Pratibha Patil's Last Foreign Trip Cost Rs 18 Crore

New Delhi, Jan 13 (PTI): Notwithstanding a huge controversy over expenditure on her foreign travels, the then President Pratibha Patil ran up a bill of Rs 18.08 crore on her last trip abroad shortly before demitting office, according to official information accessed through RTI.

The chartering of the Air India Boeing 747-400 jumbo for her two-nation trip to South Africa and Seychelles from April 29 to May 8 last year alone cost Rs 16.38 crore, the airline said in an RTI reply.

In addition, an expenditure of Rs 1.46 crore was incurred in Pretoria -- the South African capital. Of this, Rs 71.82 lakh was spent on local stay, 52.33 lakh on transportation and 22.12 lakh on miscellaneous expenditure.

In Durban, an expenditure of Rs 23.55 lakh was incurred. Of this hotel stay alone cost nearly 18 lakh and transportation was Rs 5.27 lakh. The details about the lodging and other expenditures in South Africa were provided by the Indian Missions in Pretoria and Durban under RTI.

A huge controversy broke out last year when it was revealed that Patil had incurred an expenditure of Rs 205 crore on her 12 foreign trips covering 22 countries across four continents during her five-year term which ended on July 25 last year.

These figures were provided before she undertook the last visit to South Africa and Seychelles. The Rashtrapati Bhavan had then defended these visits terming them "necessary" to deepen bilateral cooperation. The visits were undertaken after careful appraisal and recommendation by the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of External Affairs.


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  • Ram, India

    Tue, Jan 15 2013

    This is good for argument sake. What a useless president she was. Selfish greedy

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Oh!!!I Think She had Morning Breakfast Gold Biscuits,Lunch & Dinner Diamond Talli!!Isn't it Madam!!
    Thank God Tour not Extended!!

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  • ivan, uae

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    It happens only in Bharath not in India."dhaal main kaala naheen pooraa dhaal kaali hai"

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Kudla/Bangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    This the benifit of India attained independence by people like Gandhiji,Nehru,Vallabhai Patel,Bak Gangadhar Thilak,Subhsh Chandra Bosh,and many like braves sacrificing every thing for the country.
    Benifits of Indepenence and our politicial system has become a facility for few to enjoy where as the common(aam admi) is struggling to meet the both ends meet even after 65 years of indendence.The most essential thing LPG gas has become a matter of scarcity for common man/tool to get rich for vested interests in the country.What else is left for the people of this country.Case of Prathibha Patil is only a tip of the ice berg.Whole system is working on such principles.
    We can put end to such attrocities provided we are committed for a change.We need able personality at the national level to lead the country.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Tony Pinto, Mumbai - Dubai

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    They are enjoying because we bring them in POWER thinking only Religion and they are enjoying the same no work just tour around the WORLD.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Yamby, Mangalore / Qatar

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    That's why Iqbaal sung:

    Saare Jahaan se acchaa
    Hindustaan Hamaara!
    India mein kuch bhi karoo, koi nahien poochega....
    Aaj - kal tho India mein RAPE ka SEASON chal rahaa hein.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak Dsouza, Manglore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    John Dsouza you are 101% correct.
    Dostho agar free service ki airline or hotels haitho bolo. Presidant jis country mei bi jathen hai wahan humare bhai log hi security kar de sakthe haina.... paise tho bahuth bachenge.....

