Silvester D’Souza
Daijworld Media Network – Kundapur
Kundapur, Oct 18: Alleging that they were involved in illegal buffalo transportation, a group of people attacked and injured two individuals. The incident took place at Kaipady near T T road on Thursday October 17 evening.
The persons who were attacked are Basheer (20) and Bathish (30) from Kodi. A buffalo belonging to owner Monu Saheb managed to escape from where he was tied and reached Kaipady after crossing a lake.
Noticing it, retired KEB lineman Narasimha Moghaveera tied the buffalo.
Searching for the buffalo, Monu Saheb came along with his two sons Batheesh and Basheer. When they were about to take back their buffalo, a group thinking that they are illegally transporting buffalo attacked them. Basheer was critically injured in the incident and sustained grave injuries. Both the sons were later admitted to government hospital.
A case has been registered at Kundapur police station.
Comment on this article
BMA, , Dubai
Sun, Oct 20 2013BJP, SP, RSS all are against beef consumption, but Gujarat is the largest exporter of beef to GCC and Middle East. Other than Karnataka there are no issues about beef consumption. Here the cow families fail to recognize their family and attacking on buffalo. It is really shame. Unfortunately rooster and hen is not the animals and no one is there to show excuse on these. Because they were killing brutally in their religious performance and drinking its blood. What a nonsense people. Above parties are the highest consumer of beef and they denying because of prestige.
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Moshu, mlr
Sat, Oct 19 2013Ban immidiately these thugs organizations.....
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shaikH MOhd RIzwan, Karkala
Sat, Oct 19 2013Dear readers,
Is it possible to provide Passport,Aadhar Card or Ration card to each cattle in the state?
These Sangh Parivar are very confused carrying out moral policing.Some Days back they attacked married couple and they will not spare wild buffalo run out of marshland.
Jai Hind
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Syed Mohiudin, Iruvail/Riyadh
Fri, Oct 18 2013Siddaramayaji....I remember your word that you will never tolerate moral policing. Make your word GOLDEN.
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amharz, mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013Stupid Goons, they don't know what they are doing.they kill humans but protecting animals. First let them be good with fellow humans then let them protect animals. they don't have Humanity then how they will protect animals
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Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013The slaughter houses can provide them life supporting guns.
Only thing is should have valid licence.
Fire them under their genitals if anybody slaps you while transporting cattle.
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R.Fernandes, Dubai
Fri, Oct 18 2013Blaming groups are not going to solve the problems. Law and order machinery of our state is in paralysis. When it becomes fine, everything will fall in line.
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R.Fernandes, Dubai
Fri, Oct 18 2013They will neither oppose nor support moral police. They will not take strong action. They want minorities to live in fear. It is the only way to secure minority votes. This is what called vote bank politics.
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simple, Bangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013I had suggested earlier on, that all cattle be registered with Government and a fee charged for such job, to maintain records. Any transfer of cattle from one owner to another should be done through Govt. offices. same like property.
A tag can be hung around the animal (better around parivar\sene\BD guys too) which will have all details of the animal.
Time has come to do all these type of laws
This will deter all those parivar\sene etc guys from stealing and selling cattle to illegal slaughter places or to those who are running them
By creating problems for legal sale of Beef, their only aim is to up the rates for their stolen cattle. It has nothing to do with religion.
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Aubb, Kuwait
Sun, Oct 20 2013@Simple,Bangalore.
the fact is all haptha business involved with Beef Dhandha has left BJP, Sene, RSS etc. without Dhandha.
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Mohammad Salauddeen Bwalant, Mangalore/AUH
Fri, Oct 18 2013Mr. RSRB, for your kind info, nobody is Anti Hindu here. RSS, BD or SRS aren't the representatives of Hindu religion. So please refrain from calling people as anti hindu. it would be nice if you call us anti RSS or anti Sangh Parivar.
