UAE Arrests 3,000 Indian Workers for Rioting

UAE arrests 3,000 Indian workers for rioting

Times of India

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Ras Al Khaima, UAE, Jul 8: Nearly 3,000 Indian workers have been detained at an undisclosed location on the outskirts of the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi, on charges of rioting.

The workers - from Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Kerala - of a large ceramics manufacturing unit in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah were rounded up by security agencies after they went on a rampage at their labour camp on Friday night to protest against the poor quality of food being served to them.

Indian ambassador to the UAE, Talmiz Ahmed, confirmed on phone that employees of RAK Ceramics indulged in arson by burning vehicles and destroying furniture and are now under arrest.

Although not all of the nearly 3,000 workers were involved in the fracas, the police took all of them to Abu Dhabi and Dubai in army vehicles.

While there have been strikes by Indian workers in the past in the UAE over poor working conditions and unpaid salaries, which have led to the Dubai riot squad being called in, this is the first time the UAE army has been pressed into service to arrest Indian workers for rioting.

Confirming the detention of the Indians, minister of overseas Indian affairs, Vayalar Ravi, told TOI that his department "is in touch with the UAE authorities". There were people of other nationalities, too, involved in the rioting, he said. "We are trying our best to get the Indians released. The labour officer attached to the Indian consulate is in constant touch with the UAE officials."

The workers have been questioned and their fingerprints taken. Those found to be involved in the violence will be deported after serving their prison terms, a source in the UAE told TOI. Ras Al Khaimah, where the violence occurred, and Abu Dhabi, are among the seven emirates that make up the UAE.

Talmiz Ahmed also said "the workers went on a rampage at their camp over poor quality of food served to them," and added that he wasn’t aware of the exact number of workers detained.

According to Rateesh, an eyewitness, the workers beat up the camp-in-charge, smashed windows and destroyed canteen furniture. Not content, they then came out and set at least two parked vehicles on fire. A few of them were even injured in the melee. During his visit to the UAE in May this year, foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee had urged the Gulf countries to promote social equality for the millions of Indian workers in the region.


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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Fri, Jul 11 2008

    I have to say I agree with Ophelia Lazarus that many Indians no sooner they step out of India and see some thing different, they often criticise India and living in india. Many even hestitant to come back even and never comeback even they have to beg outside like social welfare cheques( like begging with the government) and shed thier nationality and language.

    Many even forget to weigh the good and the bad. Look at the British and Americans and others whereever they go they retain their language and identity. Indians are the only ones who criticise their country even on the net. I have not seen any other nationalities doing that or ignorent about it. India is a great place, there are lot of good and of course not everthing perfect and never will be like any other nation.

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  • Lobo, Dubai, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 11 2008

    How come Stacey is so quiet. No comments now from here. For what you said you are not worth being a MANGALOREAN forget being an INDIAN.

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  • Ophelia Lazarus, Pune / Oman

    Thu, Jul 10 2008

    Get your point Saif, but sometimes it gets on your nerves when people like Stacey forget their roots and just because they are in a foreign land they get carried away and think they can say what they want about their home country. Instead of being proud of being an Indian they demean India. We as Indians will not stand such hypocrites.

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  • Saif Sultan, Mangalore / Sharjah

    Thu, Jul 10 2008

    Ok people I think stacey has got his/her message, have mercy on the poor/rich soul (there I go again). Ok anyways lets remember they are our compatriots, I am sure its more than bad food, as you guys know, some people are not paid their wages etc.....Good bless all.

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  • R. Almeida, Kalmady/Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 10 2008

    Stacey, I am sure you have lived in Dubai, but have never come out of your villa or read any news paper. Please do so and help yourself.

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  • Shanti Lobo, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 10 2008

    Dear Stacy, for your kind information A/C is not a luxury in UAE, but the basic need because of the temperature. A/C in UAE is equivalent to the heaters in European countries. In India we have moderate weather, might be nowadays slightly high temperature in summer, but our well ventilated spacious house and fresh air are enough to keep us cool.

    Coming to power cuts, I agree we have the problem and government is taking step towards it. Windmill projects, thermal projects and the upcoming Nuke Deal may address these issues. We cannot have everything in an overnight, that too when some antisocial/selfish forces and fundamentalists are in action against every development.

    About the people who stay beside railway tracks and slums, they are not the medium/middle class people. They are the bellow poverty line people. But people like us who live in someone else’s country and do not pay tax to Indian government has no right to speak about it. But I would appreciate if you could contribute something out of your luxury for their development.

