Bangalore: Advani Terms Mangalore Pub Attack Against Indian Culture

Bangalore: Advani Terms Mangalore Pub Attack Against Indian Culture

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (GA)

Bangalore, Feb 28: Facing voters in the election is the only thing that sends shivers down the spines of the political leaders. It is the ultimate litmus test that every politician tries to avoid. And those who cannot shun elections, finally resort to people-friendly schemes, voters-friendly statement etc. Here is another classic example of the same.

The Mangalore pub attack which attacked not only the national but even international news headlines was used by major political parties to suit their political agenda. Since the attack was carried out in a BJP-ruled state and the perpetrators of the crime were linked to BJP, the Left parties led by Congress have left no stone unturned to nail BJP. But sad part is that even Congress did it just to gain political popularity and not because it is concerned about women.


Meanwhile the BJP had managed to divert the entire issue by linking it to Indian culture, knowing well that only religion and culture can be its saviour. Eversince the attack, BJP and its supporters had stood by their opinion that pub culture was against Indian culture, conveniently sweeping the real issue of attack on women under the carpet.

But now the entire issue has taken another twist after top BJP leader and its candidate for the coveted post of Prime Minister Lal Krishna Advani on Saturday February 28 condemning the attack on young women in a Mangalore pub by members of a rightwing Hindu group as a violation of Indian culture.

Speaking to the media after addressing a mammoth rally in state capital Advani said "I strongly condemn the attack on women in Mangalore pub. There can be no compromise on this. It is wrong and against Indian culture and belief. I do not say that everyone needs to have single view point. Every individual is entitled to have his own beliefs and ethos. It is the same with young men and women visiting pubs. Some may approve of it and some may not. But attacking someone just because he or she does to align with your conviction is totally wrong. Everyone needs to condemn it."

This statement from the top BJP gun has surely put state BJP government in a fix. Now it needs to be seen as how the government will respond to Advani's views. One should really hope that this is not just a poll gimmick by veteran and respected BJP leader.

Daijiworld Follow-up:

  • Attack on Pub - Watch Video Click Here
  • Arrest of Prasad Attavar - Watch Video
  • Watch NDTV News Clip - Click Here

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    • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Dear Mr. Prashant Poojary, MUMBAI/DUBAI - The language and tone of your comments adequately reflect your culture and intolerant attitude, same as shown by SRS and BD. It appears that you have deserted Karnataka and India and are even ashamed to refer to your hometown!!??. As, Mr. Joseph Gonsalves and Mr. Michael Lobo have already echoed my thoughts and sentiments I have only one thing to say to you “Grow Up” do not be naïve and childish.

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    • Michael Lobo, Bangalore

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Prashant Poojary , Mumbai - Dubai Your comments has everything, starting from condemnation of beating of girls to closing down bars and also whom the Christians and Muslms and Dalits should vote.

      Well. Now let me try to figure out some order in your chaotic statements. I had written extensively my views but unfortunately they do not get published. BJP as a political party has emerged as a party filled with only higher class and higher caste hindus with fraction percentage from other communities and faiths who do not have much say in the political/governance affairs.

      As a result BJP walks the path of hindu thinking (both extremist and moderate) without giving any space to other views. But India is diverse in culture, faiths, languages, any many more traits. One should take into account all walks of people when the question of governance and democracy comes up. BJP is trying to accommodate non-hindus but its non-constitutional adherence to hindutva neglecting other views makes non-hindus difficult to join BJP.

      Let people follow what they want and they have every right to practice their views within the framework of Indian Constitution. Give respect to individuals irrespective of their way of living. Stop hating people. Do not gauge everyone using hidutva when the question of governance comes.

      I will vote to that party which has represents every citizen of India. Secondly, all hindus have condemned the attacks on women. BUT there is no justice done to catch the attackers and punish them severely and banning the organizations.

      What we witnessed is BJP governments attitude to support hindu organizations by not taking punitive measures. What they did is doing lip-service, making token arrests and letting the goons to roam free. Every incident was masterminded to raise the issues for debating. But whatever issue has been raised through these attacks is well within the fruits of constitution.

       I would be happy if every pub owner including the hindu owners license is canceled. Vijay Malya also pay the price for it. I also would like to see every Man barred from drinking alcohol irrespective of caste and creed.