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Fri, Oct 18 2013Why not apply Draconian law or GOONDA ACT for such shameful and jungle raj attitude of SANGHPARIVAR Sponsored trouble makers?If they were slapped non bailable IPC sections like 302 or 304 perhaps such kind of nonsense would be controlled if not eradicated.CM/HM, kindly note the developments in DK/UDUPI and as said yesterday by Urban Development Minister,Mr Sorake,that such kind of lawlessness and MORAL POLICING would be dealt with iron hand....Now the time is ripe to act up on the promise...
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Allen, Mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013There is a difference between stolen cattle transportation which is definitely illegal and transportation of cattle which is sold for slaughter which can't be called as illegal. Just to avoid such misunderstanding, transporters should be made to carry required documents along with them instead of this drama talking place on a daily basis and disturbing peace of the society!
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Abdul Rafiq, Uchila / Dubai
Fri, Oct 18 2013Dear Allen, where this sanghi goondas having patience to check the documents. whenever they see muslims with cattle, they start to beat. last week they attacked on four people who was bringing buffalos from Maharashtra and they had permit, still this goons have beaten them. and this Kundapaur case, they were taking their own buffalos and attacked by sanghi goondas. there should be an end for this. sangha parivar giving more importance to the animals than the human being. how many were beaten by them in the name of cattle.
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simple, Bangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013Abdul Rafiq, Uchila, Dubai
Simple, Bangalore
First of all one should ask who are Sangh Parivar people to check any documents or even question anyone transporting Cattle. They have absolutely no right to stop any vehicle or any person from herding cattle.
If they have a doubt abt the cattle that are being transported\herded they can only inform the Police who can come and investigate.
If all of us have to take law in our own hand for various things each community do not agree to then there will be serious communal wars on daily basis.
If these RSS\Parivar goons do not understand this, Police should arrest them under "Goonda Act" immediately and punished.
This is really getting out of hand where human being is treated less than an animal!!!. Really brainless acts.
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A.D.Pinto, Qatar
Fri, Oct 18 2013There are incidents where these drunkards have trashed brother and sister for being 'lovers'. Do you suggest to carry marriage or birth certificates where ever people go? These goons don't even have the basic education to read and write. How come you expect them to read and verify the 'required documents'?
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RSRB, Kundapura / KSA
Fri, Oct 18 2013During BJP government, Anti Hindu squad was blaming BD, RSS, SRS.... & also BJP government. During congress government, the same Anti Hindu squad is blaming BD, RSS, SRS... but EXCLUDED CONGRESS GOVERNMENT. Why this Kolavari D?
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RDS, Mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013Because BD, RSS, SRS are bjp supporters for your kind info.
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Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013When elections are nearing this IS BJP's communal COLAVERI D.
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RSRB, Kundapura / KSA
Fri, Oct 18 2013My question is why Anti-Hindu people are not blaming congress government for no action? May be congress has hand in gloves with RSS, BD, SRS like they have it Kerala....!!
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Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
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Bulsam, Mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013The prominent Muslims including police officials, judges, lawyers, prominent Government officials from the centre and the state as well as the leaders and businessmen of Coastal Karnataka should call for an emergency meeting calling for end to ‘cattle vigilantism’. Write memorandums to the president, the prime minister and the home minister of India, the governor, the chief minister and the minister for home of Karnataka, the collectors, DIG of police and the Commissioners of police of Dakshina Karnataka, Udupi and Uttara Karnataka. Please send the copy of this memorandum to the prominent Muslim leaders in the central government and states of India.
We have seen enough propaganda-blames on Christians and Muslims, blames about conversion, beef eating, loyalty to other nations etc., the propaganda which is the base of ‘Hate other’ ideology, and communal violence. The burning alive of Pastors, rape of nuns, burning of Churches, violence against Muslims and Christians has been stalking the country. We are not living in any Banana-Republic hence this kind of bullying and fatal attack on minorities should stop. I request all the like-minded prominent minorities along with the beef eating Hindus, SC/ST should join this movement and put a stop to the Sangh Parivar goondagiri fro vote bank. Please create an anti-‘cattle vigilantism’ legal cell in all the Taluks of these three districts with its central office in Bangalore and regional office in Mangalore, Udupi, Kundapur, Batkal and Honavar with prominent lawyers and retired police officials in the panel.
