Kannur: Two RSS Workers Killed while Making Bombs

The Hindu

Kannur, Nov 11: Two Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) activists were killed in an explosion at Cheruvancherry under the Kannavam police station limits here on Monday morning.

The dead have been identified as K. Pradeepan (35) and K. Dileepan alias Dilish (35), both RSS local functionaries. The police said the two were suspected to have been killed in an explosion of country-made bombs at 7.30 a.m. The incident occurred near the Athyarakkavu temple near Cheruvancherry. The badly mutilated body of Dileepan was found in a nearby well. His legs were severed in the explosion. The burnt body of Pradeepan was found near the well. The police said the explosion was apparently an accident. Preliminary investigation suggested that the explosion occurred when they were making crude bombs or carrying them. The area was a stronghold of the RSS, the police said. They said that Pradeepan was an accused in a case relating to the attempted murder of Asna at Cheruvancherry in September 2000. Asna, a five-year-old girl then, had lost her leg in a bomb attack. The District Sessions Court has completed its trial and is to pronounce sentence on November 14.

Denying that the explosion occurred while making bombs, Bharatiya Janata Party local leaders said the accident took place when fireworks arranged for use in connection with a festival at the temple went off.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) accused the RSS of using places of worship for making and amassing weapons including bombs. Party district secretary P. Sasi said the bomb blast at Cheruvancherry was the latest example of the efforts of the RSS to collect explosive materials to create trouble in the district.

The police said a probe was on to find out if more people were injured in the blast. A bomb squad and forensic officials visited the spot and collected evidence. Senior police officers, including Inspector-General of Police (Northern Range) V. Shantharam and Superintendent of Police S. Sreejith, were among those who visited the spot.


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  • chris, manipal

    Thu, Nov 13 2008

    "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword".Also, Karmam Phalam as Hindu Philosophy says and "As we sow, so shall we reap". When hundreds of Christians were killed in Orissa for a mistake of Naxalites, none of the politicians showed as much unity until the MNS guys killed the student and Mumbai police killed Rahul raj.

    The politicians are not worried about the hundred christians but are more worried about their group - north indian ?. So, where are we heading. I have many RSS friends - shaka leaders who sit in US / europe and Gulf and say that "India is a great Country", but none are ready to come back and change the corrupt leaders.

    They are ready to work for Christians and Muslims but wont work in india for a patry salary?. They forget that 15 percent or nearly 300 millions of indians work and live abroad. Can India face their employment problem if they come back.

    What we need is tolerance and common sense instead of false pride and lies that brought Hitler and his followers down. Only GOD can save them from sure Hell. May be they will be born as Christians or Muslims or Dalits in their next birth?

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  • Alex D'Mello, Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 13 2008

    Friends, It is my humble request that when we like to read commements/views of people from different religions, we dislike reading statements of malice against the people who commented on various issues. Pl do not use harsh words or trade charges against religions and individuals. Whether Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh we are all Indians first and all brothers & sisters under one umbrella. I request readers not to insult any one individually. Pl wait for some time before you comment on anyone's comment, try to understand the logic behind his/her comments. Do not het invoolved in petty & cheap commments.If that is the case then there is no difference between SIMI, Sangh Parivar & us. Thanks

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  • Raphael D'Souza, Pangla/UK

    Thu, Nov 13 2008

    It is sad to see readers trading insults and blaming each other's religion. I was born and brought up in a Hindu neighbourhood. I studied both in Christian and Hindu managed schools and colleges. My teachers and lecturers never taught any religious hatred. I don’t know how many readers would agree with my view. Then, how and where this hatred starts? Is it a fear in the mind of some people that India is going to get converted to some other religion because some mindless people distribute pamphlets or it is a creation of political parties to create vote banks?

    Moguls with their large army could not convert India, Europeans and British could not convert India despite their superior military and technology. Majority of the Hindus are peace loving and secular in nature and do not approve of any harm to other religions. Let us not forget that it was majority Hindus who defeated BJP when Babri Masjid was destroyed. I feel both Congress and BJP are two faces of same coin. It is 60 since we got our independence and nothing much has changed in our region. There is not much development in our region since I left my village some 30 years ago except some terraced bungalows and modern cars of rich and NRI’s.