    DisAgree Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Yamby, Mangalore / Qatar

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    So, you say: she should have spent that CRORES in side India not in Africa.
    Yes, she could have visit - Gadai Kallu!
    Ok, we will send her again from Amaranath to Raameshwar for - PAAPA PARIHAARA! Offcourse with company cost!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Yamby, Mangalore / Qatar

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    And you say India is poor country....
    But, madam proved that we arn't!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • ajs, saudi

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Mr. Satish kudla/sidney.
    I totally agree with you brother. Even I support AAM AADMI. I request all indians to support MR. Kejriwal. Please give him a chance.
    AAP Jindabaad..Rest all kalwanaklu

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahesh, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Who is taking care of all these expenditure ? Hile in Petrol, Diesel, railway tickets, Gas, etc. is used for these wasteful journey's. Why to kill poor people like this and spend so much. Why such money cannot be used for those present & retired military families. Some jawans have spent their whole life on the border, their family is waiting for money, suddenly unknown happens and the family is in distress. Now who cares for them. This lady was the 1st stupid President, blood sucker, increased her salary to Rs.1,00,000/-. She was the example for corrupton. Other Politicans were encouraged by her act. Politicians began to see porn movies in parliament. Mr. Abdul Kalam was satisfied with Rs.50,000/-. He used to donate to the needy also. Supreme court should charge her for the excessive expenditure collected from the poor people's blood and give her imprisonment for two or five years at least.

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mark, Udyavara

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    We have our leaders in "sheep's clothing". They are actually man-eaters.

    If you name 1 single good thing this lady has done for the country other than wasting/looting the country's wealth, it would justify all her trip and it's cost.

    We are "gutless" to punish such acts!

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    She has wants to become The President only to spend money like this.She has beaten the record of V V Giri & his wife,I think. Now better to ask the the Explanation .Good for nothing Lady.

    DisAgree Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Yamby, Mangalore / Qatar

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    And we Indians spen all time on critisising Iraq's Saddam Hussain or Libiya's Gaddafi and their life style. After all they arn't enjoyed the tax payers money. We have to learn a lot about infrastructure and development from those countries. Gaddafi is the one who provide free electricity to each and every citizen in his country. They have source they spent. We don't have source we too spent.
    If they are alive, they could have shocked, hearing our President's picnic bill!
    Do we have the moral rights to talk about Saddam or Gaddafi!?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    We should be proud and grateful to our great Hon. Past President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Past Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajapayee. Next we all shoud support Anna Hazaare's Aam Aadmi Party(AAP).

    DisAgree [1] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Instead of comments we will see whether there is any provision in our law to question the same in High Court or Supreme court and recoup the public money spent by our MLAs/Ministers/Presidents and to punish them.

    DisAgree Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • satish, kudla/sydney

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    After seeing all these wrong deeds i made myself to support "Aam Aadmi Party" in 2014 .... I had supported Congress in earlier elections and then BJP and seen the result, almost the same. Just follow up AAP website see the daily scandals news on Indian politicians. Just see the vision of AAP its really something new that you all might not have thought.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sandesh, Mangalore, Oman

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    I think she din't picked money from a basket kept out side Raj Bhavan. Then who gave her that much money to spend so lavishley, or who could be the person granted and signed the cheques for this huge amount. Oh pity you Indian poor man, You have born as Indian, so wait until you die as Indian. don't expect anything good coming your way as long as our rulers coffins filled

    DisAgree Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Peopel die in cold weather unable to buy a blanket. However, we should be proud of our leaders who lavishly spend tax payers money and enjoy their life at others cost. When and how will this come to an end ? How can they be so heartless when fellow Indian is freezing to death and these leaders are least bothered about it ?

    DisAgree Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Some Women get away with anything! Even gifts they are
    supposedto 'return'and 'bungalows'
    they don't deserve ! Talk of new lows!!This happens in Bharat which is also known and accepted as India.....

    DisAgree Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Dear Gladson,Brahmavar..NICE COMMENT WITH WRONG VIEW..Sorry Brother I don't agree with you.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dolfus Crasta, Bangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    I failed to understand what benefit our country is getting by undertaking this type of foreign trips?
    Our politicians are in the habit of undertaking foreign tours after assuming the office. After all it is public money and not from their own hard earned money. They are made for looting not for development of the country.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    There is no provision to initiate any legal action against the flamboyant President, then what is the use of highlighting her over expenditure.

    Poor people of the country suffer, and taxpayers money is being looted. Very sad indeed.