If not, the radical Muslims will form their own protection force to retaliate these goondas from fatally attack on the innocent Muslim cattle traders?
Please note that the Indian Constitution and norms of United Nations do recognize and value the diversity of culture of people and their food habits.
Jai Hind!
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A.D.Pinto, Qatar
Fri, Oct 18 2013Before it is BJP government which was shielding these goondas and hopes were high that the present congress government will put an end to this kind of nonsense by bringing a strong law against moral policing. But they proved that they are no different.I totally agree with you. When no government can protect us, then we have to learn how to defend ourselves.
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Peace Lover, India
Fri, Oct 18 2013Whether it is Congress or BJP or any other party's government, it doesn't make any difference as DK police itself is saffronised. Most of the DK police peronnel wearing Khaki Chaddi inside khaki pant.
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Loboag, Mangalore/Mumbai
Fri, Oct 18 2013Mr. AD Pinto, Qatar
There are many stringent laws against goodaism. But the people involved are illiterate and have no respect for the laws. Can anyone prevent a murder even if there are strong laws? In this case these goondas should be severely punished so that in future such incidents do not occur. Every citizen of this country has fundamental right to freely move around with his belongings (including animals) and nobody has right to stop him. We hope the present Congress government take this incident seriously and stop these moral policing forthwith. BD/RSS/RS/VHP should be banned from the state.
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Fri, Oct 18 2013Our Moral Police are uneducated and cannot differentiate between cow and buffalo....
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Tom Cat, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia
Fri, Oct 18 2013BJP is against beef consumption but congress is not then why are they not legalizing beef stalls in every area so that we can stop illegal cow slaughter. Is it vote bank politics or poli-tricks.Here we see congress and bjp are two sides of the same coin.
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RDS, Mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013Not a bjp supporter, but If u have no idea our current CM of karnataka is against cattle slaughter.
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Godwin, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia
Fri, Oct 18 2013Then why not more licensed beef stalls
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A.D.Pinto, Qatar
Fri, Oct 18 2013Even if it is a mistaken case, the animal they were transporting is Buffalo and not a cow or calf or bull. So why beating? Is Buffalo also considered 'sacred' in Hindu religion? or it is because they belong to a certain community?
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Alok Nath, Bengaluru
Fri, Oct 18 2013It is high time that the govt to legalise beaf marketing. May be then everything will normalise. Now we dont find sheeps and goats or pigs illegal transport and the followup of moral police. There is not such a issue in Tamilnad or Kerala where you will not find this kind of situation.
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Mohammad Salauddeen Bantwal, Mangalore/AUH
Fri, Oct 18 2013If Daiji readers can recall few incidents which are taking place since last few weeks, there are clear signs of instigating communal harmony in undivided DK. and this is a continuation of it i feel. Motives are clear like sunlight. Lets see what our Government can do. and i think the government can outsource the police dept in undivided DK to RSS and Sangh Parivar as they seem like very weak in front of the network and man power of these communal organisations possess.
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ek, bejai
Fri, Oct 18 2013if a purticular community person found with a cattle he will be beatd by cattle lovers.......
people please wear helmet & pads before you taking your cattle for feeding
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Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013Need immediate action.
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Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh
Fri, Oct 18 2013Attacking someone without knowing it's reality a stupid action, it is like firing Blindly .
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Abdul Rafiq, Uchila / Dubai
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praveen, manchi
Fri, Oct 18 2013Its better to paint the name and address of the owner on their respective cattle.
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Langoolacharya, Belman/Washington,DC
Fri, Oct 18 2013Where is Buffalo???
I want to ask it who is right and who is wrong.....I trust Buffalo more than humans...
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Bryan, Bahrain
Fri, Oct 18 2013@Langoolacharya, Belman/Washington,DC.
Buffalo is in New york State...
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Langoolacharya, Belman/Washington,DC
Fri, Oct 18 2013Correct, upstate NY bordering Canada,,, near Niagara falls....but there are no Buffalos there like in Kundapur...
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Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Fri, Oct 18 2013Bufellow trusts in Bufellow
because Bufellow is not a human being.
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