      Can it be done transparently ? Why just to cancel Amnesia pub license ? There are many pubs working in similar lines owned by elite hindus. Can government apply same rules to every bar ? I see hypocrisy and biased administration. I lost faith in BJP governments because they divide people and rule. Stop dividing people and be neutral when you are elected as a servant of people. Government must be secular.

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Dear Prashant Poojary, I quote your words “Dear Manohar DsouzaMichael LoboFranklin Menezes just answer have your community VOTED for any PARTY EXCEPT Congress, you people just raise when your community are attacked............first you all be INDIAN then BARK - ADVISE on rest/or others. Unquote. When bjp comes to power it is catching the religion first rather than developments. DO NOT BARK ABOUT THE LOYALTY OF CHRISTIANS TO THE NATION. CHRISTIANS ARE WELL AWARE OF LOYALTY TO THE NATION.

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    • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Dear Prasanth, yes that was the mistake committed by the Christians for the first time, by voting for BJP in majority and suffering in result now. You are right since the Independence Christians were opposing communists, BJP did not exist then. Mistakes committed by Mrs. Indira Ghandi, made Christians vote for Janatha Party in 1977 which did not last long. Present created calamity made not only Christians but every educated citizen to understand reality. You too think it over for good.

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    • Ronald, Udupi

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Prashant Poojary, why are you jumping at drink and stip and relating it with family girls? How many pubs in Karnataka it is happening? People go to pub for relaxtion too. If you are not interested, stay away. Those who are interested let them go to pub. Simply do not arrive at false conclusion that pubs are place of drinking and stripping.

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    • Jerome, Mangalore

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Both pub attack and pub bharo are unacceptable to Indian culture.

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    • Pramod Poojary, Mumbai

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Right Said Mr. Eric Coelho, Mangalore/Ajman Lord Macaulays Address to the British Parliament in 1835 said he travelled the length and breadth of India and never found a beggar or a thief, such was the wealth in India.............................................but you missed some TEXT he also told break the backbone of this country by converting and adopting or forcing other that INDIA will lose moral grounds forever. JAI HIND

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    • Prashant Poojary , Mumbai - Dubai

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Dear Manohar DsouzaMichael LoboFranklin Menezes just answer have your community VOTED for any PARTY EXCEPT Congress, you people just raise when your community are attacked............first you all be INDIAN then BARK - ADVISE on rest/or others. Hindus always oppose attacking girls and even encouraging them to adopt pub culture are 2 different things.Sri Ram sena has every right to propagate their thinking but has no right to beat or touch the Girls.It is barbaric.But the govt has every right to discourage Pub culture .They should close down the pubs and Bars.Family Girls have every right to drink and strip but better let them not excercise their right .Let first renukas and dixits allow their family girls to do that.It is the parents duty to bring up the girls and boys in cultured manner.I would suggest Schools ,colleages,Companies should bring in dress code.

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Dear Mr. George Cruze, Administration of any country will see first consequences rather than jumping to attack. The adversary may cause considerable damage by attacking the cities where the civilians dwell. Presently we are the fourth largest economy in the world and before taking further steps let the diplomacy have a chance. This was similar while bjp (NDA) in power and they did not attack but tried to have good relations with Pakistan. Secondly, compared to national security bjp is no match to congress.

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    • Ajay, Mangalore/USA

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      After one month Mr Advani ? I am always intrigued by Mr Advani trying to have it both ways. As an opposition leader he willfully violated supreme court strictures and demolished a mosque with brazen contempt for law. But when he was the home minister later on he expected everyone to follow the rule of law. Mr Advani you are not Mr. Vajpayee, you are not in the same league as Mr Vajpayee, you are not in the same class as Mr Vajpayee. You are desperately short on credibility Sir.

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    • Kushalappa Gowda, Bangalore

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Dear M.Lobo,Bangalore, You are regularly commenting like "Kannada Chaluvali Leader" Vatal Nagaraj. We are proposed to arrange a Public platform to discuss the developmental projects implemented during the Dharam Sing Govt. and Yediyurappa Govt. Please inform us your whereabouts in next comment.