    Most of our educated youth leave their home town after education in search of jobs and people do not bother to vote resulting in inefficient, corrupt and communal leaders being voted in to power by goondas and bogus voters. It is time, we bring back those retired teachers and lecturers who preached and taught tolerance to take reins of our political system for 5 years to help our region to grow economically and bring harmony amongst various communities

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  • Sharat Shetty, Manglore

    Thu, Nov 13 2008

    Sheme one you to say this word Mr. Narayan kini.   You well aware (also kids aware) that all the major blast made by RSS in India.

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  • Prakash, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 13 2008

    Dear Sharath, First of all being a human being you start to accept the facts and do not blame anyone for no reason. If you have any problem in accepting the truth, please do not visit daijiworld site, which is publishing the truth.

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

    Thu, Nov 13 2008

    Mr Siva USA comments, am asking which Political party treated Equally and fairly for minorities. are you talking about sachar report? or recently church attack Investigation report?. it's not surprise that RSS making bomb, RSS doing this all only for fake Hindutwa. now a days RSS activists busy in making bomb, explodes and blame to muslim community ( Maleganv True Investigation continued ) nobody call them as a terrorist. our finger not shows or blame to anyone but reality shows all. TRUE COMES OUT, GOD NEVER HIDING THE TRUTH.

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  • Harry D'Costa, New Delhi

    Thu, Nov 13 2008

    Dear Mr. Madhava Nayak, please accept the fact by heart, (sach always kadva lagtha hai)if you analize with Jaundice eyes everything will be yellow....

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  • Madhav Nayak, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Dear all those who attack Mr. Kini, see how much hatred is depicted in your own comments. He is only defending his faith whereas you are attacking his faith.... judge yourself who has terrorist tendencies.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Dear Mr.dolphyveigas, Bendoor/Kudla- K.S.A. GOOD COMMENTS. I LIKED IT.

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  • Anees, Mangalore/Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Well!... enough is enough every one knows or can understand what is what at this point of time where such type of incidents are taking place. In my point of view it is of no use to comment as to which is not at all considered for Judgedment. Only thing i would like to add is "Wake up O Indian Citizens just ask yourself - Do you think whats going on is right?", no need to defend or argue answer is with you.

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  • dolphyveigas, Bendoor/Kudla- K.S.A

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Dear Mr. Narayan Kini you narrated comments are fully biased,full of hypocracy as well fanatism. As you stated RSS is planting bombs for the safe guarding and retaliation of the party. Recent attacks on christian minoritis in Orissa/ Mangalore these RSS attacked innocent christian brothers, houses/ chruches were burnt and destroyed .

    Women & chlidrens were attacked and priest were killed . Nuns were raped . Now tell me Mr. Kini christian people should retaliate & safe guard the religion we should start doing what RSS is doing planitng bomb.?....... Jesus said "Love Your enemy".All the man kind are our brothers and sisters. Word of god says If you attack or kill one innocent human being your killing entier human kind.

    We should not curse these sangparivar (RSS) if I do so I am committing sin against god. My daily prayer i am remembering these sang parivar & specialy praying for them god they dont know what they are doing give them good wisdom and bless them and their family.

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  • Shirish, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    I was going through these comments but could'nt help noticing one RIDICULOUS and rather irresponsible comment from one Mr. Narayan Kini who justifies the bomb blasts by saying "we are just retaliating, we are the true lovers of INDIA, rest all are invaders. We have to safeguard ourselves.".

    My question to Mr. Kini's is who are the "invaders" in India? I was of the opinion that all Indians are Indians irrespective of their religion, caste ,creed etc are PATRIOTIC INDIANS. Does'nt he realize that while retaliating his own people might die in the due process.Now if we have people like Mr. Kini who justify killing people from other community then what more can we expect from a fascist organization like Sangh Parivar / BJP. GOD SAVE INDIA!!!

