Political Drama in India Attracts Attention in US

Sridhar Krishnaswami/PTI

Washington, Jul 21: As the Manmohan Singh government seeks a trust vote on July 22, the political drama in India is attracting a lot of attention in the US as it will decide the fate of the landmark Indo-US civil nuclear deal.

"We will be watching it very closely. It is an Indian decision," a former senior official very familiar with India and South Asia told PTI.

But Indian American community leaders are anxiously watching the turn of events stressing that the interest is not on the internal politics of India or of who emerges on the top but in the context of what is good for the country and the people.

A senior community leader who played a major role leading up to the passage of the Hyde Act in 2006 said the "entire world is anxiously awaiting" the results of the Tuesday's vote in the Lok Sabha.

"True leaders will place national interest above their political ideology and party politics," Ashok Mago, chairman of the USINDIA Forum said in an e-mail.

"Indian Americans have no interest in the internal politics of India, they care about the country of their birth and want to see it achieve its rightful place in the world," Mago said, adding that it will be impossible for India to maintain its pace of growth without substantial resources for energy and nuclear energy will play a crucial role.

It is amazing that communist parties of India have no problem if China which does twenty times more business with USA than India, but for India to benefit from Indo-US relations causes them concern, he said.

"We hope that Tuesday brings India closer to achieving her dreams of becoming a nation where all Indians have better standard of living."


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  • Vishal D'Souza, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 22 2008

    Instead of Nuclear deal, why can't the US administration rule India on a contract basis? At least our political system will be improved a lot & can learn how to behave in parliament & value politics, not like the present oppurtunistic politicians , political parties & people can live peacefully, terrorism will be eradicated as like in US.

    People of India need a complete political change with highly educated people should take over the hot seats ,educated should enter the parliament & assmeblies, not personalities like Mayavati, Lalu....!!!

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, mangaluru

    Tue, Jul 22 2008

    While US has barely 3% of energy coming from nuclear sources, I do not understand why India should have energy from nuclear source. Where is the nuke waste which is deadly going to go? If a deal goes through its a win situation for US, potentially a $100 billion business for US companies.

    Indirectly is US dumping its uranium at a huge price in India which will create monstereous and hazardous nuke waste on Indian soil. I think it would be much cheaper and safer for India to develop its energy from other sources such a wind power, solar power and hydro as well as bio mass energy resulting in better standard of living by way of less nuke waste.

    I persoannly feel we are the losers at the whims of UPA and its alliances. Are Americans laughing at Indians on this deal? Something to ponder.

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