Borewell-trapped 5-year-old Girl Mahi Dies

Manesar (Haryana), Jun 24 (IBNS): Prayers for a small girl who fell in a borewell in a village near Manesar in Haryana on the outskirts of New Delhi failed as the five-year-old was pronounced dead after she was brought out, ending a nearly 86-hour-long operation.

"She probably died much earlier and perhaps soon after falling in the borewell," Gurgaon deputy commissioner P C Meena told reporters.

Rescuers led by an Army team on Sunday afternoon lifted out  five-year-old girl Mahi who fell into the 70-foot-deep borewell in a Gurgaon village four days ago.

The girl had fallen in the borewell  on Wednesday night.

The girl was taken to government hospital in an ambulance in Gurgaon soon after she was lifted out but later officials said she did not survive the ordeal.

Earlier, cutting through a hard rock, which was like a huge stumbling block to reach her, the rescuers managed to reach the girl who fell in the borewell.

Army officials engaged in the rescue operation remained tight-lipped after she was pulled out, but soon it was known that she was dead.
On Saturday night a Delhi Metro team was called in to assist in the rescue operations.

The Metro team scouted for a fresh route to reach Mahi after efforts to get to her through an alternate pit, which was earlier dug by rescue workers, slowed down.

Rescuers were within “millimetres” of them, but the presence of the hard rock in between had hindered their efforts to reach her.

If they used too much force, they could risk injuring the child either by the machines or the mud and rocks, the officials said.

Even as Metro officials used special equipment to size up the rock, high-tech machinery brought in had failed to detect any movement from Mahi.

Doctors on standby had hoped that the girl had just fallen asleep or was unconscious though the worst fear was confirmed after she was lifted out.

A five-year-old  can survive without food and water for three days, but after that the chances become slim, doctors had said.

The girl  was supplied oxygen through a pipe so that she could survive the effort. But all efforts went in vain..

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  • Percy Noronha, Mangalore, Muscat

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    It is not easy to get a child out from the bore well within hours of getting trapped. Whoever got into operation to rescue the child has tried their best. According to the doctors, Mahi had died soon after she fell into the bore well and her body was recovered in a decomposed state

    The rescue team pulled out the child after tireless efforts spanning over four days.
    It may be noted that Mahi had not shown any movement for a long time before being pulled out of the bore well.They have taken utmost care to bring the child out of bore well alive, but it is understood that she died within 3 hours of falling.

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  • Wilma, Dubai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Very sad to hear this news. May this sweet angel's soul rest in peace. Lord has called back this sweet angel to rest in his laps. Almighty father, please give courage & strength to this baby's family to accept this sad demise .

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  • Shiv Muni Mishra, Varanasi

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    We should not blame on the efforts made ly the persons, they really worked hard to get her out. it was that bloody stone who came on the way and passedso many times. I am sorry Mahi, Hearing this i could not stop my tears for a long. May god bless your soul rest in peace.

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  • Percy Noronha, Mangalore, Muscat

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    With bore wells quickly turning into death traps, the authorities need to strictly adhere to the guidelines set by the Supreme Court on the construction of bore wells:

    1. It will be mandatory to inform the concerned authorities in the area in writing at least 15 days in advance about construction of a bore well or tube well.

    2. The company carrying out the digging work has to be registered with its complete address, including the name of the owner of the firm, has to be listed with the authority issuing permission.

    3. When the digging process is on, the area has to be fenced with a barbed wire and when the process is complete, the pits dug up have to filled up, failing which strict action will be taken.

    Despite such guidelines being in existence, at the end of the day it is the grieving families that are left shattered and have to deal with the fact that their beloved ones will never return.

    Many such cases have taken place in the past:
    In 2008 Sonu, a two year old boy from Shamsabad town in Agra, had fallen into a 150 ft borewell while playing.

    Eleven-year-old Kirtan Pranami from Palanpur, Gujarat, died after he was trapped in a 100-foot deep borewell in 2009.

    Two-year-old Darawath Mahesh fell into a 35-foot borewell and died there after 24 hours near Warangal.

    Kinjal Man Singh Chauhan, 2, fell in an open borewell in Madeli village in Gujarat and died in 2007. The same year, an open borewell in Shiroor village in
    Pune claimed the life of a five-year-old child.

    A four-year-old boy could not survive after falling into a 200-foot deep borewell in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu in 2011.