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  • Shareef Moideen, Uchil - Mangalore/ Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Where is unofficial and official mouthpiece of RSS & other Hindu outfits, recently one newspaper published the article of self –proclaimed “knowledgeable” writer B.L Byrappa which was written against Christians, the newspaper shouldn’t be biased it should be the watchdog if anyone commits crime publish the fact without fabricating it and let the citizens of this country has some knowledge of corrupted politicians of this country.

    Now, it is the time for peace loving RSS activist’s to think about the hidden agenda of RSS, is it for the welfare for the Hindu community ( only upper class is considered as Hindu’s) or to indulge in anti-national activities and to create communal violence. No one should support these kinds of activities whether it has been done by Hindu’s, Muslims, Christians & Sikhs or people of other faiths, we should all condemn it. Our grand parents lived in peace, serenity and with communal harmony we should continue with it for the betterment of our beloved country and for the next generation.

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  • Haorld D'cunha , Mangalore, India

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Fully agree with Noel Frank's comments. In this case the punishment has been already passed as the defender has already received the same. But the investigation should continue so that more and more people who are involved in this type of heineous crime & act should be nabbed.

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  • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Where ever a bomb explodes it is declared as done by the muslims even before the investigation takes place.But if a non muslim is involved, it need to be investigated even if there is proof.History prooves that it is the minority groups, when oppressed they some time take law in to their hands.

    It is only in India the majority who are ruling the country are involved in terrorism.Fortunately, most of the Hindus are peace loving like christians and Muslims but there are some bad eggs in every basket and it is the duty of all the Indians to find them and put them in their deserving places.I wonder which usa Mr Siva belongs to.He looks to me like an ignorant man without the knowledge of India History.

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  • Manohar, mangalore

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Why terrorist newspapers of Karnataka didnt publish the colourful stories of dead RSS activists? they may not find CD, mobile phone , sim card there ?? RSS and other pariwar group is craating the violence throughout India and killing minority peoples ,,even then the arresting innocent people ,,last month they have arrested some innocent people in Mangalore and Ullal to divert the public attention from recent church attack,,

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore/KSA

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Dear Manjunatha C.N, We are not discussing the issue of Kerala politics vs the Karnataka politics. We are commenting on a substantiated news item which says ,” The dead have been identified as K. Pradeepan (35) and K. Dileepan alias Dilish (35), both RSS local functionaries.

    The police said the two were suspected to have been killed in an explosion of country-made bombs at 7.30 a.m.” These are the words of the police. You say “I don’t agree with this” Can you please clarify whether you don’t agree with the statement made by the police which says, Preliminary investigation suggested that the explosion occurred when they were making crude bombs or carrying them.” or you don’t agree with the comments of the readers based on the above preliminary findings of the police.

    You further say,” Let there be proper investigation and see who the culprits are and the court should give the severe punishement.. But Manjunatha, in this case there is no need for the court to give the punishement. The most severe punishment is already given to them and the case dismissed as far as these two are concerned

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  • Manjunatha C.N., Kasaragodu/Bengaluru

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    The politics is different in Kerala from Karnataka.There people kill each other.Marxist vs congress, marxist vs rss, marxist vs BJP..they just kill each other.So the readers who are all from Karnataka you better come to Kerala then you will know what is the reality.Country bombs are commonly used by these people.This is a fact. I dont support violence but we cant run away from the truth.

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  • Canute Pinto , Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Bomb falsely recognized them as enemies, its a mistaken identity.  Now BJP and RSS must work hard on BJP Family friendly bombs. (RSS, Bajranga dal, Ramsena and so on)

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  • Ashraf, kudroli / K.S.A

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Thanks god you have showed the right persons who makes BOMBS. now all indians know the truth.

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  • Steve, goa

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Wow ! madhav. if a minority group indulges in these activities you call them terrorists. when people belonging to majority do such heinous acts you say it is for protection. Now ask BJP govt to implemint POTA ACT

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Some people still feel that the blast is of fire crackers stored for forth coming Diwali (One year ahead) I do not think that they were preparing fire crackers for Christmas.

