Gerry D’Mello
Daijiworld Media Network, Toronto
Toronto, Oct 17: This is the very first honour that a visiting top Mangalorean personality ever received in the history of Canada, recognizing his immense contribution to the society and to mankind at large, renowned philanthropist Ronald Colaco was felicitated by the Premier of Ontario Doug Ford on behalf of the Government of Ontario on October 15th 2018 at the Main Parliament House, Queens park, Toronto by presenting him with a Certificate of Appreciation for his philanthropic works in presence of his wife Jean Colaco.
The Premier as stated in the Certificate of Appreciation to Ronald Colaco quote “Your internationally recognized charitable works benefitting the less fortunate are an inspiration to us all”unquote, that is Charitable and Philanthropic work is an inspiration for him.

Gilbert D’Souza, Vincent Machado, well known Mangalorean restaurateur in Canada Vijay Dante and the ruling party president Jag Badwal were present to witness this great honour.
During the meeting with Premier Ford, Colaco extended his appreciation to the Government of Canada for encouraging immigrants of different regions &religions, cultures& traditions by providing equal rights in all matters of life including taking up representation and contesting elections.
Also, Colaco lauded the Federal and Provincial policies helping the entire immigrants irrespective of their origin to settle in various ways like providing free medical, free educational support until 12th grade, free food bank, free clothes bank for the needy and having centres for helping to obtain jobs for the newcomers and settle down in Canada.
While responding to Colaco’s statement, the premier said the Government while upholding the human values above all aspects and having collected taxes, considers as its responsibility to provide such facilities for the good quality of life to all citizens. Therefore, according to the Premier nothing is free since there is duty bound consideration in whatever his government is doing.
Colaco also offered the Premier to sponsor 3 Chartered Accountants / Consultants to visit Ontario with the help of his office to study various policies of both Federal and Provincial Governments in respect of Industrial & Labour policies, minimum wage rate, ease of getting government approvals and doing business, buying of properties to establish themselves and more importantly various types Taxes such as VAT, GST, Income Tax and other Taxes if any and come up with notes and guidelines for Indian investors.
The premier assured his full support and at the same time, he explained that his government is very keen in cutting down the red-tapism by bringing sweeping reforms in bureaucracy to simplify the government process in all matters of approvals and sanctions.
Colaco invited the premier to the State of Karnataka and offered to make necessary arrangements to meet not only the Heads of State and the respective secretaries but also the Captains of various industries and business groups who could be the prospective investors in Ontario. The premier responded that he would consider his trip after the New Year since his party has come to power after 15 years and his government has completed only 100 days in office and he has got a lot to do in reforms and development.
During the meeting, the premier explained about the size of Ontario’s business with various countries, and its’ GDP as well as the provincial debt and showed keen interest in having business relations with the government of Karnataka as well as India.
Ronald Colaco proposed to create an environment of attraction for the business community and investors from outside Canada by giving them a Tax holiday for a period of 5 – 10 years in certain selective strategic sectors which can create large employment and in turn to attract more immigrants to occupy the vast vacant land for its effective development which in turn will augment revenue to the exchequer.
Colaco thanked Vijay Dante profusely for facilitating this meeting by coordinating with the conservative party president JagBadwal.
Ronald Colaco meets MPP Rudy Cuzzetto at the Parliament House, Queens park:
Earlier Ronald Colaco was felicitated by the member of the Parliament of Mississauga-Lakeshore of the Ontario Province on October 9th 2018 at the Parliament House, Queens park, Toronto by presenting fully framed Certificate of Appreciation by declaring Ronald Colaco as an inspiration for all of them in carrying out the humanitarian works. The popular Canadian Politician and elected Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP) Hon’ble Rudy Cuzzetto invited Colacoto Queensparkand presented a plaque congratulating him on receiving the prestigious ‘2018 Canara World Visionary Award’ for his benevolent service to the humanity highlighting Colaco’shardwork, dedication and commitment to give back to the society.

