New Delhi, Feb 6: Uttar Pradesh Police on Friday claimed that the death threat to the Leader of Opposition and BJP's prime ministerial candidate L K Advani was mailed from an institute in Mau (UP), according to Times Now.
"We have traced the source of threat mail to Advani. The death mail posted on Advani's website was sent from an institute in Mau," Times Now quoted UP Police as saying.
Advani on Thursday informed the government that he had received a death threat which was posted on his website reportedly by a Pakistan-based terror organisation.
"The union government has been informed about the death threat. The union home secretary and the Director, Intelligence Bureau have been intimated. It is now for them to initiate necessary action," sources close to Advani, told PTI.
The one-para post threatened harnessing of new technology weapons that could easily be used against public personalities.
The post was immediately removed by Advani's office on Wednesday itself.