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  • Shabee, vittal

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Now the BJP politicans who are playing behind this bomb blasts to bring all Hindus in one platform to attain their political game are quite now. Hope, all communities will understand who are terrorists now. Who are creating terrorists in India?. BJPs are playing dirty politics.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, udupi/dubai

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Now the cat is out of bag. Now I wonder and question myself, whether all the bombs went off in India is really plotted by the so called muslim terrorists? It could be possible that these fanatic RSS and its parivar plan, plot and explode bombs to defame the minorities. Whoever it may, those who preach and practice violence must be condemned and fought tooth and nail until my beloved India becomes free from these bombs and violence. oh people of India please wake up from your sleep and educate yourself to know who are the actual terrorists??????

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  • Sandeep, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Dear Folks, I appreciate the comment made by sharath raj. Till truth is out no body has a right to blame any organisation. Secondly, i request all of you who are blamming BJP goverment to go and watch HINDI movie WEDNESDAY. Then you will come to know what will force you to get into these acts after loosing some one , even though they are not your family friends.

    When so many bomb blast occured earlier where are these so called follower of congress(culprit for glowing of terrosim). For the purpose of vote bank these congress politicans gave a shelter . Now for one incident you are Blaming BJP

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  • Siva, usa

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Before you show fingers at RSS and VHP, please introspect why this is happening now. For so many years majority community was pin pricked, hurt and is being hurt still - for more than 50 years. They patiently waited for justice without taking law in to hand. No political party listened and continued minority appeasement. Even BJP failed them - Vajapayee opened the borders allowing ISI to come in. Advani went to Pak and anounced Jinna as greatest secularist - It is very clear that if BJP comes to power their policy will be 'congress policy plus' about minority appeasement. So with so much disappointment, the anger that is suppressed for many years will come out no matter what.

    While most will be able to contain their anger and do not use it for destructive purpose, there will be some weaklings who cannot withstand that hurt and anger. They will show it in such insane acts. They have to be punished for their sins - but most importantly appeasement of minorities has to be stopeed and all communities should be treated equally and fairly in all respects. Then only this will stop

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  • Narayan Kini, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Please dont brand us as terrorist like other casts, we are just retaliating, we are the true lovers of INDIA, rest all are invaders. We have to safegaurd ourselves. There is a big difference between Terrorist & defending the country. So RSS doesnt come under terrorist.

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  • Walter Saldanha, mangalore, India

    Wed, Nov 12 2008

    Thanks Daijiworld for your transparency, alert and vigilant service. Truth might hurt somebody but you need to do your job well. I feel that you have been respected for being transparent and courageous, keep it up.

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  • Suresh Bhat, Moodbidri / Muscat

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    I was going through all the comments, Some are very interesting. Now at least people came to know the consequences of BJP's Rule. I would like to blame the people who have voted for BJP. Some will Say that Congress party is a corrupted party, but at least people of all religion were living together during congress rule.

    Living Peacefully is important, Corruption can be wiped off at any time. I would request all to vote for Congress at least in future as we always do in Moodbidri... " My India is always my Pride"

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore/KSA

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    While Madhav Nayak is right in his assertions that insecurity does lead to crimes sometimes, and Harold D’cunha’s words “Every citizen of this country are the children of the nation” should be echoed by all the peace loving citizens of India and should support the Govt to ban or curtail the activities of all fanatic organizations to which ever religion they may affiliate, so that we and our future Indians live in peace and harmony

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  • Prem Colaço, Mangalore /Oman

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dear RSS,Bajrangdal,VHP, First get trained properly then make bombs ..your headquarters for training is at PUNE make use of it ..Firstly EXPERIMENT ON EACH OTHER TO KNOW THE BOMB'S EFFECTIVENESS ". DO NOT BLAME OTHER COMMUNITIES ..BJP ..THE TRUTH IS OUT. Please note :Even a child at school is taught to be constructive and not destructive to the nation.

