Katju pitches for pardon for Sanjay Dutt

New Delhi, Mar 22 (PTI): Following the upholding of the sentencing of film star Sanjay Dutt to five years imprisonment by the Supreme Court in 1993 Mumbai blasts case, Press Council of India chief Justice Markandey Katju has appealed to Maharashtra Governor K Sankarnarayanan to pardon the actor.

In a statement issued here, Katju sought pardon for Dutt under Article 161 of the Constitution saying that he had not been found guilty of having played a role in the 1993 blasts and had suffered a lot.

Katju said the Supreme Court, having found that Sanjay Dutt had in his possession a prohibited weapon without a licence, awarded him the minimum imprisonment which was prescribed under law.

"Section  25 (1(A) of the Arms Act states that if a person has in his possession a prohibited weapon without a licence, he shall be awarded punishment of not less than 5 years imprisonment and not more than 10 years," Katju said.

He added the power of pardon under Article 161 by the Constitution is different from judicial power as the Governor or the President can grant pardon or reduce the sentence of the court even if a minimum is prescribed.

"Hence, there is no doubt that the Governor can grant pardon/reduce the sentence. For example, in the case of Commander Nanavati who was held guilty of murder, the Governor gave him pardon although the minimum sentence for murder is life sentence," Katju said.

He said the Supreme Court had not found Dutt guilty for the 1993 bomb blasts but only found him guilty of having in his possession a prohibited weapon without licence.

"Surely, this is a lesser offence than murder. When the Governor of Maharashtra granted pardon to Nanavati, surely he can grant pardon to Sanjay," Katju said.

He added though Dutt had committed an offence there are extenuating circumstances like that the event happened 20 years ago."During this period, Sanjay suffered a lot and had a cloud hovering over his head throughout.
He had to undergo various tribulations and indignities during this period. He had to go to court often, he had to take the permission of the court for foreign shootings, he could not get bank loans, etc," Katju said.

The PCI chairperson said Dutt had already undergone 18 months in jail. He added the actor had got married and they have two small children.

"He has not been held to be a terrorist and had no hand in the bomb blasts. His parents Sunil Dutt and Nargis worked for the good of society and the nation. Sunil Dutt and Nargis often went to border areas to give moral support to our brave jawans and did other social work for society," Katju said.

Katju further added that Dutt in this period of 20 years has through his films revived the memory of Mahatma Gandhi and the message of Gandhiji, the Father of the Nation, an apparent reference to "Gandhigiri" in Munnabhai films.

"In these circumstances, I respectfully appeal to your Excellency to pardon Sanjay Dutt and set him free," Katju said in his letter to the Maharashtra Governor and referred to the speech of Portia in Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant of Venice’ that justice should be tempered with mercy.


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  • Indian, Mexico

    Sat, Mar 23 2013

    Mr Kaju katri - Thanks but no Thanks for your foolish pitch .

    Please also get a pardon for other riches - Tiger Menon,Salman khan, Dawood Ibrahim as they too have suffered.

    Do not pitch in for the poor class who also spend their life as undertrails .

    You have truly shown that "yeh paisa bolta hain"

    You have already said some 90% Indians are fools and now you have proven to be one among them.

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  • radhakrishna, manipal

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Katju said India is a land of idiots...now u wonder if he is behaving like one...just because Sanjay is good now does not mean he is not guilty then...similar punishment for similar crimes...it should not matter who u r....a murderer,thief,rapist,molester is what u r when the crime happened,it does not matter if ur a saint now...money and fame should not buy u freedom

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    I feel extremely sad for you Sunjubhai! No comments, I am on your side, pray that you get out of this mess fast!!

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  • Vishal, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    I have no words!

    I don't know how the families who lost their dear and near ones and the survivors will feel about justice Kaju's remarks.

    I had high respect for Justice Kaju when he spoke big things about Press.

    I have no doubt now that he is eyeing for some lucrative post retirement post. Honestly, these kind of people are more dangerous to the society than the criminals because they have the capacity to turn the whole judicial system upside down.

    If pardon is granted by the governor, then, it will encourage lot of people to facilitate logistics of explosive/weapons because there is no fear of law now on.

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  • Leslie fernandes, Brahmagiri, Udupi

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    NO DADAGIRI PLEASE................

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Even I would use a gun if I found some rogues threatening or beating my women.

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  • Rathnakara A, Shirva

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Yes please do it if Katju is known to you!

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  • Ravi Shetty, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Sanjay Dutt should be pardoned under Article 161 of the Constitution. If Nanavathi could be pardoned by the Governor why not Sanjay Dutt ? After all he was not involved in the bomb blasts. He only possessed an illegal weapon.

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  • Rathnakara A, Shirva

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    In future we must change the law. Instead of wasting lot of time & money in the court, first we will ask whether Governor would like to pardon the accused. If yes then the case. Already we are facing shortage of courts and judges! Let us appoint one governor each for each village!
    I would like to suggest to all those sympethisers to give company to Dutt in the jail.
    Oh my god, I am really getting a doubt here..Was he jailed for Freedom Struggle?
    If at all Dutt gets pardoned why the others who are convicted should be punished? Some one already pointed out if Nanavathi can be pardoned why not Dutt and why not others?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Katju dreaming for governor post... nothing else..

    DisAgree [22] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ted, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Would Justice Markandey Katju make the same statement if his wife Rupa Katju, Daughter Vandana Katju and son were killed in the Mumbai blasts.

