits were the from supreme caste fly who perform pujas over thr.

    The truth was revealed, when devi's divine power cobra started troubling and cursing their fly's

    Just wait and watch for couple of days, the culprits will be behind the bars

    same wonders will be repeated for incidents releated to church attacks and culprits who r behind this

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • rahul, mangalore/dubai

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Harold D'cunha well said dude.....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Very sad incident. Few years back people used to shiver to touch the holy statues and now they are robbing , Cannot believe it.

    Those who are affected only, knows the pain of this loss loosing silver crown of the presiding deity of the temple, due to the heinous act of robbery. Personally I feel our Mangalore land which used to be clean has turning into corrupt and evil.

    Pray that this type of robbery should not happen at any holy religious places. Request readers to respect each of our fellow neighbours feeling. If u spit at others, the same spit will fall on your face.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • naveen, udupi

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    soumya good comment from u...........

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rashmi, Yermal

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Mr Santhosh Bhandary, agreed with your comment, but pls don’t forget Admar Mutt has done tremendous contribution to education and even the Shri Krishna Temple & Dharmastala is serving food and education and all other services they can to the common people.. It is always easy to say than practice…
    These silver items that were stolen are very old not given by any thief or by loot but from the common man for being blessed by God.. Sad that Yermal is all over the news for wrong reason…

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wollf Gang Lindle Baur, Chicago, USA

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Again a god looted in India. Poor helpless god. How he can protect the people if he can not save himself from robing.. Amazing and Incredible India

    DisAgree [14] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    I have a question for the readers i am confused here, we have seen a lot stone pelting and robbery in the temple and church recently as a news headlines, I am asking you why god himself cannot safeguard his properties??? If god or goddess cannot safeguard themselves then why we call him or she as god ?
    The god who is the creator and most powerful and supreme, but the god himself cant safeguard the statue belongs to him or the property like silver and gold ornaments belongs to the their statue, then how he or she can control the whole universe, like me, you and all mankind ??? Answer please..!

    DisAgree [15] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    MR. Santhosh Bhandary, Mangalore.
    Appreciated your comments.
    Good positive thinking.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    In the congress ruled country , before we got Partition and now we got terrorism (Jihadi) and Scams

    DisAgree [15] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    @KR Prabhu/Mangalore,

    Its not politics here, but the law and order situation my friend. Good governance and security of its citizens is the responsibility of ruling party. They forgot their duties but went ahead with looting of mineral wealth, land wealth and emptying the state coffer. The weakest ministry in our state is that of Home ministry... Weak leader means weak soldiers... sure to lose battle...All are corrupt from top to bottom, from Center to state.... We need kranti like Libya...then only our so called leaders will learn a lesson of their life time. Mind you history repeats itself... Look at the fate of corrupt leaders around the world from past to presence like Hitlter, Mussolini, Napolean, Stalin, Mubarak of Egypt, Abideen of Tunisia, Gaddhafi of Libya etc. You are part of our past, present and future. You cant re write the history. History is made, created and read and forgotten.... Yesterdays politics is todays history and todays politics is tomorrows history...Thats it my friend..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011


    You may be aware that Megastar Amitabh Bacchan offered a Diamond 'Hasta' to Lord Thimmappa. It was the time of his son dating Aishwarya Rai. Do you know the motive behind this donation?

    You may be aware that the Janardhan Reddy offered a crown to a temple - do you know the motive behind it ?

    You may not be rich enough to offer a precious metal gift to the deity - you may be offering flowers, Karpoora, milk - understandable - you do it as per your economical status. Have you ever heard the items you offered being stolen ?

    Please don't analyse my observations in a communal angle - be a judge by yourself.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammed Yermal, Yermal/Kuwait

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Yermal is peaceful place in Udupi district, I m from yermal, Janardana temple is very popular temple. All religion people are respecting this temple around this temple all religious people are living in peacefully. Now in yermal many strangers living because of Nagarjuna. They spoiled our place.

