Mangalore: Voluntary Bundh Observed in Bajpe, Situation under Control at BC Road

Mangalore: Voluntary Bundh Observed in Bajpe, Situation under Control at BC Road

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (MM/SP)

Mangalore, Aug 28: A voluntary bundh was observed at Bajpe town, in relation to the attack on Bajarangadal convener Anil on Thursday August 28.

Vehicles were hardly found on the Bajpe roads since early morning. Hundreds of furious Sangh Parivar activists took to streets and staged protest against the assault. Shops at Bajpe chose to down their shutters.

The situation remained under control, as the incident occurred at night. However, tension prevailed in the morning, as the news of attack spread in the town. Additional police forces have been deployed in the town. Police officers are hopeful of arresting the assailants soon, as Anil had identified them during the assault. The assailants belong to Bajpe town, sources revealed.

Meanwhile, the situation was kept under control at B C Road, sources said. The situation had turned tense there, after Sangh Parivar activist Bhaskar Tailor was attacked by miscreants. The enraged mob pelted stones at the rickshaws and buses, following this attack, on Wednesday night. The police immediately rushed spot and dispersed the mob, averting the situation from going out of control.

The shops were kept open in the morning as usual and all the passenger vehicles were plying without any hurdles today, in and around BC Road.

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  • Patrick D'Souza, Kadri Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 30 2008

    There is nothing as "voluntary bundh" in this country. Remember Shiv Sena 'eshtyle'. You close or else 'thod phod'. I have seen even the police prevailing on an upright shopkeeper to close down, rather than protecting him & protecting the law of the land.

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  • TP Abdul Khader, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 30 2008

    There was a time when the people of the district lived as one, and religious differences hardly mattered. That was because people used to distinguish between right and wrong. Now most people only distinguish between his religion and the other religion. Whatever I do in the name of my religion (even the cruellest of acts) is right, and whetever you do is wrong - this the motto of many. Let us learn how to live with each other before it is too late. The whole country will be unliveable if we keep killing each other

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  • Grace Mendonca, Shankerpura/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 30 2008

    All problems will be solved if we are taught from our childhood to understand and practise that we are firstly Human Beings, secondly Indians and thirdly belong to particular religion. All human being's blood is the same, irrespective of their religion. People who want to fight in the name of protecting their brothern, please join the army/navy and protect the country from growning terrorism against humanity, coz all the religions preach to practise only peace and harmnoy.

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  • Patrick D'Souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    "Situation is fully under control",thus say the police & administration, often repeated incident after incident. And yet another incident and more blood is spilt in the name of religion. No problem is unsurmountable if there is a will amongst our politicians. Let us vote for a Federal System of Law. Remember, the root cause of all ills in this country is none other than the police force controlled by political power in the State Administratin.

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  • JABBAR , thokkotu

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    this is the reply for Sandeep Rai's comments : indeed WE MUSLIMS are less in numbers BUT our FAITH is very strong. WE DONT WANT TO HARM ANY ONE. but you just remember that wounded lion cant keep quite

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  • Sameer KM, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    Any act of violence is abhorrent, however it is a bit perplexing to me when Sangh supporters use the word 'anti-national' to describe whoever speaks against them. Excuse me, but is killing fellow indians on a large scale every now and then a 'nationalist' act (and I'm not even going into detail what happened in places like gujarat or even orissa, so as not to cause bitterness) ?

    Even leaving gujarat and orissa for a while, lets analyse what's happened in our hometown in recent times. Did these groups go on a rampage and destroy homes on a large scale a just over a year ago and kill a couple? Was it a 'patriotic' act? Even after this incident, attacks have been taking place on minority hotels and individuals on a regular basis, the last being over two weeks ago. Obviously, there was not even a whimper of protest then.