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    • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      How can a prime ministerial candidate sleep on a important issue like attack on women for a month? Do we need a hibernating Prime minister? He is hibernating for the second time in last six months which is unfortunate. Any educated, peace loving, civilized and above all women will accept him as a Prime minister?

      We all thought that BJP would work for the development, but they proved us wrong. Their hidden agenda is very clear to every one now. Tax payer’s money goes to God now which God will never accept. Who knows in the name of God where it goes?

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    • George Cruz, Mangalore/India

      Mon, Mar 02 2009

      Mr. Rocky, Mangalore, if UPA has its own way of dealing with Pakistan, they haven't proven that yet. Did you mean to say that India is relying on western countires to take care of this problem???

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    • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Mr. Michael Lobo's friend blindly trusted the BJP, as a party to bring political stability, but the blind believers are afraid of their own children's safety! Look at the way Mr. Advandi stretching his hands forward? Please go back to the pictures of Hitler era "Hail Hitler". Among politicians of India, Advani is very close in political strategy and demagoguery to Hitler. If anybody has doubt, please read a few pages of Hitler's biography.

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    • Michael Lobo, Bangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Many staunch BJP supporters, who are well educated, are deeply hurt at the attacks on women, even though Church attacks hasn't created a dent in their belief in BJP. I have many BJP friends and one of them was saying to me yesterday that he is a katta BJP and he admires Vajapayee. He voted to BJP thinking of development of the state in mind.

      But after getting to power, they are just busy with implementing their hidden agendas, instead of addressing the issues of whole state, yeddi has assumed the role of a swamiji and he is doing totally nonsensical and unconstitutional work as a CM of Karnataka. If he wants to do such work he should become a swamiji and then do, but he cannot do religious roles of swamijis as a CM .

      Today when my sister wants to go out, she is fearing a lot to go alone. Rama Sena and other groups inspired by the hate-campaigns are not sparing our sisters also. Even though we support BJP but our own girls sometimes may be attacked as they do not wear a identity band on their forehead, stating their allegiance to BJP. There is every possibility that our sisters also can come under attacks by these goons. My parents are worrying more about their daughters safety.

      Yeddi is dividing the people. Stop dividing.  I will never support BJP. I was pained to witness attacks on girls, which shook me as a civilized citizen. So far I was having good opinion on BJP. Now I am angry with them. They are crooked and follow divide and rule policy by dividing people. During congress rule also Rama Sena and Bajaranga Dal groups existed but they never could raise their heads as there would have been a strict action on them.

      These are the precise gist of views my good friend proclaimed. I am sure many thinking BJP supporters would feel the fear in society as a direct consequence of encouragement to Rama Sena/Bajaranga Dal type of goons. He was also saying that it doesnt matter THE QUALITY OF VOTES but QUANTITY MATTERS. So still dividing people (WHICH IS A CRIME) will get BJP to power. We need QUALITY VOTERS to dethrone fundamental elements.

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    • Rocky, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Yes. I agree with Mr. Shareef Moideen, Jeddah. We should not comment about Advani's Origin.

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    • Pradeep, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Well said Shareef Moideen....Can we atleast compare the Indian Advanji with a Pakistani mentality and a Taliban in making??

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    • Ronald, Udupi

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Nagesh maam, there are good comments from Bulsam, Anand and Victor....Are you not irritated?. Now you write with capital letter and underlined!

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    • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      The statement of Advani is embracement for the BJP Government, but readers shouldn’t comment on Advani’s origin. He might be bane for the Indian politics but we should accept him as an Indian and he has the right to talk whatever he feels because we live in democratic country. Please don’t forget that our PM is also born in Pakistan and even UPA chairperson & Congress party president is from Italy. We should not be biased on our comments.

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    • Renuka salian, Mangalore- Attavar

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Advani needs Special school training to give public speech, he talks always crap there is no head & tail in it,some times he himself dont know what he speaks,i think its his age problem or he is having some problem, So we the Indians its our responsibility to think twice before electing this kind of people as our leaders.Its better to send him to PAKISTHAN so that others can live thier life happily.

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    • Madhu, mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Mr advaniji From Pak yes , But Time When It was Part of India.MR Stevi.on what way he has no right.when a lady from italy lead A political party in india

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    • Pramila M.K., Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      A Hindu Fundamentalist to be the PM of India? Noway!!Adwani will never become the PM as he said that Pakistan Is secular!!