    As Ophelia said, the middle class in India is rocking. They can afford 2-3 bedroom house (own/rent), private schooling for children, private medical facilities, own vehicle and probably a servant. Where can you think of such luxury being in middle class? Like BBC , which always love to showcase India’s poverty by showing slums, you also better don’t show the negative point about India.

    Most of the Europeans think all Indians have come from slums. They behave as if we have not seen a 2 bedroom house!! Have you ever tried to see the positive part of our country? Are we not one of the strongest economy in the world? Don’t we have the richest of rich people? Don’t we have well connected public transports? Don’t we have skyscrapers? Don’t we have better historical monuments and Nature’s beauty? Don’t we have the better natural resource? Don’t we have middle class salaried people who earn 10-25Lakhs rupees per year?

    Only problem is, things are not evenly distributed and few of our Politicians are so selfish to think about the development. And worst thing is majority of the rich people do not pay proper income tax !!!!

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  • Lobo, Dubai, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 10 2008

    Stacey's comment is weird. Were you born in a A/C room? Were you parents born in a A/C room. Look at your own background then talk. Don't talk rubbish about India as it is a democratic country which gives independence to Indians and to any Nationality in India unlike here. Dont forget you too are a Indian or may be you forgot after coming to Dubai.

    You comparing life here and India- Here every dam thing is artificial and nothing is original and even your so called luxurious life is artificial and all that because you have money to throw. Give the laborers 400 a month and what you expect them to stay in a posh residence like you??? Don't forget the house you are staying now was built by those guys and what they are made to stay in.

    Here nothing is free and they slog and foolish hypocrites like you enjoy on others expense. People like have a serious attitude problem. Indian government at least allows slums which is a shelter to thousands....but can you even sit on a place or sleep anywhere without getting fined to kingdom come in UAE? First think of who you are and what you were then talk.

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Thu, Jul 10 2008

    M/S Stacey, do you think living in the aircondtioning is bad for health? This is not higher standard but a lower standard in terms of health. Fresh air, dear fresh air, it is better. Sorry, I think you need to be better informed.

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  • Ophelia Lazarus, Pune / Oman

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    My dear Stacey surprised to read your comment especially from you living in the UAE. You might be having a good job and that is why you make a general immature statement that the UAE government is providing better living facilities for everyone including the labourers.

    If you have ever visited the camps they are staying in and seen the plight of these poor workers you would have thought twice before comparing the standard of living of India and the UAE. These workers are sweating blood literally from dawn to dusk to construct all the beautiful buildings in the UAE but unfortunately their plight is pathetic to say the least.

    Many of them get fooled by agents in India and come here and then cannot go back because of the commitments they have back home and they are caught between the devil and the deep sea. If they cannot be provided even a decent meal then its really very sad and inhuman too. What do we all work for? To provide a square meal to our families and ourselves and if this basic need cannot be met the whole purpose is lost.

    How do they expect them to work for long hours if they are not provided nourishing food. Most of these companies misuse their power and this situation would have been reached because of mere frustration they have taken the law into their own hands. What do you mean by saying that the middle class cannot afford to live in air conditioned rooms?

    The middle class is booming in India and at this point of time they can afford a better standard of living then we can afford here in the Gulf. With the steep rise in rents and food stuff its difficult for average families to make end meet. Open your eyes dear and come back to reality so that you can see and know what’s happening around.

    On a different note its high time the Government of India takes stringent actions against the recruitment agents who fool these gullible workers and put them in this awkward situation. Hope and pray that the problem can be solved in an amicable solution and the workers are not made to suffer further losses.

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  • Raahil, Uchila

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    It is not a shock to hear this incident happen as I have worked for RAK Ceramics and I know the working conditions of Indians there, we are always treated as second citizens and I have heard the MD of the company speak ill about Indians on many ocassions.

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  • Barath, Chickmaglore

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    Stacy, great message, yes in India at present mediuam class people cant go for air conditioner , trust me its you & me also all we Indians try to do some thing for India we will do wonders . say what you have done to your country but least bother what you got from your country it will help our young generartion proud about you & me MERA BHARATH MAHAN

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  • Montu D'souza, Koppa/Kuwait

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    Thanks Mr.A.D.Cunha Shenoy and all readers for your valuable comments.Indian labourers are illtreated everywhere.I had seen their accommodations.Most of them are replica of concentration camps.They work hard in scorching heat for low salary.Company provides them malnurished food.Even I had seen they are subjected to 10 hours shift without overtime.I request our government to take strict actions in order to save this desperate souls.

