Chennai, Aug 31 (IANS): Tamil director Gowthaman, known for his directorial debut "Magizhchi", is now busy casting for his new, yet untitled film on the life of late Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) chief Velupillai Prabhakaran. He says the film will focus on the struggle of LTTE cadres.
"The film will highlight the rise of Prabhakaran since his days as a little boy till the last minute before he was gunned down. I have always wanted to portray the struggle of LTTE and its leader on the big screen. The film will be based on 10 years of my research," Gowthaman told IANS.
He says he wanted to make this film a few years back. But back then, things didn't work out.
"I was set to start working on the project in 2008, but due to the war between LTTE and Sri Lankan army then, I had to stall the making of the film. I was advised that it was not a good time to make the film," he said.
Gowthaman says he is currently on the lookout for an actor who could play Prabhakaran.
"There would be a lot of pressure on any actor who would play Prabhakaran, and therefore, we are taking time to find someone suitable for the role. I have few names in mind but I don't want to talk about them at this moment," Gowthaman said.
Asked about the possible roadblocks he might face from the Central Board of Film Certification, he said: "I'm only reproducing true events through my film. It's the struggle of thousands of Tamils, and it needs to be told to a large audience. I hope I won't face any challenges, but if I do then I will handle it legally."