Mumbai, May 19 (IANS): Consumer products major Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd on Tuesday said its profits during the fourth quarter of 2015 rose by 23.6 percent at Rs. 163.63 crore against Rs. 132.3 crore in the corresponding timeframe last fiscal.
Its total net income during the period under review rose nearly by 11 percent at Rs.1,028.5 crore against earnings of Rs.927.3 crore in the January-March 2014 timeframe.
"The company posted a robust volume growth of 5 percent both for the quarter and the full year in toothpaste and continued to enhance its leadership position in toothpaste category by registering a volume market share of 57.8 percent for the period January-April 2015," the company said in a regulatory filing with the BSE.
It also said it maintained the leadership position in the toothbrush segment by registering a volume market share of 42.1 percent during Q4.
During 2014-15, the company's net profits rose by 3.5 percent at Rs.559 crore against Rs.540 crore during 2013-14.
Total revenues during 2014-15 stood at Rs.3,982 crore - an increase of 11.3 percent compared to the total net earnings of Rs.3,579 crore during 2013-14.