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  • Mohammed, U A E

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Let the authorities do the indepth investigation and bring those mass murderers to book. These mass murderers main target is to win the election by spilling blood of innocent public. Hope our public will awake and realize the centuries' old descrimination policy of caste system which is worse than slavery.

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  • Jagnnath Rai, Dubai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dear Readers dont blame Daiji.daiji is publishing transperent news.daiji has more than 63590 subcribers.we have to support daiji reporters.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dear Mr. Madhav Nayak let us accept the fact that if the wall is white better not call it black and if is black better not to call it white and give reasons to support the wrong. First of all taking laws in hand is absolutely wrong. Those who are involved in type of activities in the fanatic organization or any struggle are always majority are poor in income bracket and have been used by the power hungry leaders who are either in the organization or in the political party.

    Having said so it I do not understand why we have to leave hope and indulge in this type of heinous crime of destruction of society and oneself. What is the result? Mr. Madhav let us not follow the path of destruction but join hands without prejudice. Then you will see bright light of hope after the tunnel.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Donot blame anyone till you find out the truth. whoever resorts to terrorism they should be branded as traitors of the country. I fully agree with Prashanth, Mangalore that there is nothing communal in this incident as kannur district in kerala is a hub of political hatredness.

    As Muslims are supporters of CPM/CPI in Kerala and hindus RSS these incidents assume communal colours due to meddling of political parties.

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  • Lancy, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Hey you fellow Sharath,  which century you are living man? If you involve yourself into these activities, even you will be killed like this. Please read the news properly, it is clearly said "Police have said" and not Daiji world.

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore/KSA

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    When organisations having Islamic names were taking responsibility for some of the bomb blasts, and Muslims on the whole were blamed when no organisation took the responsibility,(Mr.Advani.All terrorists are Muslims), While the Muslims tried to defend themselves against their involvement in these crimes, yet they did not start the blame game till the malegaon blasts, where in the sweet truth was established, that non muslims were involved in the blasts.

    Now that the ball is in the court of RSS and all the circumstantial evidence points to the involvement of RSS in the bomb making, the supporters of RSS should be Man enough to accept the responsibility till they can prove otherwise.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Mr. Naveen your statement can be used as a proverb in the future. Bolo Bharath Maathaa ki - "This Happens only in India " . "Not All the RSS member are Bombers ,But all the Bombers are RSS members

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  • Marian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    RSS is a "TERRORIST" Party. Wake up citizens of India......open your eyes......Raise your voice to ban such parties.

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  • Devdas, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Evidence suggests the involvement of the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) in triggering the explosions, said police twelve days after the wave of bombings in Assam that killed 83 people and wounded 300 more. Rejecting earlier theories of Islamist terror groups being directly involved in the attacks. Police and officials of the Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the serial bombings of October 30 claim to have almost reached the final stage of the investigations with all evidences pointing towards the NDFB, in a ceasefire with New Delhi since 2005.

    The sequence of events before and after the explosions in Guwahati (three blasts), Kokrajhar, Barpeta, and Bongaigaon are sensational. Investigators have found that three Maruti cars used in the Guwahati bombings were all purchased by NDFB cadres, while a motorbike used in the Bongaigaon blast was also owned by a NDFB rebel. No police official, however, would like to come on record.

    According to investigators, plans for uting the serial blasts were chalked out by NDFB chairman Ranjan Daimary, believed to be based in Bangladesh. Daimary was apparently unhappy over the slow progress of the peace talks with New Delhi and did the planning with the support of the Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami (HuJI). The outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) had a minimal role in the blasts, officials said.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Mr. Sharath Raj, all the turmoil, insecurity, division of friendly neighbour is aftermath of the destruction of Babri Majid. If today Lord Rama would have alive do you think he will approve the destruction of Babri Majid?

    My logic is simple. The father does not want his children to fight for the restoration of his statue. Same logic applies. After all every citizen of this country are the children of the nation. More and more incident of fanatic organizations underground terrorist activities will open up. Thanks to Media coverage. Like in Indian Emergency time in 1975 the then government late Indira Gandhi banned all fanatic organization.