    I strongly feel Mr Katju should apologize with the survivors of 250 killed and 700 injured in the 1993 Mumbai Blasts for supporting Sanjay Dutt, who was informed well in advance of the attacks and one who could have reduced the destruction if he had reported to the concerned law enforcement authorities.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Punishment for such offense could be 5 years, but the judgement is being delivered after 20 years. Spending 5 years in jail 20 years ago would have had different impact on his life than now. I think he deserves sympathy, particularly as he has not harmed anyone or had not intended to harm anyone.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    NCP, Shivsena, SP, Bollywood biggies, Amar Singh etc is foul crying for Sanjay (for political gain) but not for Bombay blast victims. But we are in Shock as Katju by misusing his offical position, he is trying to overlap SC for asking to implement Guv's interfere, why ? Sanjay is not a criminal / terrorist, that's why he got bail (being a famous personality) & his Jail term reduced to 05 years. If no-one is faith in SC, there should be closed w.i.e as politicians / bolywood / sportsperson are going to take charge of LAW of our land. Be careful, President of India ! Dueto this SC, only we have got to nab Raja, Kalmadi, Kanimozhi, Jagan & now we are geting back those two Italian marines. Dear SC / President, pls. remove Katju immediately to save our legal system& cease his advocate license...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    The Law is Blind,here it does not make any difference between fear or favour money power or weakness it just looks it's evidence.Anyway a good try from justice Markandey Katju from his part..

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  • Romans Lobo, Gurpur-kaikamba

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    When the highest court given the verdict it must be respected. I feel Justice Katju wants to be in the limelight with no expenses.

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  • naufal, uddabettu

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    this time katju is wrong..Nobody is above the law weather he is PM,CM,film actor,lawyer....

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  • Mohammad Salauddeen Bantwal, Mangalore/AUH

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Mr. Jayarama, did u mean ammunition in his garage? :0

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Braganza, Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Moronic Justice Katju ( remembers me of KAJU pheni ) messed up with words again. Ofcourse we all r fan of Raghu aka Sanju bai , but pardoning him will send the wrong signals among court and law. Let him face trial and get bail or parole ( I hope he gets it ). What about the lakhs of convicts including innocents languishing in jail. Some of them may also deserve pardoning isn't it? , or they can't expect any mercy just becoz they r not celebrity. It will set a bad precident.

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  • Jayarama, udupi/Riyadh

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Sanjay Dutt facilitated embankment of the shipment animation in his garage which used for 1993 Bombay blast case which killed 276 people and wounded more than 750. Why he is not treated like other terrorists? Why Congi is batting for softer/pardon punishment> 'coz he is the brother of a Congress MP ?

    DisAgree [13] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sulthan , Mang/Bang

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    they cannot catch dawood instead they caught Sanjay, which he got gun for protection to the family, which was illegal in bringing unlicenced Gun, again it was during his young age, Now he is Old, He cannot get Punished now, this is unfair.

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  • Peter, Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Why this special treatment and request for him by our politicians and film Industry.
    They should learn the respect the law of this Land.
    We have many civil cases for where for taking Bribe of 100 rupees , 3 years Jail is sentenced.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Even murder convict has second chance as a last resort to apply mercy to President of India....then why can't Sanju baba considered?Further, there are thousands of crore rupees loss to Cinema industry which in turn again lead to thousands of job loss! Humanitarian and economic point of view, he deserves a second chance and in this context Katju's appeal and thinking is rationale.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anil, Mumbai / Dubai

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Then apply the same rule to all corrupt politicians!!! If you put them behind bar, thousands will loss their jobs, side income. Withdraw cases/don't accuse Yeddi, Raja, Kalmady, Kani, Stalin, Mayawati, Mulayam, Pawar, Praful, Lalu, Sonia, the list endless!!! What you say? The great Indian Hypocrisy? Instead Katju should use his energy in convicting the corrupts and bat for thousands of poor innocents in Jail.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    There are thousands of innocent prisoners(poor, uneducated,working class citizens and farmers who cannot hire hotshot lawyers because of their destiny with poverty.) too... rotting in our prisons. Let this Mr.Katju voice for their release too. One must be fair in life and death, look at the society equally.

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  • peace lover, India

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Yes, I totally agree with you.
    As far as the detaining the suspects is concerned a Reckless communal attitude is displayed due to which Minority youth (suspects) are nabbed and made to rot in jails, and many others are being questioned and frightened. The community divides along religious lines are widening and posing a threat to national integration. Those claiming to be the patriots in turn are creating a situation where the intercommunity relations are worsening, threatening the harmony and peace which are the prerequisites of any nation.
    We can imagine from the innocents rotting in jail, some will surely fall prey to the lure of terror merchants and indulge in terror activities. Hence this could be one of the causes for increase in terrorism.

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  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    Sanjay Dutt is a smuggler and known for bad activities. Just because he entertains people in films, people should not support him.

    He might not have involved in Bomb blast directly, but somehow SC would have found his links with terrorists. Having weapons in possession is a crime. We need to respect Supreme Court Decision. SC are not fool to give him punishment unnecessarily.

    DisAgree [33] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Kudla/Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 22 2013

    SCs ruling indicting Sanjay Dutt in connection with 1993 Mumbai blasts for 5 yrs imprisionment is unfortunate in the back of the issue dealt in by Justice Katju,Chairperson of PCI.There is no doubt that Dutt is a good person and made a scape goat in the hands of unscruplous elements.Hope Justice Katju's views will help in pardoning Dutt by the concerned under prevailing law under the Constitution.

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