New Delhi, April 1 (IANS): Navaratna defence public sector unit Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL) on Wednesday said its turnover increased by eight percent at Rs.6,671 crore for the fiscal year ended March 31 2015, compared to the earnings of Rs.6,174 crore for 2013-14.
During the time period under review, its exports grew by 38 percent, accounting for $58 million compared to the figure of $42 million for the last corresponding timeframe.
The company's order book as on April 1 this year accounted for Rs.22,100 crore.
"Some of the significant orders executed include missile systems for the Indian Air Force and the Indian Army, passive night vision devices, tactical control radar, shipborne electronic warfare systems, hull mounted sonar, fire control systems, missile warning system and combat management system," the company said in a statement.
Eighty percent of the sales turnover accounted from indigenously developed technologies.