    Same should apply immediately. If required the government of India should be empowered with stringent laws to curtail these type of terrorist activities so that our future Indian live in peace and harmony.

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  • Madhav Nayak, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    If this is true, everyone would agree violence is wrong and condemn but this is the result of the minority and the so called SC/ST demanding higher reservations! The majority are really concerned about their fate in their own country and are resorting to these unfortunate incidents.

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  • Naveen,India, Qatar

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Bolo Bharath Maathaa ki - "This Happens only in India " . "Not All the RSS member are Bombers ,But all the Bombers are RSS members"

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  • Sharada, Karkala

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    We all know more powerfull fireworks known as "Bedi/Garnal" in tulu are used in all temple festival. But now a days even if a temple firework gets exploded then it becomes a conspiracy. Hail the "pseudo-secular" media.

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  • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    No doubt One day You may find people on the road sell bombs, like vegetable or coconuts. Are they RSS or Terrorists who killed while making bombs.

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  • Ravi Kumar, Chennai City

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    So what's the big deal? They deserved to die anyway. "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword".

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  • Francis, sharjah

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Shame on you RSS !! you need more training to make bombs. "Chuwa suthar ka kaam kar saktha hai kya" ??

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  • Arun, Kadri / Thane

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Sharath, It is not Daiji who is blaming any organisation. It is the responsible local police who have identified same. So please do not become onesided and comment on a site which is only doing its bst job. The recent happenings and arrests point directly to the very blatant involvement of RSS/VHP/Sangh parivar people in acts of terror.

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  • HIDAYA, Mlore/Dammam

    Tue, Nov 11 2008


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  • Noel Fernandes, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dear Sharath, Do not worry about the Daiji.com and do not try to defend the Culprits.

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  • Arun, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    You reap what you sow

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  • Maxi, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    BJP higher caste Hindus killing lower caste Hindus all over India.

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  • Janet, Mumbai/Saudi

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    RSS is a part of BJP. Now let Advani know that his party supporters are making Bombs and by 2 RSS workers getting killed it is prooved. Now what Advani and his Chamchas have to say ? Now again Advani will say, RSS is not part of BJP. Good time these things are happening.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    RSS/VHP's very own proclamation was that 'not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims' is negated by their own clan members. It immediately came to mind those days that a particular community did it with no contradiction whenever a blasts took place. This conception is changed now. Both the communities share 50-50 percentage of our imagination any time a blasts occurs. Amusing that Sarath wants us to wait for proof now which was irrelevant earlier.

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  • mohammad allam, U.p

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    If we even utter "ah" in agnoy,then we defame as a terrorist.There is no rumour even they murdered the innocent. we can hide our crime from human being but how can we hide it from God? This case if proof that God loves to lsiten the agnoy of innocent.

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  • Clarence D'cunha, Mangalore / Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    What you sow is what you reap...

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  • Devdas, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Mr sharath whether RSS and its media has a fundamental rights to blame muslim community on every bomb blasts done by some criminals??

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  • Dolphy Veigas, Bendoor/Kudla- K.S.A

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dear Mr. Sharat Raj No one unncesary blaming RSS & sang parivar for the blast . One of my Maliyali freind given the correct blast news from Asia net and its confirmed . No doubt sangparivar & RSS is an dangours terrorist organisation . This sangparivar ( BJP) & RSS will spoil the name /image & reputation of Hinduvatava. Thank you very much Daiji  for the the news .

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  • Alex d'Mello, mumbai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    "Satyameva jayate" there is no finer example than this. When it is done by sangh parivar it is fire works, when it is done by others it is terrorists' act. If it is fire works then how the body parts severed from the main body? It would have only burnt little. Sangh parivar has been making bombs for a very long time.