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  • Chandra, UAE

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Happy Deepavali to all Readers.
    Dear Ms. Lydia Lobo, Every religion has its own characterstic of religios rituals, follow your's and respect other's

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nazeer, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Let police handle the theft case. Happy Diwali!

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    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Rightly said by Shahnawaz Kukkikatte.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Temples,Mosque and Churches near location police station is required.

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  • Chandra, UAE

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Happy Deepavali to all Readers.
    Dear Ms. Lydia Lobo, Every religion has its own characterstic of religios rituals.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    (1)I went to Mangalore few years back. I saw People are very simple and not bothered in others activities/affairs. They are by themselves.Highly innocent looks. Watchmen guarding ATM cards just pretend to be so innocent even a shrewdest man will be fooled by the innocent looks. It happened When i was getting down from my car i lost RS 30,000 possibly fell out of car some other very valuables also i lost.In span of seconds I realised & I made allout efforts to search it but all in vain.Went back to ATM machine where i was also standing where the watchman was speaking to other man as if nothing has happened. There was visible frantic search efforts by me to see where is the money no one was bothered & all were walking as if they never saw me or nothing happened .All innocent looks innocent-innocent-Innocent -. Anyway I lost money valuables.There was a contradiction between innocent looks nice talk & actual deeds!
    (2)I was in europe in the train where i had a misunderstanding with Bar lady as she was ignorning black skin.Theere was a close fight between us. In the bargain I left my purpse on her table.I was seating in another compartment & I realised i have lost my purse . To my surprise the same lady where i had a fight came to me returning my purse saying i had left the purse on her table !!!!.
    Strange but true.Both are glaring differences .ISNT IT?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • D'Souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri - why can't you just condemn the act of the thieves instead of pointing a finger at a particular religion.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011


    I have an idol of jesus - I agree.

    Make offerings to it ? It does not happen, therefore I don't think I owe you an explanation.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arshad Kadli, Bhatkal / Al Khobar

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydia Lobo,
    The issue of offering to deities it related to individual beliefs. The theft in temple or ransacking of any other places of worship is related to law and order of the state.
    Let us not create differences in the society by mixing the issues.

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  • James, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Excuse me Soumya!!! U r guy with a narrow mind!!! First of all here everyone r discussing abt what went wrong not a communal discussion!!! Latter part i would like to let u kno In Catholics we don offer anything to idols!!! Whatever we offer is taken to a fund which will fund the poor and needy!!! Instead of playing with religious thoughts and beliefs be a Human Being first and respect the religion... Be a Peace Loving Mangalorean first!!!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Soumya, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Lydio Lobo Kadri... i guess the statue of Jesus is not an idol?!! why is it that you guyz are making offerings to it..

    DisAgree [38] Agree [124] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shekar Shetty, Bada Yermal

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    I belong to this place and have been regular to this temple, with Padubidri getting outside laborers and knowing well how rich these temples are, have identified this as their next easy target. It is high time, the local so called concerned big wigs, should take some good security measures and set a good example to all those who come to Mangalore / Udupi for labour employment.

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  • Amin Bhoja, kkuh / Riyadh

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    It is strange and unbelievable incident.Criminals are now in out proportion in the society.It is advisable to all the religious places to have some kind of security system,maybe cctv or security guard which will minimise the theft to an extent.In KALIYUG everything is possible,so care should be taken at the most.Daytime politicians are in action and night time criminals are in action.Only "GOD' can save us.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    The devotees are blind - they offer gold/silver/diamond articles to an image of a deity. This they do so that the image watch over their activities many times unjustified deeds. The offering itself is a bribe to enable their activities continue uninterrupted.

    Common people - the deity is lifeless - the one who deserves your donation is the poor who die out of hunger, sickness, jobless. The result you will see in a prosperous nation. Else, one thief donates, the other steals it is exactly what will happen to your donation.

