Maharashtra Common Entrance Test pattern transparent: Commissioner

Mumbai, June 22 (IANS): Days after Shiv Sena leader Aaditya Thackeray demanded transparency in the recently conducted Maharashtra Health and Technical Common Entrance Test (MHT-CET) for engineering, Dilip Sardesai, the Commissioner of the State Common Entrance Test Chamber (CET Chamber), on Saturday claimed that the exam pattern is completely transparent and without human intervention.

"Maharashtra is the first state in the country to make the admission process for professional courses computerized and centralized. This method has been adopted later by the Central government. This method is completely transparent and without human intervention," said Sardesai. He appealed to the students and their parents not to believe in rumours.

Sardesai said that the ??T-??? 2024 exam was conducted by the State Common Entrance Test cell for admission to Engineering, Pharmacology and Agriculture Education courses at 169 examination centres. A total of 3, 30, 988 male students, 3,94,033 female students and 31 transgender candidates had registered online for this test. Of these registered candidates, 6,75,377 students appeared for the test.

"There is no system of giving negative marks to the candidates if the answer to any question is wrong. The said result is declared by percentile method. No grace marks have been given to any candidate in the said examination result. If there are any objections or complaints to the parents, examinees regarding the question or answer under this examination, the objection registration facility was made available through an online system through the CET cell," said Sardesai.

He stated that the objections registered by the candidates have been verified by subject wise experts and the answer sheets have been modified accordingly. The reports have been published on the website of the CET cell for the information of the candidates.

"The result process has been implemented by incorporating the said revised answer sheet. In this, the marks obtained by the candidate are declared as per the formula of result process and session wise result is declared in percentile form," he added.

"This examination system is being implemented from the year 2018-19. It is proposed to provide the opportunity to the students to see their answer sheets to be available on the website of CET Cell on June 27 and 28 after completion of technical matters," he added.



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