BJP Approached Us Twice to Topple UPA Govt: Amar

U Anand Kumar/ENS

New Delhi, Jul 16: Going offensive against the BJP for its leader L K Advani’s remark on ‘dalal’ (broker) in politics, Samajwadi Party general secretary Amar Singh on Tuesday hit back saying that it was the BJP which approached his party twice to topple the UPA Government.

Referring to the remark of Advani that the Congress had turned from doing Lal salaam to Dalal salaam, Amar Singh said Advani was resorting to such remarks out of sheer frustration.

He said that Advani made a direct attack on him through this remark and wondered that it was only a matter of months when the BJP leader had changed the impression about him.

Displaying a copy of Advani’s autobiography "My Country, My Life" at a press conference, Amar Singh pointed out that the BJP leader had gifted him an autographed copy of the book carrying his compliments on March 21 this year.

"I was not a dalal at that time. How can I become one within three months", he added. Maintaining that he was obliged to the Advani’s remarks, Amar Singh said "the BJP leader has proved his seniority even in case of ‘dalal salam’ as he was ahead of the Congress in trying to make a deal with the SP".

Replying to a volley of queries on Mukesh Ambani meeting Prime Minister, Amar Singh said:

"He is a part of PM’s Economic Advisory Council and has all the right to meet anyone. He recently met West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and Jyoti Basu also.

For industrialisation, industrialists have to meet politicians. So it should not be interpreted in a wrong manner."


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  • Sunil Raj, UDUPI/RIYADH

    Thu, Jul 17 2008

    Mr. Amar singh....everybody knows that you are the great "CHELA" OF Some Big Bussiness people of you are always commenting about others and it will spoil your carrier..and what you did in the past election...remember the secret and please stop commenting on others..

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  • c ferrer, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 17 2008

    For Heaven's sake, can not the General Secretary of the Samajwadi Party stop this nonsense about maligning everyone and their uncle- there is no doubt in the minds of all Indians that the SP and its Gen Secretary will take more than their pound of flesh from the UPA if they win the trust vote. And even if they do not win the trust vote, all will see how they will push through persons and programmes from the caretaker govt as "payment" for suppport.

    I am not pro BJP by any stretch of imagination but I abhor the utterances of this one person- why cannot Mulayam Singh speak as head of the SP? In my opinion, Amar Singh is not the voice piece of Mulayam Singh but one who thrusts his opinions on the latter. If he is such a man of scruples,then just vote for the UPA in the Trust vote and stay far away from the Congress that he was cursing for the last four years. His true colours are showing just as much as his flashy clothes.

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