    An example of the sheer audaciousness of these organisations is the Iqbal murder case which occured over a couple of months ago. The police had then announced the "arrest" of some of the culprits. One of those "arrested" was Sharan Pumpwell, the co-ordinator of the Bajrang Dal. If you though he would be behind bars, you're in for a surprise. This same Sharan Pumpwell was last week in full public view announcing to the press his fothcoming 'agitation' against the Christian comunity in Panchanady Hill. I mean, if this isn't pathetic, what is?

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  • Ashwath shetty, Mulki

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    Being a hindu i m ashamed of my community.Government should ban fascist groups like bajrangdal, VHP, Durgavahini etc. Well done !!! and great work done by whoever did this. Need to continue this in the future so that some radical groups can learn a lesson. I m looking for the day when the leaders of these facist groups will get some blows from the public.These peoples are spreading hatred between our innocent hindu and muslim brothers. THESE RADICAL GROUPS SHOULD BE AWARDED AS "DEVIL FORCES OF INDIA"

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    Root cause is hatred and non acceptance of each other and forgetting we are one.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, udupi/dubai

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    I totally disagree with Mr Sandeep Rai. It is the majority attacking the minorities. Pls let me know in Post Independence India, has a christian ever attacked and destroyed a temple. The start was done by demolishing the Babri Mosque. There shall always tit for tat. Tolarance has a limit. Every body should know their duties and should not miuse their numbers to oppress the minorities. I agree with Mr Kumar, Arun and William, that any such attacks are deplorable and condemnable. We should be impatial in administering justice and no such attack should take place.

    Why a common man who is not associated with any terrorist orgnaisation is not attacked and walks free. It is the ideology and deeds invite such problems and attacks. Stop oppression against minorities in the name of religion and start respecting basic human values and loving fellow human beings. Reject those who spread hatred amongst communities in tha name of religion and politics. Has any religion ever preached violence?

    No. Not at all. What we see today is the product of planned hatred and alienation by the so called political parties. If you really want peace, start spreading love and care for your neighbour. Look at the human being as a human being and dont look at him as a christian, sikh, muslim and a hindu, then whole problem shall be solved and there shall be peace and harmony everywhere.

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  • Ninette, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    It is surprising to note comments of Sandeep Rai that minorities attack majority community. It looks like he has forgotten the fact that all are Indians. United - We stand, Divided - We break. Instead of closing the case with the arrest of few front line persons involved in the riots, the police should dig deep and find the source. Catch those people who remain faceless. Root cause of evil is not illiteracy and alcohol but, unemployment.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    Well said Mr.Arun. It is the hatred which sowed against other religion by the fundamentalist. Unless you experience it how these fundamentalist react against you, you will never know their dept of hatred. The young & innocent boys mind has been brainwashed with hatred. Thanks to cable net work because programmes in the TV keeps people mind busy.

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  • D'Mellow, Mangalore/Abu dhabi

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    I am really ashamed to say I am a Mangalorean after all these kinds of problems creating in our beautiful Tulunadu. Earlier to my knowledge there wasn't such organisations creating problems like Minorities and Majorities here and we were like brothers and sisters.So please my Dear Kudladakule,dont be silly and create misunderstanding between ourselves.And do not prevent us to say that I am a Mangalorean because of silly acts, we have dignity any where we go in this world.

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  • Vinod, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    Why blame minorities for everything? As a majority of this country, Hindu organizations can be more responsible. If they act responsible and respect other religion, peace will come naturally. This entire problem has started because of the propaganda by Hindu organizations. They do not want Muslims to slaughter cows, even if Muslims legally slaughter cows, these street goons attack them in the name of religion? They target Christians because they feel that Christians are converting whereas no case till date has been proven against Christians for forcible conversions..

    Even in their heart these radical Hindu extremists know that there is no forcible conversion by Christian minorities… As far as peaceful conversions, of course it is allowed by the Constitution of India, so what is VHP and Bajrang Dal's problem? Article 12 to 35 contained in Part III of the Constitution deal with Fundamental Rights.