    A two-year-old boy, Amit, in 2007 fell in a 56-foot open borewell in a village near Katni in Madhya Pradesh and died.

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  • Prescilla Menezes / Philip, Boliyar-Mangalore / Oman

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Very sad incident, that a 5 year child lost life because of our negligence... but for this negligence, why are we blaming others! It is the prime responsibility of the parents to take care of the child and not allow to play in such areas, and even if the child is playing they have to be watchful and cautious.... The easy target is the Admin and Govt. But conveniently forget it is our prime responsibility. When we are complaining today that children are pampered a lot and all the time over protected...! here is a case of sheer negligence in today's world! that is hard to believe. All of us have to wake up, stop blaming others, or Government and see how we can protect ourselves and the society. Manholes, trenches or borewells are usually covered or the area is cordoned...! but the thefts around will not leave such safety materials hence such mishap are bound to happen... When this is the case every person should have some civic sense, take a step further... make temp arrangements to take immediate action that is possible and notify the authorities to take appropriate action. In the meanwhile, let us educate our children to take care of themselves explaining them the intricacies..! so that to a large extent such mishaps are avoided. Let's be responsible citizens and have a safe India to live our lives.

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  • daya, dehradun

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    heart breaking! i can feel what would be faced by that poor girl, but i m sure that we are indians and we don't learn any less. It's sure that we will do this mistake again and another innocent child will be left from us

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Very said news the poor baby is dead. Pray to God to give strength to those infortunate parents. How sad..! The life of this little baby was lost due to someone's carelessness. Some where in India, such incidents are frequengly repeating in all the villages or towns. This has to be avoided in such a way to create a law starting. If is the responsiblity of the borewell digger to ensure it is closed properly in all the way even it is in porcess untill it is completely closed. Every year it has been happen at least two/three cases like this. May this accident never occure again and the government of India must pass strict rules to borewell digger. Who is responsible for this accidents? Why they have not been brought to justice? I am requesting to the government take the preventive actions on such in accidents, bacause this is not the first time have experience.

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  • ShettyS, Udupi/Muscat

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Jaimimi PB, you are absolutely 200% right ! we will be super power only in Swiss banks !!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lanslara, Nakre Karkala

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    We felt very sad for the plight of the little innocent girl and we could not stop shedding tears once the news came that she is no more. we pray that let her soul rest in peace and pray god not to give such punishments to the little innocent children for others fault. Though the local administration is certainly at fault and is to be blamed for allowing illegal activities (constructing houses ,digging borewells etc ) the parents also need to be equally blamed for their carelessness in allowing that little innocent child for playing at night 11 PM near open bore hole. let all pray god to give peace and happiness for the little ,innocent , departed soul .

    DisAgree Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh, mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    The supreme court should now send out a order to find such open borewells n pits. just like the tint thing. no politician is bothered about Mahi she is just another girl for them , we too are the same. Lord let her soul rest in peace, grnat her internal rest and let the perpetual light shine on her. Give strength to her parents to bear the loss. let parents be vigilanrt as to where the children are playing.

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  • ganesvari, malaysia

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    very sad to hear.all indian pray for u u mahi.

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  • Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    'INDIA WILL BECOME SUPERPOWER IN 2020 ' , it vl never matter , as exact defination of superpower doesn't exist . If we say developed countries are superpower , have to think twice , economy is down , no jobs , serioulsy some of the asterity meassures for rich countries . If superpower means military power , its a vague since most of the nations have nuclear arsenal. If a country detonates half of their arsenal ( even the poor country like n korea ) world vl b sent back to stone ages . nobody is the winner , but humanity is the biggest loser. War is gonna be very bad and mobody wants it.

    Well , it can b said , superpower is the country with better infrastructure , but it also cannot be true . crime rates are very high even in developed countries. cannot compare with china as they r non denocratic , peaple and media have no rights and most of the data shown about gdp are inflated . They have lot of problems and crime rates are even high. Coming back to india , we should b more responsible , its a wonderfull country , peaple have more rights , anydbody can contest elections .

    Not all the politicians are bad , yes infractures like roads , burreacracy are bad and corrupt. But we are more human , just look at the above case , the whole nation prayed for and stood behind her. What we need is more accountability , responsibility. If contarcter in the above case closed the hole , once the work is done this would have never happened. Rescue team reached after 7 hours?! , why so late , there is no disaster management system ! . Even the parents should have eye on their kids and surroundings, specially where they play and all . If they have done it , this couldnt have taken place. Chalta hai attidtude never works and can cost somebodys life.