Perhaps this is first honour that a visiting Mangaloreanpersonality ever received in the history of Canada. Incidentally, this was a unique honour also forNelson/Veena D’Costa, Arun Mendes, Flavian Pinto, Gilbert/Janet D’Souza, Sharon Veigas, Albert/Josephine Soosay, Max/Nancy Mendes &, the Directors of Canadian Canara Vision Inc. who accompanied Colaco to his visit to the Queens park. Nelson D’Costa had facilitated this arrangement in coordination with the Member of the Parliament.
Colaco thanked Cuzzetto for extending an invitation to himself, his wife and members of the CCVI organization to visit the main legislative historical building. In return, he extended his invitation toCuzzetto to visit India and to be his guest in Bangalore. This followed with the tour of the Parliament building fully accompanied by MPP himself, to show that it was built in 1906 along with the guide covering assembly room, and various parts of the building which displayed Canada’s history, achievements, political landscape, heritage& portraits of earlier Premiers of Ontario province.
Ronald Colaco meets Mississauga’s 97-year-old former mayor Her Worthy Hazel McCallion:
On October 3rd the Colaco couple had an opportunity to meet Her Worship Hazel McCallion, former Mayor of Mississauga. Hazel (also known as ‘Hurricane Hazel’ because of her outspoken political style) is 97 year young, is a longest serving Mayor (36 years) in Canada in the largest city of Mississauga, which is a world record. This meeting was possible at the behest of a famous personality in Mississauga Nelson/Veena D’Costa at their residence over a dinner.

Colaco discussed with Hazel the structure of the Town, Provincial & Federal Government in Canada. How the Mayor's were being elected. How Councillors were elected. How MPP's and MP's were elected. Hazel gave RC a detailed explanation. Hazel gave her life experiences and how she successfully managed to get elected as mayor for 36 years serving as the longest serving Mayor in Canada in a largest city. How she created one of the best cities known as Mississauga in Ontario Province in Canada .
Hazel recollected her good memories of visiting India twice as a delegation and going to Mumbai & Punjab. Colaco extended an invitation to Hazel to visit India again and to be his guest in Bangalore. Hazel &Colaco thanked the hosts Nelson/Veena D’Costa for arranging this fruitful meeting.
Ronald Colaco meets a Scientist V.I. LAKSHMANAN, PhD., CEng., FCAE, FCIM, CChem Vice-Chairman and CEO, Process Research ORTECH Inc.
Ronald Colaco had a great privilege in meeting Dr.V.I.Lakshmanan, a Scientist of Indian origin. Lakshmanan is an internationally renowned scientist, innovator, entrepreneur and teacher in the area of technologies for sustainable development.

In April 2008, on behalf of the Canada India Foundation, Dr. Lakshmanan organized a highly acclaimed visit by the former President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam, which included meetings and discussions with Universities of Toronto and Waterloo, as well as the Innovation Institute of Ontario and MaRS, capped by meetings with Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada and Hon. Dalton McGuinty, then Premier of Ontario. Dr.Lakshmanan urged Ronald Colaco to encourage the local government to pursue the concept of smart villages so as to cut down the middleman for the benefit of farmers and fishermen by having cooperative among themselves and connecting them directly to the main market so that they can have a better price for their produce.
Colaco was highly indebted to Vijay Dante for organizing this meeting with Dr.Lakshmanan at his renowned Udupi Madras Café Restaurant. Incidentally Udupi Madras Café& Chutney Swamy have been consistently rated as one of the 5 best restaurants among 2500 restaurants in Mississauga, Canada.
Ronald Colaco meets Ajith Someshwar, Businessman, Philanthropist, Founder& Ex-Chair of Canada India Foundation, Indo Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
Ronald Colaco met with a renowned personality of Mumbai origin, A Successful Businessman, Philanthropist Ajith Someshwar at down town Toronto near Queens Park.

Ajit H. Someshwar is an Indo-Canadian entrepreneur, philanthropist and social activist based in Toronto, Canada. He is President & CEO of the CSI Group of Companies. According to the Canadian Immigrant, he owns and has investments in dozens of others companies from custom draperies to real estate. He is the co-founder and outgoing National Convenor of the Canada India Foundation—a public policy organization. Someshwar is an appointee on the Board of Export Development Canada—Canada’s export credit agency, which offers innovative commercial solutions to help Canadian exporters and investors expand their international businesses. Someshwar was born in Bombay (Mumbai). He obtained a degree in Commerce and Economics from the University of Bombay. He also has obtained a Chartered Accountancy (C.A.) designation in both India and England. Prior to starting his businesses in the early 1990s, he was vice-president of operations, planning and analysis for CIBC’s assurance venture.
Someshwar is an active public speaker and participant in various policy forums. He is co-founder and founding National Convenor of the Canada India Foundation and in that capacity advised governments on both sides of the Canada India Civil Nuclear treaty. Moreover, he has been very vocal about the importance of the provincial and federal governments working to better recognize immigrants’ professional qualifications and experience.
Colaco was highly indebted to Vijay Dante for organizing this meeting with Ajith Someshwar.
Links to Awards and Honours Conferred on Ronald Colaco:
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