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • John DSouza, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Thank you dear GERALD, Modankap. This is the answer I was looking for and all disagreements are positives for my view. Being 10000 in ques, it confirms that in order to maintain, feed and safe guard a few thousand fat elephants, we 1.2 billion are sacrificing and millions are starving for food and suffering malnutrition. Our society is scared and confused in life, due to fast and dynamic economy and the world.

    In the meantime, we have to understand that due to competition and comparison, we try to increase and multiply the number of vehicles which block roads, makes impossible to walk, force us to inhale health hazardous polluted air and disturb peace with sound pollution. The tragic reality is that we are burning billions of dollars, by consuming expensive and exhausting fuel (petrol and diesel). If we can look for a revolutionary change in land transport, we can do a great complement to our society and the environment (similar to revolutionized telecommunication sector with mobile technology).

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Eliynas, ksa.mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Ohhoo.because recover money of this cooking gas cyllinder cost doubled to Rs 900.JAI HO BHARATH.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gladson , Brahmavar

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    So what? Did APL Kalam, Narayanan etc who preceded Pratibha Patil spent less, if their expenditure adjusted to the inflation or did they do anything different as Presidents from Pratibha Patil? If Ms Patil's journeys cannot be justified so too with other Presidents. In fact long before Pratibha Patil, Venkatraman had visited 21 countries and even VV Giri paid visits to 22 countries. Do we hate Pratibha Patil because she hailed from Congress or purely out of an ego which could not tolerate a woman becoming the first citizen of India? What way the expenditure was waste? Out of the 18 crore, 16 crore is spent on aviation. Is this expence was only for Pratibha Patil or the entire official delegation that accompanied her including the officials? Usually the delegation that accompanies the President includes ministers, MPs, senior officials besides "supporting" and security staff. All Presidents have been accompanied by family members and Presidential guests besides media contingent. We as a nation today are driven by sensationalism created by media. Common sense has lost its relevance? Out of the 18 crore how much of money spent on President's personal expences? If not, we are wrong in blaming her. Whether President's post is ceremonial or not, whenever President of India travels abroad on official trip, he or she represents India and the trip is aimed at strengthening bilateral relations. Official visits of state heads are always held in high esteem across the world irrespective of their relevance in country's political and administrative realm. Does the President decide which country to visit or it's the government and PMO that decides? Why just get worried by seeing the absolute figure of 18 crore? There are lot more things our media friends can spend time on and enlighten the public than these silly statistics which would be common for any country.

    DisAgree [44] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karan, Katapadi/Dubai

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Even the prime minister of UK are not allowed to use charter planes instead they are bound to travel in British Airways. Our politicians from MLA to President have all the privilages and people of the country are suffering and middle class people just spend their salary in paying taxes.

    DisAgree Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • antony arun d'souza, dubai

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    This amount of money was enaugh for for the house expenses of 180 poor families in India for 18 years.

    DisAgree Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Paul D' Souza, Chakala,Muscat

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Thank God, 'Eternal trip' was forbidden of her tenure of 5yrs as a president of India.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • GERALD, Modankap

    Mon, Jan 14 2013


    DisAgree Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • GERALD, Modankap

    Mon, Jan 14 2013


    DisAgree Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Since people like us being NRE we don’t pay Direct Tax but we too pay Indirect Tax like Airport Tax, etc. Being Indian we can’t talk against President but we are proud to know that our President too enjoys their life in our money. There was much hue and cry when Karnataka MLAs’ made their foreign trip and spending some few lakhs of rupees. I think people will not comment much since Honorable Pratibha Patil belongs to Congress Party. Honorable Abdul Kalam may be now ashamed to know the privileges of President of India but not utilized by him at all. The first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad once met by local people from his native place to demand for better road network in their village. But the Great person denied their request saying he has no authority to instruct concerned department to undertake road work directly instead he told them that he will visit his village soon and villagers left without any complaint. Because villagers knew that if President visits any place means road work will be carried out for his smooth travelling. And he kept his promise and road was constructed before his visit. Can we see again Presidents like Rajendra Prasad, Abdul Kalam, etc in India?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Althaf, Kaup/Doha

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Yradoo Duddu.. Yallammana Jaatre..