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    MR.C. Bull, your comments are outragious given the circumsatnces.

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    Modern slavery at its best. Like biblical times where slaves were used and bondaged by Egyptians, today Indian labour, shall I say Indian bonded labour skilled and unskilled have been used and abused in the Middle east, gulf and UAE.

    The so called worlds tallest buildings and landscaped beaches and houses in the water are being built by using Indian and other but mostly indian bonded labour. The indian governments and whoever recruits these poor souls need to be blamed for this catastrophic modern day slavery. Indian governments have not negotiated with the host governments on the clarity of labour, payments and employers.

    This amounts to gross negligence on behalf of our government. What is Vayalar Ravi, Overseas Indian affairs Minister doing to protect Indian nationals when used and abused in foreign nations? Is is better to put all energy to become a permanent UN security council member, or to sign a nuclear treaty deal with USA or protect our people from bonded labour? Where is our government and where are its priorities? Insn't a PIL in order against the ruling government?

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  • Jerome Manoj Sequeira, Barkur /Johannesburg

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    It is very common in U.A.E. Poor labour condition and laws. They like only Eurpoeans. Therefore, I quit to work there. Unless the R.A.K Ceramic comes with the better work labour practice. We will boycott their tiles here in South Africa.

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  • Wilson Monteiro, Bankal-chikmagalur

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    Why blame UAE, when we know that the problem started from the recruiting agents in India, who for the sake of money are ready to do anything. These agents must have collected hefty sum and promised them heaven, which is not practical in UAE.

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  • viraj,

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    I totally agree with you Jerald,the issue may not be food as shown,there may be many other reasons which finally boiled down to this rampage.

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  • Stacey , Dubai, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 09 2008

    U.A.E. has better living standard, quality of food and living compare to India, there are so many slums and tents in India, where there is no electricity, water and they live near sewage or next to railway tracks, thanks to the U.A.E. Government at least they provide 24 hours water, Electricity, and Air conditioned rooms for every human being. A medium class people in India can’t even afford to live in Air Condition room or proper accommodation.

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  • Barath, Chickmaglore

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    I visited U A E, in the month of May 2008 , The Country U A E no words to say its realy Beautiful to see , But believe me to stay & work that was not a place there is no right respect for Indians they feel Indians are just workaholic , salary wise Indians are getting less comparing to other G C C nationalities ,

    Ohh one more accommodation is really great problem I piety on many family staying in cannel & for that rent is not less than 55000 Dhirams ( 55000 Dhs@11.62Irs ), I advise our Indians who are trying to go gulf countries its not worth, India requires man power try to be in our own country . Last but not least let us Love our country & our country people, work hard, and don’t be lazy keep clean your city, respect the law. Politicians please help people to understand value of our own country.

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  • Floyd Sequeira, Kuwait/Shankerpura

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Mr C Bull very sorry to say that i do not agree with your comments here. How can you call them outlaws when the companies who hire them do not respect the laws. People go there with certain dreams nobody wants to jump into the well by themselves.

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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Though I do not want to comment on this issue, but this incident tells the world how labour class people live in the Gulf. They have been treated like slaves. This incident wouldn't have happened if these labourers were treated like human beings.

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  • Hameed, Bunder/KSA

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    It’s totally rubbish to create chaos in other country even though in India if you compare poor quality of food served in govt canteen as well as horrible ration will be provide to the poor, then why don’t these people/culprit create or raise their voice against the govt. First let these people improve their own countries system then only they can take the task of improving other countries.

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    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    While sympathesing with the fellow Indians for the poor quality food being served, we cannot support the adverse actions taken by them.We are free to work or leave the job if we are not happy.Nobody should take law in to their own hands.If we have better options, we should explore that.

    Mostly these treatments are given to low paid unskilled laboureers. The best remedy is to make all our citizens qualified to take highly paid jobs. Most of us are benefited when we get in to lucrative Gulf Jobs.Look at Kerala and Coastal Karnataka, we can witness this impact on our lives.

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  • C Bull, USA

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Before jumping to blame the UAE, can people here introspect on why these people have gone there despite knowing fully well that they will be living like slaves ? If they don't like UAE, just leave and don't ever go back. Don't behave like outlaws and vigilantes in someone else's land....

