Media Release
Mangaluru, Apr 25: Twenty three sisters of the Ursuline Franciscan congregation made their final perpetual profession on April 24 at St Vincent De Ferrer Church, Valencia.
During the solemn Eucharistic celebration officiated by Bishop Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, they professed their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in the presence of their parents, relatives, sisters of the congregation, well wishers and friends.
Superior General of the Congregation, Sr Susheela Sequeira accepted their vows in the name of the church. Prior to their perpetual profession, they underwent six months of spiritual formation preparation at the spirituality centers of India and four months intense training under the guidance of the Tertian directress Sr Juliana Pinto at Deralakatte.

These sisters were felicitated after Mass. Sr Susheela Sequeira in her felicitation message reminded them about the vision of the congregation "'I came that they may have life and have it abundantly’ said Jesus. I ask to see the face of Christ in the deprived sections of society, to stand by Christian values with no compromise whatsoever and to hold onto Christ to live your consecrated life for the mission of the Church,”
This year, 29 sisters came forward to make their perpetual profession in the Ursuline congregation. Four of them undertook their perpetual profession at Dimapur, Nagaland on April 19 and two sisters from Tanzania will profess their vows on June 26 at the Same diocese.