New Delhi: Ban VHP, Bajrang Dal: Teesta Setalvad

New Delhi, Aug 29:
As communal violence continued in Orissa, noted social activist Teesta Setalvad on Wednesday termed the attacks, allegedly perpetrated by VHP and Bajrang Dal activists, were "nothing short of terrorism" and demanded a ban on the outfits.

"The violence by VHP and Bajrang Dal against religious minorities in Orissa shows that these are violent terror outfits," Setalwad said.

Asked whether the two Sangh Parivar outfits should be banned on the lines of SIMI, she said "Sunday's Kanpur blast proves that there is no difference between SIMI and the right wing organisations".

"The Kanpur explosion shows that these groups are also specialising in bomb blasts. It is part of a greater conspiracy to spread communal tensions. SIMI is banned for the same and hence Bajrang Dal and its affiliates should also be banned," Setalwad said.


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  • hans, mumbai

    Sat, Aug 30 2008

    Dont fool yourselves. there are TWO SETS of LAW in India, one for the Minorities and the other one for Sanghparivar. Have you seen any action on MODI, ADVANI, THACKARAY & SO ON for their role in killings of thousands of innconents across India???? One day India will be in the hands of these terrorist outfits of Sanghaparivar, dont dream of banning these outfits, they are proctected by one set of law, specially made to protect them.

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  • Lancelot Norbert Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Sat, Aug 30 2008

    It's high time for VHP sponsored RSS and Bajrangdal, should be declared as terrorist organisations and totally banned. There is a phrase like Giveup drugs. Giveup Alchoal and add Giveup terrorist organisations.

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