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    • Franklin Menezes, Kalmadi, Malpe

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      It is a strange thing about Indian culture quoted by Advanji. When Christian Churches were attacked by the so called saffron leaders and destroyed the secular fabrics of our Constitution there was no comment from the so called Prime Ministerial candidate.

      When the Babri Masjid was demolished because of the leadership of Advani what was ultimate gain to him which has resulted with perpetuating animosity and distrust among peace loving people belonging Hindu and Muslim community. All the recent comments from the top brasses of the so called party leaders are nothing nut to catch the fish in the troubled waters.

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    • Rocky, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Mr. George Cruz Mangalore/USA, you said "the UPA has already proved its inaction/incompetence in dealing with the recent Mumbai terror attacks". What do you mean by this? They have their own way to handle these things! Do you think India should have d war against Pakistan like BJP says???

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    • bhaskar, mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Well said Jude.Wake up Mr. Nagesh Nayak!!

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    • shahnwaz kukkikatte, udupi/dubai

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Well said Mr Jude, Mangalore/Dubai. Well said. I think and agree with you that Nagesh mama must have gone into deep slumber.

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    • Joe D S NAVUNDA/KUWAIT, padukone

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Magermachke anso kaam na aynge advanijj   Go back to pakishan

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    • shahnawaz kukkikatte, udupi/dubai

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      If I am not wrong, the Indian culture according to BJP is to visit gadang, drink local made alcohol, dance and tumble in the road, fall unconscious and come home and beat poor/innocent wife and children. If some one does it, he is following the true Indian culture, which you cant see in western countries. Am I right Mr Advani?

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    • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Our politicians currently do not appear to be having any constructive issues. They are giving us useless lectures on Indian Culture and Morals instead of concentrating on the real issues of development, education, infrastructure and unemployment. It is very true that people of Karnataka voted for BJP because they wanted change.

      However, they wanted change for the BETTER and not for WORSE and no one ever imagined that there would be such a gross failure of law, order, justice and human rights. Now thanks to BJP, Karnataka is trying to compete with Bihar and Orissa to get branded as a lawless state. It is up to the people to decide whether they want to have such an inefficient government at the centre.

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    • stevi, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      First of all Advani does not have right to speak about India because HE IS FROM PAKISTAN!!!!!!! about becoming PM of India NO WAY

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    • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

      Sun, Feb 01 2009

      Dear Mr Nagesh Nayak, Have you gone into hibernation?. Why are there no comments from you on pseudo secular comments by your great uncle Advanaji?. Are these comments not pseudo secular just to please the younger generation to capture their votes. Why is he today going against Indian culture as you see it. Will you quit the BJP now since big uncle does not agree with you?. It would be great to have your fundamentalist comments on this subject.All of us readers are waiting.

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    • Ash,

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Whar about Malengaon blast?? one side they are(BJP)protecting the terrorists like Sadhvi,Purohith & other side they opposing the terrorism..Now people of India clearly know who is behind all the blasts & who is real Indian Mujahideen(=RSS)!!!

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    • Ram Bhat, Udupi

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Muthalik's rama Sene says Pub culture is against Indian Culture. But Advani Says Pub Attack is against Indian culture. Yarannu namba beku yarannu bidabeku . neeve omme heli swami. " Ithu entha lokavayya???"

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      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      A guy born in Pakistan has no rite to talk about Indian culture. Jai Hind.

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    • Rajesh Shetty, udupi

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Dear Advaniji, you do not have any rights to talk about the Indian Culture. You are one of the main member of babari masjid demolish committee. You do not talk about Indian culture because you already Brocken the Indian culture.

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    • Auldius Pais, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Mr. Advani, what Indian Culture? Is it election culture? If you were really concerned about the attack on women and molestation, (and some allege outraging the girls' modesty by attempting to tear their clothing) why did it take 5 weeks for you to speak up?

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    • Antony, Udupi

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Mr. Advani so many women might have been beaten and killed in Gujarat and Babari Majid riots, you mean this is Indian culture, why don’t you people define what is Indian culture, Weston culture,i am fail to understand what is Indian culture.