    DisAgree [103] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    @Shanawaz Kukkikatte,Dubai/Udupi
    The incidents of theft at Yermal temple has no relevence to politics,which you also know very well.Be it BJP,Cong or JDS rule,these kinds of thefts happen every where nowadays.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Agee, India - UAE

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    This could be done from outsiders.. As we know people are migrating to Coastal from different parts of the country.. its not a good sign for the future but Good, Educated and highly social people are always welocme.. Jai Karnataka.

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  • Deepak Shetty, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Common guy's , nobody is blaming BJP. when St.Theresa incident happened all blamed ruling GOVT.Now all matured talks.in a week so much change :) good to see

    DisAgree [10] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Venance A.J.Crasta, Udyavara / Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Darwin correctly said that " THE FITTEST WILL SURVIVE ". So, to LIVE , do anything, if you are fit......

    DisAgree [16] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santhosh Bhandary, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Times have changed. Even we ahve to change our mindset. Nothing is safe these days, not even temples and places of worship. We have come across many such cases in the recent past. I sincerely feel that temples should stop accepting and exhibiting gold and silver. It is simply a temptation for needy people with a wicked mind. After all Gods don't need all this gold and silver. It is a waste using gold worth crores to decorate Gods and temples. The temples and mutts should ideally use all the gold and silver for the welfare of the people. I mean for free food, housing to the needy, schools, scholarships to the deserving, hospitals, orphanages, homes for the aged, widows etc. This is the only way going forward.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Loretto/Mumbai/Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    This incident is shocking and puzzling as the robbery has taken place on a day of hectic activity of Diwali season!! Indeed Kar-Nataka especially Mangalore is getting famous worldwide for all the wrong reasons and creating records of sorts for murders, burglaries, suicides, scam after scam, drugs, prostitution,land grabbing in the name of development, extortion and what not. God save our once beautiful Mangluru!!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • J N Lobo, Mumbai

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    I fully agree what shankaran- kundapur says “it is just LOOT. every where it is loot only.” Even JanLokpal crusaders – Kiren Bedi’s inflated air travel bills is a loot and Kejriwal’s transfer of Rs. 80 lacs of donation money into his personal NGO account without publishing audit is also a loot. We are in a country of looters from the highest to the lowest in every state.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • J N Lobo, Mumbai

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    I fully agree what shankaran- kundapur says “it is just LOOT. every where it is loot only.” Even JanLokpal crusaders – Kiren Bedi’s inflated air travel bills is a loot and Kejriwal’s transfer of Rs. 80 lacs into his personal NGO account without audit is also a loot. We are in a country of looters from the highest to the lowest in every state.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai / Mapusa

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    Install CCTV Camera's........

    DisAgree [11] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Oct 26 2011

    In BJP ruled state of ours, even the Gods and their jewellery are not safe, forget about the common man.....Where is the law and order???? Before there used to be a Beat policeman on duty during night for an area and he used to walk with a stick in his hand and used to question people moving late nights... NOw its history and thieves and anti national have every freedom in the night.

    DisAgree [41] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ruben Falima, Mlr

    Tue, Oct 25 2011

    why we should we preserve in holy places.

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  • Arun Menezes, Kallianpur / Kuwait

    Tue, Oct 25 2011

    "YATHA RAJA,TATHA PRAJA" Mangalore has become an experimental ground for all types of cummunal disruptive forces,vandalising churches,schools and now looting temples, cannot believe all this is happening in once peace loving MANGALORE!!

    DisAgree [19] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • shankaran, kundapur

    Tue, Oct 25 2011

    Susan : it is just LOOT. every where it is loot only, in govt there is loot, in jail there is loot, secondly govt has given too much to temple, so again loot

    DisAgree [22] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bedra, Moodbidri/Bangalore

    Tue, Oct 25 2011

    Mangalore is changing... This change is not good for us :( !!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Susan, Moodbidri, Canada

    Tue, Oct 25 2011

    This is never ending story. First stoning the statue of St. Theresa now looting temple, what is going on? this is not the mangalore i lived.

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