Pics: Abhijith N Kolpe
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (ANK)
Mangaluru, Nov 21: Paramedical students of Wenlock hospital along with SFI (Student federation of India) staged protest here at DC office on Wednesday, November 21, over not starting of academic activities even after two months of joining.
SFI district president Charan Shetty said, "Education is the basic facility that has to be provided for the students. But the academic activities for the students of Wenlock paramedical course is yet to commence even after two months of the beginning of the academic year. Students do not know the syllabus of their academics and lecturers are not appointed. Several students from various parts of the district come here to study with a hope of getting a bright future. It is unfortunate that these students are in a pathetic situation and none of the administrators respond to their woes."
"There has been no practical and theory sessions for last two months. They are treating the students like a daily wage labourer making them to do the hospital work. The students are even made to clean the vomit of patients. There is no point in questioning as they fail to respond," added Charan Shetty.
SFI district secretary Madhuri Bolar said, "It has been close to three months in the academic year and the activities have not yet started. Whenever we approach the DMO (District Medical Officer), she escapes from us by giving various reasons. She does not have the decency to hear our problems. When we speak about our problems, personal threats are given about our internal marks and attendance. For other paramedical colleges, internal exams are in process, but for us they did not even start academic activities from the past three months."
"In the name of posting, students are being misused by the authorities, who make us to do hospital works and treat us in a wrong way. DMO has also sent a message through a staff opposing our protest and threatened that she will give TC (Transfer Certificate) if we dared to hold a protest," added Madhuri.
CPIM leader Sunil Kumar Bajal said, "We are ashamed of the situation the students of Wenlock paramedical course had to face for the last two months. There are no lecturers and classes are not conducted. But the fee is collected from the students. In the name of posting, students are made to work like a slave in the hospital."
Comment on this article
Pasha, Karnataka
Thu, Nov 22 2018The DC is only looking for photo opportunities. Only makes big talk about law & order, etc. What about his responsibility with regards to the functioning of institutions under his watch?? Please either attend to this or move away from Mangalore. Where is our MP, Mr. Nalin Kateel & MLAs?? Please suspend the DMO immediately. Smart city run by dumb babus.
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Sethu, Mangalore
Wed, Nov 21 2018Government hospitals are worst than slaughterhouses. No funds and infrastructure. The authorities are acting like pimps of the Government. They are interested in their next placement and promotion. There is shortage of class 3 and 4 staff and these students will cover their work. The DMO and Supdt of Wenlock hospital has no spine and guts to take up the matter with Government. These officials are disgrace to humanity....!
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Shekar Moily Padebettu, Udupi/India
Wed, Nov 21 2018It is really sad and pathetic to understand the plight of Wenlock's Paramedical students,who are on protest against delay in start of academic activities.Delay in starting the academic activities even after two months of joining is definitely a threat to the future of the students,who came here from different parts to study and make their life/future bright.It is shame on the part of the Wenlock's management not responding students pleas and woes and higher authorities like DMO herself evading from facing the students and listening to their grievances.Whatever be the consequences or reasons don't play on the future of the students,who are the future generation of our country.VERY SAD,SORRY AND PATHETIC.Hope concerned authorities,departments must interfere in this case and use their expertise to resolve the issue of students at the earliest and pave the way for their peaceful,flawless studies
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Wed, Nov 21 2018This cannot be tolerated in India's Number One State Karnataka ...
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Sahil, Mangaluru
Wed, Nov 21 2018Delay will screw up honest students examination as well.
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