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New Delhi, Jun 27: The Congress on Tuesday favoured exclusion of the "creamy layer"in the OBC from the benefit of the proposed reservation in the educational institutions of higher learning as provided for in the Constitutional Amendment.

"The Moily Committee is working on the same line so as to exlcude the creamy layer in the OBC from the benefit of the reservation, "Congress Spokesman Rajeev Shukla said.

Many suggestions for exclusion of creamy layer have been received by the Government and the party ,he said briefing media persons here.

Asked about the BJP's allegation on Scorpene deal,he said there was no interference at the Government level in the case.The CBI was effectively probing the case.

The CBI was conducting raids in this connection,he said,and charged that the BJP criticised the Governmeht in either case whether raids were carried out or there were no raids.

The Spokesman also charged the BJP of speaking only for its convenience citing the BJP's reaction to former Prime Minister V.P.Singh's observations on Congress.


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