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • THOMAS DSOUZA , riyadh/mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Very sad to hear. Now the public should be aware of these such incidents and realize that India can launch the missile but can't lift the child from the borewell !!!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossie Mascarenhas, Bajpe / Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah, you are 101% true. India with its present way of thinking can NEVER BE A SUPER POWER. However, according to the recent news it is the most dangerous place on earth for women to live. What a distinction.

    To be a super power the country has to have a honest, disciplined and clean government. In our country it is NEVER possible. Everybody comes to politics with one single motive. To make money. That’s the end of the story.

    Mahi is just another girl.

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  • prem, bangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    very unfortunate incident, may her soul rest in peace.

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  • edward saldhana, moodubelle sharjah

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    very sad incident may the almighty god bless her

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  • Sandesh Shetty, Bangalore/Kudla

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Sad to hear the news. May the soul of little girl rest in peace.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Mr.ShettyS,Muscat.."We will be Superpower in 2020" who said this ? Our Government made such a hype in everyones mind that everyone thinks that India will be Superpower.Unfortunately our innocent people didn't understand it properly."WE WILL BE " that means Not India,but POLITICIANS will be superpower.
    A country which has high illiteracy rate,poverty,corruption,rape,murder,hopeless roads,very bad transport system,child abuse can't become superpower.Even we don't have proper equiptment or technology to extinguish fire in accident,or lift victim from borewell.Can you expect India can fight with China if war breaks out.? NO WAY..Superpower...haa haa..only in dream..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Jun 24 2012


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  • Peter Lewis, Kalmady/k s a

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Govt should encourage digging Open wells instead of Borewells. Very painfull incident.

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  • Quareen, Mangalore , Nantoor

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Sad mahi . may eternal god bless u always wherever u are ! RIP mahi !

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shainy Mascarenhas, Mangalore , Nantoor

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Very very sad news ! such incidents have happened many times ! Parents have done a big negligence because they had not dumped the borewell . RIP mahi may god bless u MAHI ....

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  • Shainy Mascarenhas, Mangalore , Kalladka

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    So sad .......... may god bless u and RIP .................................

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • deog, mangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Atleast now the Govt./Judiciary should direct the Dist Authorities to make a survey in their area and close all the open borewells and abandon wells as well to save innocent lives. The local peolple should also survey their area and report to the authorithies to take necessary action.

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  • Janet Crasto, Mumbai/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    The Nation prayed and God answered. Men tried to rescue you but God carried you in His Mighty Hands to be an angel in His Kingdom, where there are no politicians, no corruption, no injustice, no poverty,.....
    I really feel sorry for the parents. Government should atleast now come to their senses and take appropriate steps, so that
    incidents like this do not happen in future.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • THERESA LOBO, Mukamar-Sharjah

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Very sad incident. No one knows the date of death..except God. May her soul rest in peace. May God give strength and courage to her parents and loved ones to bear this loss.

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    Sun, Jun 24 2012


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  • M.Saldanha, Bangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    The Honble Supreme Court in its Feb2010 directive to DMs/DCs and Chief Secretaries of States had said exactly what DrKamath lists, should be done. The SC should now
    suo-moto enforce the penal part of
    its directive and impose exemplary jail terms on the errant contractor, DC , Chief Secretary and State Minister responsible for this tragedy, to ensure that no other child ever suffers the pain and agony of this poor child.

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    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Alwyn Crasta youe comments touched my heart, hell with all those who dug the well will be in hell.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • ShettyS, Udupi/Muscat

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    We will be Superpower in 2020, but could not successfully save a little child that fell into a bore well and suffer 84 hours because of careless grownups !!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • ShettyS, Udupi/Muscat

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    We will be Superpower in 2020, but could not successfully save a little child that fell into a bore well and suffer 84 hours because of careless grownups !!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S kamath , Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Very Sad news to hear the death of Little Girl Mahi .May God give Peace to her soul and give immense strength to live on for her parents .But the larger question is how to prevent incidents like this .The following steps need to be taken
    1.Any Company wants to dig a Bore well should get written permission from the District Magistrate (DM)
    2.As soon as the Bore well digging hasbeen finished they should intimate the DM about this and should give a written statement with signatures of 5 witnesses along with a Photo
    3.The DM also should inspect whether the Borewell hasbeen closed properly
    4.Apart from Borewells if there are anyother such manholes they have to properly closed or Cardoned off

    DisAgree [2] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • abdul sathar habiballah, belapu/Jeddah K.S.A

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    The innocent baby slept for ever by the reason of the irresponsibility of the digger or their contractor. So punish the concerned person who is responsible for this event sent him behind the bar for ever. So God give the strength to her parent who lost a valuable rose from their garden. May her soul be rest in peace.