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    • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      I see quite a few comments against Mr.Advani and the BJP. Mr.Advani is a smart politician (like any other politicians) took his own time to comment on the Mangalore pub incident and the Indian culture. Do we any alternative choice?? The alternative viable and winnable party is probably the UPA. But the UPA has already proved its inaction/incompetence in dealing with the recent Mumbai terror attacks. The people of Karnataka wanted a change and that is the reason they elected BJP.

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    • Bulsam, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Mr. Advani, Pub attack was not the only incident created by the Sangh Parivar in Mangalore. Poor Muslim cattle traders were attacked several times. Even strip naked an old Muslim man & his son and brutally assaulted them, then published their photo in the newspapers. Several churches, priests, nuns & devotees were brutally attacked & not even spared the most famous Milagres Church.

      Mixed community children going to ice-cream parlour, college tours, traveling by bus were brutally assaulted. Owner & guest of a private function were murderously attacked. There are so many such incidents perpetrated by the Bajrang Dals & Shiv Seniks in South Kanara & Udupi Districts.

      These incidents did not get any national media attention hence Advani conveniently ignored them. Advaniji kindly highlight this when you visit Mangalore & order your Home Minister Acharya to charge sheet all those culprits.

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    • F.L.Fernandis, Bangalore/usa

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      It is too late to comment by Mr Advani.Leaders twist their tongue as per their requirements and situations.Mr Advani is good in it.When he visited Pakistan he gave a statement about Mr Jinha,you all know about it.Elections are approaching near by.Political colour will change.Any way people should know about it.Can't help.

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    • Abu saad, Mangalore/KSA

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      OH..... Advaniji, are you trying to please the young voters

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    • Anand, Dubai

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Advani, we do not need your condemnation on these pub attacks of mangalore. We all know what you are capable of, and your uncanny knack of dealing with communal issues.It took you more than a month to do what you did today. If useless people like Muthalik have gathered courage to commit such acts it is only because of your so called "blind eye" in the past.

      You & your useless bunch of party members take sides to conveniently suit your own hidden agenda. And, mind you ,so is every other political party whether it is congress or JD or BD. People like you have today taken our country to the dogs & I believe that one day the almighty will show goons like you their rightful place.

      I do not place my faith in useless bunch of politicians like you who open their mouths while campaigning & open your pockets to siphon off funds for anti communal projects like the ones we have seen in Mangalore recently. Advani, if you have the courage initiate a process where the SRS culprits are booked under the Law & each of these rowdy organizations banned from even lifting a finger in Mangalore (you can try rest of India later, that is, if you succeed in Mangalore on an experimental basis)

      We all know you or your party has simply not got the "B" factor. To all my fellow readers no offence given ,none taken. Regards, Anand

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    • Vashal, M'lore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Advani the traitor once again showing his colour changing attitude.BJP wants to gain votes now they can talk any nonssense as it comes from their mouth to please the innocent peaple.

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    • Roshan, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      I see a striking resemblance between Advani and the Pakistani government! They do U turns on their policies overnite! Makes me sick to believe that such people oppose the government in power and cause chaos in the parliament.

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    • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Now politicians are busy tuning the culture, twisting the culture but not at all worried about the law and order in the state.

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    • Walter Saldanha, Mangalore, India

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Advaniji, though late you have condemned it. You have said that "......................attacking someone is totally wrong and everyone needs to condemn it". Right, but is it enough, just to condemn the deed. What about the punishment? The victims were treated very badly and they may have this traumatic experience throughout their life unless the culprits get punishment.

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    • Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Does our Indian culture values pubs more than places of worship? Attack on pubs and women is against Indian culture but attacks on places of worship and religious persons are acts of patriotism! Can anyone explain to me what is Hindutva? If Sri Ram was alive today, he would have gone on another 14 years of "Vanavas"! May all the gods of all the religions of the world protect this country.

      In spite of all this I am still a proud Indian and I mean it. PM in waiting, you better put your priorities before the nation during this global financial crisis and then go begging for votes.

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    • Prasad Ullal, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Advaniji, finally you woke up, however we are looking some young leader like Obama to take over India, we are fed from your politics, TIME TO CHANGE THE OLD FACES...Better you/Modi Take sanyasa we will consider voting your party...

