Chennai, Sep 9 (IANS): The Rs.45,000 crore HCL group will be investing around $1 billion in Tamil Nadu over the next five years, while the group is also going into robotics and artificial intelligence, said a top official.
Speaking at the Global Investors Meet organised by Tamil Nadu government here, Shiv Nadar, HCL group chairman said: "The group has till date invested around Rs.6,000 crore in Tamil Nadu. Going forward we will be allocating $1 billion for investment in Tamil Nadu over the next five years."
He said HCL will spread its operations in Madurai and Tirunelvelli districts while expanding its operations in Coimbatore.
Nadar, who started his speech in Tamil, said Tamil Nadu is important for the HCL group as around 35,000 employees out of total 110,000 are in the state. The group has operations in Chennai and Coimbatore.
Nadar also said the group would train around 20,000 youth to make them job ready.