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  • Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg Germany

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to the family of the small girl.
    Reading and getting informed what did happen to her makes one speechless.
    I am very sorry.

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  • shalini salian, mangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Shocking to hear about baby Mahis untimely death. Careless and indifferent attitude of local administration has taken the life of a innocent girl. More efficient and strict rules have to be introduced to see no such incident ever takes place again. Locals also have to be more alert and inform higher authorities if they come across any big pits dug up in their locality. Such unnatural deaths are really very heart breaking. May her soul RIP.

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  • Rakesh shetty, mangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012


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  • praveen, mangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    very sad after all the effort. there are many such tragedies waiting to happen here also- open and loose manholes, loose slabs on drains in the city, drain work incomplete by side of roads ,fallen electric lines ,etc, so many people come into our hospitals with injuries sutained by faulty public utilities, but nobody takes the authorities to task.

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  • Ashok, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Very Sad, May her soul rest in peace.

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    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Sad news,very very sorry to their parents.Administration must make the digging borewell company responsible in future through out the country.

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  • Geetha, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Very sad to hear . Just 4 year old year baby lost her life is very sad .
    May god bless her and may her soul rest in peace mahi .

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    5 year old girl Mahi dies due to careless attitude of our whole system.Little girl had to stay there for 86 hours without food,water,proper oxygen and alone (without her dear mother).I was expecting some miracle.Now a days,even miracle doesn't happen.Miracle happens only when our politicians are involved.For eg:1.Mumbai Taj terrorist attack,3 politicians from Kerala survived by hiding under the table.2.Recently helicopter made emergency landing(almost crashed),Chief Minister of Jharkand survived with minor injury.3.Parliament attack by Afzal Guru..9 policemen were killled and all Ministers survived .Some Ministers even didn't know what actually happened.

    May her soul rest in peace. I am in total shock.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Godwin Mendonca, Mangalore/ Saudi

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Oh.. Dear, How much this girl suffered in that hole cant imagine, So sad May her soul rest in piece little angel. Sad day.:(

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lancelot N Tauro, Manglore - Doha Qatar

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    So sad... this is the totally negigence of Borewell company without capping keeping bore well open.

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  • Alwyn Crasta, Neermarga, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Very sad to hear. sorry baby we are failed to save ur life. forgive us.

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  • Ram Shetty, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    May her soul rest in peace.

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  • John dsouza, Mumbai/USA

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    very Sad Incident.May her soul rest in Peace. What one can Expect In India with such Govt and Administration. But what do same thing will continue with out any proper law,rules and regulation.Feeling shame to be Indian.

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  • Roshan braganza, udyavar / mumbai

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    The little angel have lost her life , may her soul rest in peace. Appreciate the work done by army parsonnel and other technical team , they have tried their best to save her. These should be proper awareness about open borewell holes , poth holes . All are highly dangerous , specially during rainy season . So who will take responsibility for all this mess? , person who issued license also contracters under this project should be immediately stripped off their license , and legal action has to be taken.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • helen , andheri

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Such incidents have already happened many times, still necessary care is not taken by those digging borewells if the process is not complete and also by parents and elders whereby innocent children are loosing their lives in fear, without air or water.

    The careless people responsible for such incidents should be punished

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Sad indeed, may her soul RIP. God bless to all the team members in this operation. Indian ARMY people you are not only for destruction of enemies but also giving us life...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Jun 24 2012


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  • ROSE, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    Very sad to hear . May the almighty god bless her . RIP .

    DisAgree [1] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • P.A.SHANU, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 24 2012

    very very sad incident. Just 4 years old girl lost her life because of our negligence.

    Caping up the abandoned bore wells must watched by the neighbours and must report the authorities immediately. This could save many more childrens in the future.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

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