Peacekeepers in South Sudan sent to protect civilians from more communal violence: UN

United Nations, Jun 22 (IANS): UN peacekeepers in South Sudan have intensified patrols in Tonj East to protect civilians and restore community confidence after inter-communal clashes, a UN spokesman said.

The UN Mission in South Sudan, known as UNMISS, also continues to engage with community members and leaders, particularly women, to understand their perspectives on the security situation and better tailor their responses, said Farhan Haq, the Deputy Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, on Friday.

Haq added that the mission also reported challenges accessing Tonj East because of poor road conditions and heavy rains. The situation often complicates law enforcement in the area, but local authorities are determined to continue providing services to the affected communities, Xinhua news agency reported.

He said UNMISS, in collaboration with the UN Development Programme, organised a two-day forum in Yambio.

The forum brought together dozens of county commissioners, community leaders, youth and women representatives from Western Equatoria State to address persistent inter-communal conflict and violence.



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