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    • Jagannath Rai, Dubai

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

       Advani....Govt sponsored (poor peoples tax money)BJP's Party program...shame for Yyeddy govt....

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      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Mr. Advani, What about your party people raped women in Gujarath and Orissa, Is it Indian culture. Do you have any comments?

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    • george borromeo, angelore, mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Advani saab I couldn't believe my eyes to read about your comment on Mangalore Pub Attack!!! Yeh Politics bahuth buri cheese hai.Mosale Kanniru.

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    • bilal, Karkala/riyadh

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Running pub is not indian culture. attacking young women is not indian culture. But twisting the toungue is only remain as indian culture for mr. adwani

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    • Alwyn, CANADA

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      It takes 35 days to respond to  one incident for PM candidate Advani. India is  such a large nation, if incase war breaks out, how this  man will handle the situation.

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    • Eric Coelho, Mangalore/Ajman

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Well played Political Trick by Advani. We are hearing soothing words of a going to be P.M. of this (He will not Mark my Words) Country that it was wrong to Attack Women. Let Advani Recollect that he was in the Forefront of the Babri Masjid Demoliliton. Till today he has not apologised. Let Advani Also recollect that he was the Home Minister when he gave release of the Dreaded Terrorist Azhar Mahmood. It is time that these Youngsters who are the future of this country to think properly as there is enough time for the Country's Election. They should and vote for a Very Honest, People Serving Candidate and not a Selfish and Greedy Candidate.

      It is time that as Voters we are interested in those Leaders who can bring prosperity to this Country. Lord Macaulays Address to the British Parliament in 1835 said he travelled the Length and BReadth of India and never found a Beggar or a thief, such was the wealth in India. But today there is so much of Poverty, So many beggars, So many Criminal Activities and so on and this is all because of our leaders. Nearly 1400 Billion Dollars is stacked in Swiss Bank. It is time the Next Govt brings back this wealth to India. My Earnest Advice Vote for Good/Honest Candidates that serves the People and not candidates who entertains us with Words and play with Voters Sentiments. Advani Please Go Home and Retire.

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    • Linzhi, Mangalore, Qatar

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Advaniji, the time for condemning the event is long over. It should have been done on the day it occured. Now it is time for action against the culprits. If the BJP government takes firm action against the perpetrators of the crime, then people can see the sincerity in your statement.

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    • Vincy, Mulky/Dubai

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      It must have come as a shock to many who stood by Ram Sene attackers, Nirmala, HM & CM, who defended the attackers directly and indirectly. Now their top boss speak exactly like many of us, who opposed it, got ourself called as psudo secularists, pro-congress, pro-western culture. Ultimately common sense prevails over non-sense, here is the evidence.

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    • Bagvandas, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      O Mr. Hosabettu...The puppet of BJP govt in Karnataka where are you now?/Did you hear what your Big Netha ( Advani) said?? If You have guts file a case against him. and Where is that old lady who came to submit report on Pub Attack?? Finally where are those Pro-commentator of Rama sene ?? what all you say about Advani Now? Madiddunno Maraya........

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    • rohit, bangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      People should not belive advani, as he is architect of rath yathra where many innocent Indians lost thier lives during rath yathra

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    • rohit, bangalore

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      people should not belive advani,as he is architect of rath yathra where many innocent indians lost thier lives during rath yathra

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    • MOHAN POOJARY, Kankanady,Mangalore

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Mr.Advani then what about,demolishing Babari Majid on 6.6.1992 it was Indian Culture

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    • Abdul, UBAR/DOHA

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      Well said Advaniji... at least for vote sake you have told truth... if your people are showing the same behaviour in future, you cannot become a PM forever even in your dream also.. just give a moral class to your people "how to live as a good citizen" especially to Muthalik & team..

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    • Raju, udupi

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Dear Advaniji, I want to know who wrote your today's speech. I think made pap and cheated your brother Mutalik.

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      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Jiska inthzaar zyaada rehthaa hai,, uska comments hamesha dher se aata hai..???? ufffff its too late Mr. Dreaming PM of india, hope your dream will be dream forever next PM will be our RAHUL GANDHI the young ICON of INDIA.