    There was a history bomb explosions in different parts of the country where Mahatma Gandhi used to visit during the pre-independent days. The bombs used to go burst just before his arrival and Bapu survived on several occasions. He also remarked " If they (RSS) want to kill me no problem, why so many other innocents"? A systematic training in arms is taking place by the Sangh Parivar thru out the country. This is only a tip of Iceberg. Friends be careful. keep your eyes & ears open. This hatred & bombs going to kill people particularly women, children & innocents.

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  • Reny Fernandes, Mudarangadi/ Dubai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Mr Sharath Raj, Read the Daiji report carefully and better understand English(Primary STD).Daiji repeatedly quoted as"The Police said".

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  • Godwin, Trasi/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dear Sharath, This news is publised first in THE HINDU News paper, Please check the link http://www.hindu.com/2008/11/11/stories/2008111154060400.htm

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  • Arun Menezes, Udupi/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    I can see a lot of people getting defensive about the incident as if someone close to them are involved and have been exposed.I can see a lot of guilt in the statements above. The bottom line is "One who lives by the sword, dies by the sword" may it be anyone, belonging to any party, religion, caste or creed.

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  • Simon Mendis, Riyadh

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Mr.Sharatg Raj - if you know the true which daijiworld doesnt know - please reveal this to the readers. Sharath Raj, Mangalore Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Without confirming news Don't blame any organization. I request you Daiji.com. Because no body have a rights to blame anybody without proof.

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  • John, Bendur/UAE

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Sharath, you must be dreaming in the day! Don't tell us that you really believe that firecrackers blew up 2 people and one of them had his legs severed? Surely you don't think that some male-pataki or sur-sur kaddi did that, do you? Wake up to reality dear friend and learn to accept that even the majority indulges in terrorism!

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  • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala/Qatar

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    “Whatever hidden in the secret will be d from the top of house roof”. This horrible act shows ideology of the party leaders to organize do or die terrorist activities at the cost of the oppositoin to shed the blood of the innocents just for electoral gains. Pertaining “Daijiworld” its news are free from loop holes. Secptics can refer for same news in The Hindu, Times of India and other major channels.

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  • praveen veigas, hassan

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    I do not know what kind of proof Mr.sharath wants to confirm the blast. judgement copy of jury or confirmation by the RSS itself?

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  • Sourya, Batrekere

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Sharath .. Truth is Bitter… very hard to digest … to know the truth have to use own mind to think, eyes to see and ears and ‘ Antaratma ’ to listen .

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  • Prashanth, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    I feel there is nothing communal in this incident.Bcoz in Kerala politics especially in Kannur District we all are aware(atleast some of us) that more than tongue weapons and bombs speak in these places, it is a common sight in Kannur left parties attacks on right parties / BJP or the vise versa.

    These kind of dirty politics are played at Kerala. They dosen't look at religion but which party he belongs (these members are party loyalist).In the name of political parties there have been lot of brutal murders. In name of politics several families has lost their bread winners. In colleges and schools political parties are very active. Do we need these kind of politics .....

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  • Vincy, Mulky/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    The bottom line is BJP wants to divide the country on communal lines, with which they can gain maximum votes. It uses its side organizations to do the dirty job, smartly then combines it with national pride. End of the day people will be fighting with each other with more bombs, while the politicians get richer and richer. This is a very very dangerous trend, if not stopped by everyone today, certainly will swallow normal person's, peace, harmony, brotherhood- in one word "Indian-ness".

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  • Alice, M'lore/Shj

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dar Mr Sarath Raj, Saying " Think before you talk". Before you give you out put valuable Opinion, The news not from Daiji read news clearly read top to bottom and also check Asian Net, read the news from the times of India , The Hindu, and other major channels and also today news in Star TV.

    You should thank Daiji because it is clearly showing that you are not watching other news channels and reading other website apart from Daiji world. You are very much comfortable to read the news from Daiji Any comments acceptable

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  • Amit, Gangulli

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Why people are making such reacts This is not first this organisation doing such things there are many cases are there this is new example how RSS following Terrorist roots , just wait for some more time true picture will come soon. There are many people behind many bomb blasts all over India and blaming unknown organisation but now everybody knows who’s behind all this bomb blast.