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  • R. Almeida, Kalmady/Bangalore

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Why blame UAE, when we know that the problem started from the recruiting agents in India, who for the sake of money are ready to do anything. These agents must have collected hefty sum and promised them heaven, which is not practical in UAE.

    I was working for an organization in UAE, which had its own cleaning department and was paying reasonably good salary for cleaners. Due to certain reason, they decided to outsource the cleaning job and given on yearly contract. This cleaning Co. hired staff from Hyderabad, Chennai and Kerala and most of them are graduates worked for a salary of AED300/- (Eqi- INR 3500/-) PM. Of course they had food and accommodation. Food is rice and dal and one vegetable and the accommodation is definitely not for humans.

    I also understood from them that most of the cleaners sold their little property and paid INR 70,000/- to the agent in India, to achieve this kind of heaven in UAE. Our beloved Indian government please wake up, be proactive and ban these kind of recruiting agents rather than facing a shameful situation like this.

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  • Roy Peter D'souza, Bangalore

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    What has happened is bad... Its high time Indian Government has to do something so that labourers working in Gulf countries would have basic needs... More over one should know that even Labourers are human beings and they too have feelings & emotion. Being an Indian I feel very sorry for all the Labours & their working condition in U.A.E.

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  • Ronald, Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Hunger makes one take drastic steps, its not the inner intentions. Hope Indian Gov. takes proper steps to support these workers and at the same time we pray that Dubai Gov. also revise these workers living situations and pay scale. May God help them.

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  • javid, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Hello Indian Govt, Can you do something........... Why the hell we cal ourself superpower....please show your power on UAE..... Only big talks doesnt serve the purpose....... If it would have been US citizen UAE wouldnt have been touched them........

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  • Ramesh Kundar, Harady/KSA

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Very sad to see this news.In gulf country laboures are treated as slavers.Here working conditions is very poor and quality of food serving is same as what beggars getting in India.I wish they are released soon.

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  • T.S.Hegde, Udupi

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Very sad.This particular company employing Indian labours,selling their products in India making huge profit not able to fullfill the basic needs of labours.Whom to blame!

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/bannanje, udupi

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    The incident is very unfortunate. There are peaceful ways to protest. We being proud of Mahatma Gandhi, for his non violence approach which gave us independence, must learn to protest peacefully. Vandalism shall not be tolerated anywhere in the world. The leaders who led this mob must be identified, prosecuted and repatriated and others must be freed.

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  • Floyd Sequeira, Kuwait/Shankerpura

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    Poor working conditions are a common scene in gulf and specially in UAE which is a market hub.Very sad to hear this news.I wish they are released soon.

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  • JERALD MORAS, Kuppepadauv / Calgary, Canada

    Tue, Jul 08 2008

    . I would strongly advise United Nations or International humanitarian agencies to involve and investigate the matter and open inquiry on this issue. Construction workers are going through worst situation due to inflation, low salary and substandard accommodation. Detaining Indian nationals in undisclosed location is almost like US detaining in Gauanomo bay as they have no access to justice and treated as criminals. Can they go and seek justice?

    Look at the picture military personal holding armaments to handle Indian workers (Indian expats) Very sad situation. Humanitarian agencies need to asses all factors like whether conditions, salary and incentives paid, visa costs they pay, inhumane treatment, access to basic needs (no decent toilet) food, shelter and clothing. I’ve seen construction workers wake early at 4.00a.m. and cook the food for the entire day.

    They eat dal (grains), dry vegetable, nan, kabbos or rice. They can’t afford to have bottled water (know that there is no sweet water in the Middle East ) and rely on desalinated water which is not healthy to drink directly from the tap. Many of the construction workers (Indians) sleep in public parks at night as basic needs are denied. We do understand how India politician reacts to such situation or Indian embassy actions against this event.

    I don’t have to give details. Also note there is no job security for any of the workers in the Gulf. Anytime, they could be fired out of their job without any reason. Even they are deported as mentioned in the this article. While recruitment agencies, airlines and immigration authorities make enough money and try to squeeze maximum out of them by various means. They are made scrape-goat for any of the issues they voice against. They are subdued by their owners or foremen in the site Besides construction workers are sent back home in the available cheapest flight and not once a year (like office workers) but once in two years as per many companies.

    Also finally, their passports are detained by the construction companies (illegal to hold the passports but no choice for Indian workers) as that is the only tool companies in UAE could play with. Many of the construction companies don’t pay final settlements (hold partial payments) and make workers to sign end of settlement papers without receiving payments.

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