Mumbai, Jan 30 (IANS): Cement-maker Dalmia Bharat Friday said its net income for the quarter ended Dec 31 stood at Rs.125 crore with an operating income of Rs.794 crore. For the same timeperiod last fiscal, it was Rs.707 crore.
The profit after tax (PAT) rose marginally by Rs.10 lakhs.
"Power and fuel cost on per tonne basis was lower by 16 percent on a year-on-year (YoY) basis but the same has been offset by higher freight cost and slight increase in raw material cost for North East Operations. PAT for the quarter was positive at Rs.10 lakhs as against loss of Rs.12 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous year," the company said in a filing with the National Stock Exchange.
For its southern operations, variable costs on per tonne basis was lower by 4 percent on YoY basis for the third quarter.
"Our power consumption per tonne of cement produced has improved to 69.5 kwh as against 71.3 kwh and fuel cost on calorific value basis has witnessed a reduction of 16 percent", the company said.
Its business volume in north-east India, however, grew by 22 percent on a quarter-on-quarter basis.