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • JR,

    Mon, Jan 14 2013



    DisAgree Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter Lewis, Brahmavar/Sharjah

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Jayalalita, Mayawati shown to the country how lavishly they can spend and now Indian lady president also not behind to them.

    DisAgree Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ish,

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Tax is paid by us.all corrupt politisians r enjoying the international trips.make us free do not ask for tax and then u travel and enjoy..we wont comment on u..we r working hard and our money is wasted by all these things..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vikram, Dubai

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Mr. John DSouza, Mangalore. This is expenditure of our honorable President's single trip. Just imagine our ruling ministers, opposition leaders & other Government servants trip will cost ? then you will realize how much paise or rupees of tax payers money wasted.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sandesh, udupi/dubai

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    According to madam's government 650Rs enough for a family of 5 for one month. So need to spend rest of tax payers money.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinay, mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    What a justification from Mr. John Dsouza, Managlore!!!
    If he/she is first citizen of India doesnt means that, they can spend as they wish. This is public's hard earned money. They are sucking our blood by imposing tax on us.
    Then if this is the case, why we are blaming on Yediurappa, Reddy brothers, Raja, Kalmadi, and others? Let them loot.....
    We should have a President like Dr. Abdul Kalam. Hope our present President will follow his footsteps.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mubeen, Mangalore,dubai

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Dear Politicians,Unneccessary wasting the money of tax payers it is good to implement the poor people. Instead of increasing the price they can use this huge amount to fullfill the loss.If our govt utilized tax paid money in proper way then india will be the richest country in the world.Dont waste poor peoples hard earn money.

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    She has done nothing.... but looted India,s Tax Payer's money

    DisAgree Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • shetty, INDIA

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Jai Ho Congress Party Ki........

    DisAgree [15] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • veera pinto, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Haha... good joke, tax payers money. How many of us honestly paying the taxes. Just other day someone was telling that to book a flat in Mangalore one should pay so much money in "black" for which no receipt or account! yes, we are tax payers :)

    DisAgree [20] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    For all this expenditure luck is necessary. For common people like us even phone calls are expensive for keeping bilateral relationship..!!!?????. Having Video conferencing they do not like to speak over that. They want to visit with their family and friends to keep bilateral relationship...!!????

    DisAgree Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ravi Hemmady, Barkur, Muscat

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    We were most unfortunate to have Prathiba Patil as President last time.She not only wasted public money but no use as president.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • John DSouza, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    When we are forced to own an elephant, we also have to maintain and bear its cost.
    President is the number one citizen of India and 18 crore is equal to 15 paise from each citizen. We are supposed to be happy that with that small contribution, we arranged a comfortable trip to our respected president.

    We don’t accept wrong as correct, but what is wrong, if we try to do some right things.
    Our short life and limited time is more valuable, so let us do something what we can, to thank God for giving us the excellent opportunity.

    Instead of wasting our valuable time on useless discussions, let us think of reducing our lavish spending on expensive fuel and try to save a considerable amount to our national exchequer. With a concept change, we can make a revolutionary change in land transport and save billions of dollars and reduce air pollution and sound pollution considerably.

    DisAgree [51] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammed Zoharab, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Tax payers money is taken for granted. If bilateral co-operation is so costly, then we urge the president not to visit any state in INDIA also.Tax Payers are been fooled by the Government

    DisAgree [2] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn, Canada

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    Trip and have fun. Poor will die poor in India. Rich and politicians will suck blood of poors and enjoy life. Look this old lady spent so much which could have spent on orphanages, senior homes in India to serve the unfortunates. Very sad to see such idiots around us

    DisAgree [3] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • ayesha, mangalore

    Mon, Jan 14 2013

    What a waste of public money!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [84] Reply Report Abuse

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