News and pics by Rony D’Souza
Daijiworld Media Network – Mississauga (GA)
Christmas Cheer Recipe: Combine loads of good wishes, heart full of love and arm full of hugs. Sprinkle with laughter and garnish with mistletoe. Top off with presents. Serves everyone!
Mississauga, Dec 12: The Mangalorean Association of Canada (MAC) held its Christmas Ball on December 7, 2008 at the Sts Martha and Mary Parish Hall, Mississauga. This event was exceptional with a host of activities for all the guests and included games, singing and dancing.
The emcee of the evening, Neville D’Souza, enthusiastically welcomed all guests and created a warm, comfortable ambience to foster goodwill, cheer and happiness. A brief welcome speech was given by Janet D’Souza, general secretary for MAC. A game for children below 7 set the tone for the evening as the children passed the parcel around to win a grand prize. Every child won a bar of chocolate which brought forth smiles of satisfaction. “Pin the Santa’s beard” was played by children aged 7 to 12. While they solemnly tried to ensure that Santa’s beard was in the right place, the audience participated by encouraging the children and shouting out instructions. Two children were the happy recipients of prizes for their almost perfect positioning of Santa’s beard.

The adults played a great game of numbers as they wholeheartedly and in a competitive spirit made groups comprising of males and females depending on figures called out by the emcee. There was a tremendous amount of jostling, pushing and pulling and shouting in the name of fun and excitement. Two great prizes were awarded to the winners.
Who is an integral part of Christmas celebrations? It is jolly ol’ Santa, of course. To the tune of “Jingle Bells”, dear old Santa swept in distributing handfuls of candy, amidst shouts of joy and wonder from the children and expectations of presents. The younger children were fascinated and awe struck at the sight of the bearded man in red. They followed him dancing and singing as the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Gifts were distributed to the children and the dance floor was open to the adults who swayed and danced to some fabulous music by DJ Joyson D’Souza.
With a solemn prayer of grace by Fr Edwin D’Souza, dinner was served. Konkan Delite catered a delicious meal that was greatly appreciated by all. Line dancing was organized and provided an opportunity to all the ladies, young adults and men to showcase their agility and grace on the dance floor. The evening ended with a vote of thanks from Ronald D’Souza,pPublic relations officer to all participants and organizers of the event. Outgoing executive committee members Ivan Lobo, Janet D’Souza, Clara Fernandes, Peter D’Souza, Oswald Sequeira and Prescilla D’Mello were lauded for their contributions. MAC is grateful to Fr Edwin D’Souza and Fr Henry Alva who graced this event and the volunteers who worked with commitment and dedication thereby reaffirming the Christmas sprit of sharing and giving.