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  • Ramakrishna, Udupi/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    This is the punishment given by God. A person who wanted to kill innocent people, got killed himself. This is Gods Gift to whoever does wrong things. This should be a lesson for others so that they will not make Bombs in their life. Praise the Lord.

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  • Mohammad, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    If these killed persons where Muslims everyones comment would have been like islamic Terrorists??? shame on RSS they didnt leave father of our nation mahatma gandhi being a hindu. what will they give to our hindu friends??? hatred then nothing else.

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  • Shridhar, Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    As Sharath Raj has mentioned, it may be the case when an accident that took place when fireworks arranged for use in connection with a festival at the temple went off. Hence, other readers without knowing the facts dont simply put blame on others. Its the work belongs to administration and police department, not to any individuals.

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  • Thanzeel, Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Well said Mr. Sharath & Deepak. But when there was some other organization was blamed for such things, we didn’t notice you both defend the innocents!!!!!!

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  • Ahmad Altaf, Doha

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dear Sharath Raj, read the news properly, daijiworld reported as 'The police said the two were suspected to have been killed in an explosion of country-made bombs'.

    By the way when similar news published on daijiworld in the recent past about the terrorist link in Mangalore, did you ask same question to daiji? Don't be biased in your statements

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  • Indian, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Dear Sharath,this news not from Daiji read news clearly read top to bottom and also check Asian Net , The Hindu, Times of India and other major channels

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  • Vinay, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Sharath, So does it hurt now? Daiji has just published the news... Just keeping quiet, won't make the wrong right.. people of India have the right to know what's the real face of RSS is ?

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  • Ronald Mathias, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Mr. Sharath Raj ARE YOU RSS..VHP OR B'Dal....????

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  • Deepak, Singapore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    How does this paper know that the two died while making bombs, and were not killed by a bomb put there to kill them. How can somebody allege such blames who are no longer alive to defend themselves.

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  • Rakesh Dsouza, Mangalore, Dubai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    RSS should be banned in India, so that there will be a peace in the society and other communities can live without any fear. Now a days RSS/VHP/BJ are acting like terrorists and creating voilence in the society. law protectors should wake up guilty's should be punished without any hesitation.

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  • Saleem, Surathkal (Saudi Arabia)

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    When muslims invloved in such activities it its called as Terrorist. So what do we call it now??? If muslims are called Terrorist for such acts then the Kannur issue can be called as Hindu Terrorist. Do people agree with this bitter truth. People! dont close your eyes and accept the truth.......Thank god that the police recognised them as RSS activists.

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  • Devdas, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    BJP it is shame on you. You denied malegaon blasts. You are mum on tenkasi and thane blasts. God only knows how many blasts ur people did in india in the names of innocent people.

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  • Jagnnath Rai, Dubai

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    maadidunno maharaya....

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  • Mohammed Niyaz , ullal/ Mnagalore / Amaco Jubail KSA

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Why goverment to give the freedom for RSS activities. If SIMI banned You can impose ban on RSS .

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  • Sourya Prakash, Permude

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Where are VHP, BJP, Dal, Sena leaders & followers ?! which face they gona show our country and citizens .! Its right time to go underground. Sheee sheee..Shame.. Shame ...

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008


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  • Clive, Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Those who live by the sword die by the sword. If RSS and all its cadres start making bombs, BJP and its allies will surely win the next elections provided they get rid of all minorities, lower caste people, communists etc.

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  • Praveen, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Wonderful coverage Daiji. Promiment Kannada newspapers do not carry these news items as they are the mouthpiece of BJP. RSS is a terriorist organisation and is involved in communal violence across the country. The Govt should immediately ban this organisation. BJP is behind the bomb blast across this country and is involved in the blamegame against the congress party. In the name of Hindutva, BJP is sponsoering terriorism and communal violence. The people should realise this now.

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  • Sharath Raj, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 11 2008

    Without confirming news Don't blame any organization. I request you Daiji.com. Because no body have a rights to blame anybody without proof.

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