Media Release
Mangalore, Jul 16: The Rotary Club of Mangalore Central as a part of their community service donated a automatic drinking water filter unit to the Regional Transport Office (RTO) for the convenience of the staff and the office visitors.
RI Dist 3180 governor Rtn Dr B Devdas Rai handed over the records to the regional transport officer C Mallikarjun in a simple ceremony held on Monday July 16 at the RTO office.
Mallikarjun appreciated the Rotary’s concern for the community. He thanked and expressed his gratitude to the Rotary and the office bearers of the club for their gesture.
On this occasion club president Dr Sureshchandra Shetty, secretary Rtn Anil Gonsalves, PRO Rtn M V Mallya were present.
The unit costing Rs 40,000 was donated by Rtn Ravi Jalan in memory of his father Late Ram Avatar Jalan. Neelam Ravi Jalan, Sheela Ram Jalan, and Manish Jalan were present on this occasion.
Comment on this article
Arun Sherigar, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 26 2012The person donating is the Jalan family, they are into transport and have large fleet of trucks. They have donated to get quid pro quo from RTO.
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KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore
Mon, Jul 16 2012Rotary Mangalore Central,your justification is not convincing.Pl note that driving students does not come to RTO for licence instead every thing is done through agents by paying exhorbitent fees/commission etc.,
Of course its money pooled by Rotary from donors we have nothing to further.Our point is that there are more deserving parties for charity which makes the donors/Rotary more contented.Thanks and regards
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Rotary Mangalore central, mangalore
Mon, Jul 16 2012we do donate to schools also this one is more to those children who come to give test for licence Rotary donation is not only to schools it includes hospitals, parks ,etc.
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Mon, Jul 16 2012Don't think that this water filter is only for RTO staff, I think it is for general public also. What is wrong if one water filter is kept in RTO office ? Any body can go & drink. I know that Mangalore Rotary Club has given to many Schools also.
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antony, mangalore
Mon, Jul 16 2012It would be naive to believe that Rotary is above the standards of the RTO. One only has to attend their annual meetings/ regional gatherings to know how low they can go. So please dont go by thier so called noble gestures.
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Ajith, Mangalore
Mon, Jul 16 2012Give and take gesture by both.I am sure Rotary gets something from RTO.Otherwise only insane people will donate something to the most resourceful(Bribe taking) department of the transport system.
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M.S Kotian, Mangalore/Shimoga
Mon, Jul 16 2012The RTO Officials can buy a Water filter every day from thier earnings.We are surprised why Rotary club chose RTO instead of some School or Anathashram
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Rohith, Bangalore
Mon, Jul 16 2012RoTary, why RTO?.. Donate water filter to some schools instead..
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KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore
Mon, Jul 16 2012Enlightened citizens will not appriciate this gesture of Rotary Club.Because RTO is one of the important office that is pooling taxes of the people to Government.They are capable of proving the basic necessity to their staff and also it the duty of RTO to provide drinking water to their limited visitors.Staff of the RTO too does not need the gesture as they are well paid (among other thins?)Instead Rotary Club should have donated this Drinking water filter to the needy such as hospital or even Mangalore One office wherein really deserved use the facility.In short meal should be given to the hungry and not the person whose belly is overfilled.That is th true essence of charity work.
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