    One of these is: (iv) right to freedom of conscience and free profession, practice, and propagation of religion Probably these street goons do not know that there is a constitution for India. For all the people's kind information, Hindu is not the only religion of India and India do not belongs to only Hindus.. India is a country of all Indians.

    Believe it or not, this is the fact!!! I request all the sensible Indians and scholars from all communities to come together and raise the voice against fundamentalism. Fundamentalism in any form and in any religion is an evil to the society…and as a majority group of this country Hindus should be more responsible in treating the minorities instead of killing them and taking the support of violence to justify their stand. Why can't Sangh Parivar fight a legal battle in the court instead of killing innocent people?

    The reason, even the Sangh Parivar knows that they do not stand a single chance to win a legal battle in the court… It is sad that both State and Central government have failed to enforce law and order in the country. It is a shame!

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  • Naina, mangalore/usa

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    Shame on bajrang dhal, unemplyed youth, I guess you people have no other job right ? so your religion tells attack on other religion and innocent people right ?

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  • Bhavya Pai, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    We all need to condem the continuos attacks on Hindus in DK in the recent times. Arrest all those anti soical elements behind these attacks. Willaim Lobo: you are absolutely right .radicals are present in all religions. Be it the recent Orissa massacre by Hindu groups or the recent US national Mr haywood who has absconded from Mumbai for his assistance to Islamic terrorists in the recent Bangalore, Ahemedebad bombings.

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  • Edna Lewis, Mangalore / Singapore

    Fri, Aug 29 2008

    RIght now there is no point blaming any community who knows at the end of the day you realize that it was the handy work of some insider.Fundamentalist Polticians and organizations have only raped the peace and harmony in this region and are a curse to this nation They have only divided people on lines of religion , caste, creed.

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  • Willaim Lobo, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    Right Mr. Kumar i condemn these attacks BUT would you have condemned if a person belonging to a minority would have been attacked or atleast have you condemned what the RADICAL hindu organizations are doing in Orissa ?? For your info Radicals do not belong to only the Muslim community they are spread across all religions.

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  • Arun, Mangalore / Bangalore

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    Dear Sandeep Rai, Why do you fear? If you stop comitting atrocities against the minorites i am pretty sure they too will treat you well. because lets not forget what happens when you corner a defenceless cat.... My suggestion is STOP listening and electing those religous fundamentalist polticians who sow seeds of hatred and have a secular approach then we all can live in peace.

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  • Kumar, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    First condemn the attack on these individuals. We need to tell those anti-India elements in a clear voice that intolerance in our society doesn't work. Also, we have to tell those forces that radicalization doesn't work in our country.

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  • Imran Kaup, Dubai

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    Mr. Khanjar , Mangalore/KSA::: You are all the way right .. I agree with your point 200% true ... Not even for this all the riots ......

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  • Rajesh, Dubai

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    These uneducated people never do any kind of public services instead they act like brothers of naxlas .Society must treat them as one of the terror organisations. They will be the one of the greatest threat to the future of our country.

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  • Sandeep Rai,

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    It is surprising to see such members from a majority community is been attacked by very minority in the society. What will be the situation tomorow if there is equal majority!!!

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  • Khanjar, Mangalore / KSA

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    Root cause of evil is ILLITERACY & ALCOHOL

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  • VR Miyar,

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    This is going to be serious stupidity of Bhajrangis, instead of doing these all nonsence .. at least they have done one good thing to the local people !! this seems to be mis utilising the freedom , a republic country... either we have to opt federal policy or communist to save India or else one day no witness will remain to tell the next generation of the world about the country called India , Come on wake up Dakshina Kannadigas... to curb these menace and save our beautiful Mangloor/Tulunaad

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  • HABEEB, kalladka

    Thu, Aug 28 2008

    This is the great propaganda against the peace loving people. the people of south canara want the peace. Some anti social organisations creating the problems. People must study these org.and fight against the anti social organisations. We hope that peaceful life will prevail.

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