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    • c ferrer, mangalore

      Sun, Mar 01 2009

      So at last the freedoms that are enshrined in our constitution are being commented on. So pubs are bad, so taverns are bad because they are frequented by the poor and the middle class- if it is not Indian Culture then how come all the ministers and politicians and beaurocrats frequent functions where there is liquor served ( and imbibed too though some do it in a very curious way- teacups, mixed with cola etc).

      If Indian culture is what is at stake then what are we opening the country to the world and the world to our country. Is gambling Indian Culture how come in Goa there are shore based and floating casinos- where are the Rama Sena people. A parent imbibes values in his/her children.Why has the Rama Sena not gone and thrashed the parents of the helpless girls instead if they think the parents have done wrong. Because they would have been thrashed themselves.

      Assault we are told can only be charged if the helpless girls had made a complaint- photos do not tell lies. The girls are too frightened to even identify themselves and I believe that one of them has even been threatened if she dares to.. Please let the people be we are not a country of thugs but we have values imbibed in us- that is why the world is trying to follow a lot of our values. If the Rama Sena has their way we are doomed Goa had 65 pct in tourism this year due to the Mumbai blasts, the Scarlett affair and the Mangalore attacks on helpless individuals. God help us

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    • Rajesh Shetty, udupi

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Today Advani tells some thing and tomorrow Modi telling sometime. Dear not all go behind this politician. We need peace in Mangalore.

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    • Dusty R., India

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      When the US president has done it, can the PM in waiting, Advani be far behind???.Obama prior to becoming the president, was all against the money and arms supplies to Pakistan, noting that, they were being used agaist India. Now, being the President has cooly, trebled the money flow to Pakistan. Advani after winning, may also chage his mind.

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    • Lancy D'Souza, Mangalore

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Hope Mr.P.P.Hegde and Mr.Hosabettu are listening what their leader said. For God's sake don't file any case against Mr.Advani in Mangalore Court for his statement. What he said is nothing less than 'Talibanisation' without referring to it.

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      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Dear Mr Advani, With due respect to you and your party please advice your leaders in Karnataka not to make mockery of degrading the Indian culture where they make their own statement without realising even basics of Hinduism or Indian culture.We are from South kanara and Udupi feel ashamed with the spoiled name with this uncivilized attitude which has brought Mangalore a bad name. Please advice to refrian all BJP and other party associates from attacking Holy places like churches and unarmed ladies . If they are brave let them show thei bravery and go and join armed forces and go to border to defend our Mother land.

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    • Remigius Dsouza, Belthangady/Dubai

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Where was Mr.advani so far. As we all know the election is near now he is passing sweet comment on this. When our religious nuns (sisters) beaten by police last time where were our politicians that time... please comment..

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    • jerry, sharjah, vamanjoor

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      If u take 34 days to comment on this issue, how u will run the country if u become PM of india.

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    • Carol, Mangalore/KSA

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Poll gimmick. We dont need this now.

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    • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      When the people of India will learn about this classical politician? He has a statement for every event and for each place! Was he sleeping when the attacks took place weeks back? In Pakistan, he will praise Jinnah, in north India he will be a hardcore Hindu, and while in Kerala speaking in a Christian gathering, he will be acting like a disciple worked with St. Thomas.

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    • sam, mangalore/juabil, ksa

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Well, just now Advaniji woke up from his sleep and came to know what had happened in Mangalore when all the Mangaloreans are trying to forget such incident. What a political gimmick by a leader prior the election. It may give me the same impact when Mr. Advani said Jiina is a secular leader.

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    • abid, udupi

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Where is mayor? He should now file case against Advani

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    • anna, mangalore

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Yes Advaniji, u r absolutely rite and ur reaction of pub attack specially women attack in mangalore is too late, to people to accept u as a good leader. Where were u during church attack, pub attack, molestating the girl by BJD? May be busy with election campaigns. Very well drama for coming up election.

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    • Jerry, Mumbai

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Dear Advani, If you condemn pub Attack, why don't you ask VS Acharya to step down from the Home ministry since he is unable to control Goondaism in mangalore? It took 34 days for you to comment on this issue. right?

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    • Navi D'souza, Mangalore/Dubai

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      It’s too late Mr.Advani. people know this is ur drama for next election

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    • R Prabhu, IXE/KSA

      Sat, Feb 28 2009

      Very well said Advaniji. We needed such comments on the day of the attack.

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